CAAB - Codes for Australian Aquatic Biota - Taxa List

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List of 24 taxa grouped by families - click on CAAB code to see taxon report.

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Animalia (kingdom)   Chordata (phylum)   Holocephali (class)

CAAB Scientific Name Authority AS5300 AS5301 Common Created Revised
37 043001 Callorhinchus milii (Bory de Saint-Vincent, 1823) Elephantfish Elephantfish 1997-01-01 2009-01-06
37 043901 Callorhinchus spp. 2012-10-05
37 043000 Callorhinchidae elephantfishes 1999-08-10 2004-08-17
37 042009 Chimaera argiloba Last, White & Pogonoski, 2008 Whitefin Chimaera 1997-01-01 2008-07-21
37 042005 Chimaera fulva Didier, Last & White, 2008 Southern Chimaera 1997-01-01 2008-07-21
37 042008 Chimaera lignaria Didier, 2002 Giant Chimaera Giant Chimaera 1997-01-01 2004-02-06
37 042007 Chimaera macrospina Didier, Last & White, 2008 Longspine Chimaera 1997-01-01 2008-07-21
37 042006 Chimaera obscura Didier, Last & White, 2008 Shortspine Chimaera 1997-01-01 2008-07-21
37 042001 Chimaera ogilbyi Waite, 1898 Ogilby's Ghostshark Ogilby's Ghostshark 1997-01-01 2018-09-12
37 042902 Chimaera spp. 2012-10-05
37 042010 Hydrolagus homonycteris Didier, 2008 Black whitefin 1997-01-01 2008-07-21
37 042011 Hydrolagus marmoratus Didier, 2008 Marbled whitefin 1997-01-01 2008-07-21
37 042750 Hydrolagus novaezealandiae (Fowler, 1911) [a shortnose chimaera] 2002-11-29 2002-11-29
37 042013 Hydrolagus sp. D [in National Fish Collection] giant black ghostshark 2004-03-23 2009-01-06
37 042012 Hydrolagus trolli Didier & Séret, 2002 Abyssal whitefin 2004-03-23 2009-03-18
37 042901 Hydrolagus spp. ghostsharks 2009-10-21
37 042000 Chimaeridae GHOSTSHARK GHOSTSHARK 1999-08-10
37 044001 Harriotta avia Finucci, Didier, Ebert, Green & Kemper, 2024 Bigspine Spookfish Bigspine Spookfish 1997-01-01 2025-01-13
37 044003 Harriotta haeckeli Karrer, 1972 Smallspine Spookfish Smallspine Spookfish 1997-01-01 2025-01-13
37 044901 Harriotta spp. 2012-10-05
37 044004 Rhinochimaera africana Compagno, Stehmann & Ebert, 1990 Paddlenose Spookfish Paddlenose Spookfish 1997-01-01
37 044002 Rhinochimaera pacifica (Mitsukuri, 1895) Pacific Spookfish Pacific Spookfish 1997-01-01
37 044902 Rhinochimaera spp. 2012-10-05
37 044000 Rhinochimaeridae spookfishes 1999-08-10

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