Abstracts are required for both oral and poster presentations. All abstracts are to be submitted via email to the steering committee of Bio-logging 4. The closing date for all abstract submissions is 30 September 2010.
No abstracts will be accepted after 30 September 2010.
Once submitted, all abstracts will be sent out for review and assessed for their suitability against the theme sessions identified. Refer to the theme sessions for details on their content. Once assessed, authors will be contacted individually with details of the review of their abstracts.
An author may be the first author on only one abstract submission.
Abstracts must be clearly and concisely written in good English. Authors whose native language is not English should consult someone fluent in English prior to submission of the abstract. Good writing improves the speed and effectiveness of the review process.
The abstract should be typewritten in Times Roman size 11 font with single spaced lines throughout the whole of the abstract. Do not select and change any text (with the exception of scientific names into italics). Use capital letters only when the letters or words should appear in capitals. Do not use Word 'styles' or other templates. Please remove hyperlinks from email addresses and webpages included in the text. Clear the abstract of any ‘track changes’ notations and comments. Please check symbols, abbreviations and technical terms for accuracy, consistency and readability. This will assist in the layout and formatting for the Program Handbook.
Abstracts must be submitted as Word documents. Do not submit other file formats (e.g. pdfs). Please name your completed Word document in the following manner:
Lastname_Initials_theme number.doc, clearly identifying your name and the theme session your abstract is being submitted to.
Abstracts that are not formatted correctly and in the correct file format will not be reviewed.
Abstract content should be in the following order:
Title: Use capital letters only when the letters or words should appear in capitals – do not capitalise the entire title. The title should clearly and concisely describe the abstract content and should be kept as short as possible.
Authors: Authors should be listed in the order in which they are to appear at the head of presentation/poster. List each author last name first followed by initials, using superscripts to identify multiple author addresses/affiliations. The lead author should be identified by an asterisk.
Author Addresses: each address should be listed on a separate line and superscripted similarly to author names.
Lead author contact email: list the lead authors contact email. Remove any hyperlinks associated with the address.
Abstract: The abstract should be a maximum of 300 words. Do not indent the first line of each paragraph of the abstract. Do not add graphics, tables, keywords or references.
Presentation type: Poster/oral/none preferred.
An example abstract is located here
Photo credits (L-R): K. Evans, M. Lea