The programme and abstracts book for Bio-logging 4 can be downloaded here.
Plenary Guinet C. Linking the ecology of top marine predators with oceanography. The combination of biologging data with satellite derivated information.
Plenary Hooker S. From individuals to populations: movements, foraging, fitness and the comparative method.
O1.01 Davis R, Madden K, Fuiman L and Williams T. Classification of free-ranging Weddell seal dives based on three-dimensional movements and video-recorded prey capture.
O1.08 Hindell M, Bost C, Charrassin J-B, Gales N, Goldsworthy S, Lea M-A, O'Toole M, Pederson H and Guinet C. Foraging habitats of top predators, and areas of ecological significance on the Kerguelen Plateau.
O1.17 Harcourt R, Field I, Hindell M, Lea M-A, Goldsworthy S, Page B and Boomer A. Australian Animal Tagging and Monitoring System: AATAMS phase 2, biologging 'time for us to grow up and share the data'.
O2.01 Faustino C, McConnell B, Duck C, Grellier K and Sparling C. Bio-logging science into management policy.
O2.02 Eveson P, Basson M and Hobday A. Are archival tags useful for fisheries management? Incorporating archival tag data in a tag-based assessment model.
O2.06 Goldsworthy S, Hamer D, Page B, Lowtgher A, Shaughnessy P, Hindell M, Burch P, Costa D, Fowler SL, Peters K and McIntosh R. Correcting bycatch rates for encounter probability: using satellite telemetry data to model the distribution of foraging effort of a population of Australian sea lions and estimate and mitigate bycatch in a demersal gillnet fishery.
O3.01 Sumner M. Location estimation and track models.
O3.02 Pedersen M, Thygesen UH, Baktoft H and Madsen H. Inidividual based popualtion inference using tagging data.
O3.08 Battaile BC and Trites AW. Caomparing medium scale foraging behaviour of northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus) from two Bering Sea islands with dramatically different population trends.
O3.14 Thierry A-M, Massemin S, Handrich Y, Le Maho Y, Kato A and Raclot T. Stress hormone affects incubation behaviour of male Adélie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae).
O3.17 Casper RM, Sumner MD, Hindell MA, Gales NJ, Staniland IJ and Goldsworthy SD. The influence of diet on foraging habitat models.
O3.19 Fedak M. MEOP: its genesis, accomplishments and legacy.
O3.21 Miller P, Aoki K, Watanabe Y, Crocker D, Robinson P, Biuw M, Costa D, Miyazaki N and Fedak M. The search for widely-applicable methods to measure body condition of diving animals: three at-sea metrics of body density validated in northern elephant seals.
O3.22 Lowther A, Goldsworthy S, Harcourt R and Hamer D. Avoiding the crowds: temporal stability of alternate foraging behaviours in adult female Australian sea lions.
O4.01 Vandenabeele SP and Wilson RP. When 3% may not be 3%; device equipped seabirds experience variable flight constraints.
O4.02 Berger A, Heckmann I and Kramer-Schadt S. What can long-term and continuous acceleration measurements on terrestrial wildlife tell us?
O4.03 Prieto R, Silva MA, Cascão I, Cruz MJ, Oliveira CIB, Waring G, Vaz J and Gonçalves J. Satellite telemetry as a tool to help defining the International Whaling Commission mangement areas.
O4.08 Tancell C, Phillips R, Xavier J, Amano T, Tarling G and Sutherland WJ. Using seabird tracking data for the identification of important marine areas in the Southern Ocean.
O4.09 Metcalfe J, Sims D, Hays G, Hochschield S, Hetherington S, Bendall V and Righton D. All washed up, a low-cost, 'flotsam' method for retrieving archival tags from marine animals.
O4.13 Focardi S and Cecere JG. The use of GPS and compass loggers to reconstruct high-resolution trajectories in Cory's shearwaters (Calonectris diomedea) to investigate search strategies.
O4.19 Dassis M, Ponce de León A, Bastida R, Barreiro C, Farenga M, Davis R and Rodríguez D. Foraging areas of female southern sea lions in La Plata River estuary (Argentina-Uruguay).
O4.22 Abecassis M, Polovina J and Dewar H. Modeling swordfish daytime vertical habitat in the North Pacific Ocean from pop-up archival tags.
O5.05 Ver Hoef J, Higgs M and London J. Movement up and down: modeling dive depth of harbour seals from time depth recorders.
O5.08 Goetsch C, Robinson PW, Breed GA, Maxwell SM, Fowler MA, Teutschel NM, Simmons SE, Costa DP and Crocker DE. When is El Niño too hot to handle? Evidence of a tolerance threshold for a marine top predator.
O5.12 Hobday A, Kawabe R, Fujioka K, Itoh T, Miyashita K and Takao Y. Acoustic tagging: abundance indicies and habitat use. Juvenile southern bluefin tuna in Western Australia.
O5.14 Garrigue C, Clapham P, Gales N, Geyer Y, Oremus M and Zerbini A. Oceanic seamounts: a new humpback whale habitat discovered using satellite tagging.
O5.13 Costa D, Huckstadt L, Robinson P, Simmons S, McDonald B, Goebel M, Crocker D, Guinet C, Hindell M, Meulbert M and Fedak M. Foraging ecology of southern and northern elephant seals.
O5.16 Palacios D, Mate B, Bailey H, Hazen E, Irvine L, Bograd S and Costa D. Exploring blue whale large-scale ecology in the northeast Pacific.
P1.02 Broadbent HA, Ketterl TP, Silverman AM and Torres JJ. A CTD-tag to determine physical microstructure use by marine predators.
P1.03 Cleeland JB, Hindell MA, Lea M-A and Andrews-Goff V. 'Honeymoon' flights of the short-tailed shearwater.
P2.01 Huveneers C, Beckmann C, Rogers P, Bruce B, Seuront L and Semmens J. Assessing the impacts of berlying from shark cage-diving operators on the fine-scale movements of the white shark (Carcharodon carcharias).
P2.05 Lewis A, Trueman C, Darnaude A and Hunter E. Unlocking the bio-logging potential of otoliths as natural tags: disentangling environmental and physiological influences on otolith microchemistry.
P3.03 Fais A, Johnson M, Aguilar N and Madsen P. Search tactics of echolocating male sperm whales in a bimodal foraging mode.
P3.11 Horning M and Hill R. Vital rate telemetry in marine homeotherms: a new tool for population monitoring. The life history transmitter.
P3.14 Kirkwood R and Lynch M. Winter foraging areas of different sized Australian fur seals in the shallow waters of Bass Strait: is there segregation?
P3.25 Tyson RB, Friedlaender AS, Ware C, Stimpert AK and Nowacek DP. Humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) mother and calf foraging behaviour: insights from multi-sensor suction cup tags.
P4.02 Blanco GS, Morreale SJ, Seminoff JA, Paladino FV and Spotila JR. Satellite telemetry reveals hot spot for conversation of east Pacific green turtles during internesting in Costa Rica.
P4.08 Hoenner X, McMahon CR, Whiting SD and Hindell MA. Conservation through satellite telemetry: how accurate are state-space models and other Argos-derived datasets?
P4.09 Jaine FRA, Couturier LIE, Richardson AJ, Townsend KA, Bennet MB and Weeks, SJ. Movements of the plankton-feeding manta ray Manta alfredi and dynamics of the East Australia Current: preliminary results on reasons for movement and diving behaviour.
P4.12 Leung ES, Chilvers BL, Nakagawa S and Robertson B. Size and experience matter: foraging behaviour of juvenile New Zealand sea lions.
P5.05 Campbell HA, Watts ME and Franklin CE. The rhythm and rhyme of animal movement: finding the beat by signal processing.
P5.08 Deppe L and Scofield P. Movement patterns and habitat preferences of two albatross species at a shared wintering site.
P5.09 Evans K, Cowley R and Hartog J. Free ranging ocean observing systems: maximising the use of ocean data collected from marine animals.
P5.11 Gray T, Flagg M, Crenshaw M, Harkness J and Kimley AP. Earth magnetic field augmented position estimation for marine animal tags.
P5.15 Liebsch N, McMahon CR, Wilson RP and Adelung D. Quantifying 'at sea' resting behaviour of habour seals - clues to assessing foraging performance and habitat adaptation.
P5.16 Photopoulou T, Matthiopoulos J, Thomas L and Fedak M. Assessing the uncertainty of SMRU CTD-SRDL dive profiles abstracted using the broken-stick algorithm.
Photo credit: CSIRO Marine & Atmospheric Research