Workshops discussing related topics to bio-logging to be held in association with the conference provide a unique opportunity to progress particular aspects of bio-logging science. Workshops to be run in association with Bio-logging 4 are aimed at increasing the level of scientific discussion across the bio-logging community, interactions with international experts and to encourage participation by early career scientists.
• Bio-logged data management and sharing
Date: Wednesday 16 March 2011
Venue: Freycinet Room, CSIRO Marine & Atmospheric Research, Castray Esplanade, Hobart
Contact: Francesca Cagnacci (
Further information on and registration for this workshop can be found on the workshop website
The final programme for this workshop can be found here
• CLIOTOP Working Group 2: linking the physiology, behaviour and distribution of top predators with environmental cues
Date: Saturday 19 March 2011
Venue: Churchill Room, Salamanca Inn, Hobart
Contact: Karen Evans (
Further information on this workshop can be found here
Workshop agenda
• Fine-scale on-animal movement sensing: methods, performance and limitations
Date: Sunday 13 March 2011
Venue: Centenary Lecture Theatre, University of Tasmania, Churchill Avenue, Sandy Bay
Contact: Mark Johnson (
Further information on this workshop can be found here
• Multivariate biologging: ensuring accuracy in describing animal energy budgets
Date: Saturday 12 March 2011
Venue: University Club, University of Tasmania, Sandy Bay
Contact: Peter Frappell (
Further information on this workshop can be found here
• Objectively diving into the analysis of time-series depth recorder series and behavioral data records
Date: Saturday 12 March 2011
Venue: Wellington Room, Wrest Point Hotel and Conference Centre, Sandy Bay
Contact: Jamie Womble (
Further information on this workshop can be found here
• Tagging through the stages: technical and ecological challenges in observing life histories through bio-logging
Date: Wednesday 16 March 2011
Venue: Wellington Room, Wrest Point Hotel and Conference Centre, Sandy Bay
Contact: George Shillinger ( or Helen Bailey (
Further information on this workshop can be found here
• The use of visual media with data in bio-logging
Date: Wednesday 16 March 2011
Venue: Auditorium, CSIRO Marine & Atmospheric Research, Castray Esplanade, Hobart
Contact: Randall Davis (, Greg Marshall ( and Katsufumi Sato (
Further information on this workshop can be found here
Photo credits: M. Lea