Data Trawler - Survey Details

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Voyage details and related metadata, reports, events and data.

SS2011_V04    - is a Marine National Facility voyage

Period: 2011-08-25 02:00 to 2011-09-13 06:00 UTC

Duration: 19.17 days

From: Fremantle To: Geraldton

Region: Leeuwin Current West Australian Coast

Ship: Southern Surveyor [details]

Description: Southern Surveyor Research Voyage ss2011_v04 Biological Oceanography of Western Rock Lobster Larvae - Part 2. Scientific Objectives: Lack of knowledge of Western Australia's fisheries oceanography fundamentally limits understanding of the recruitment of Western Rock Lobster, Panulirus cygnus, in a fishery worth $200-300 million/year to Australia. The life cycle of P. cygnus includes a planktonic "phyllosoma" larval stage that is transported up to 1500 km offshore via ocean currents. Development continues for approximately 9 - 11 months at sea, before juveniles ("puerulus")return over the shelf to recruit to coastal reef areas. Critical to improving the management of this fishery, which is under intensive review, is appropriate process information about the oceanographic mechanisms driving coastal recruitment. The last three years of puerulus settlement have been low, with the latest (2008/09) settlement the lowest in 40 years of monitoring and not explained by the environmental factors previously identified as affecting settlement. The cause of the low settlement represents a key unknown for managers assessing the sustainability of WA's coastal fisheries, and is likely to be driven by variation in food availability during the open-ocean stage of the phyllosoma larvae. Our study will test the hypothesis that the ocean productivity, particularly the nitrate-driven classic food chain supporting diatoms, copepods and other zooplankton, limits phyllosoma growth rate and survival in their oceanic phase. We will execute this study at, or after the peak, of the autumn/winter plankton bloom in the Leeuwin Current, with the aim of quantifying oceanographic parameters crucial to modelling rock lobster larval dynamics.

Leader: A.Waite (UWA)

Project: National Facility External Users: A.Waite (University of W.A.) [details]

Voyage extents: 32° 40.5' S to 28° 37.2' S    109° 57.8' E to 115° 44.7' E Get voyage track shapefile Get CSV

Marlin Metadata:-

  • Southern Surveyor Voyage SS2011_V04 ADCP Data [details]

  • Southern Surveyor Voyage SS2011_V04 CTD Data [details]

  • Southern Surveyor Voyage SS2011_V04 Hydrology Data [details]

  • Southern Surveyor Voyage SS2011_V04 Nacelle (towed CTD) Data [details]

  • Southern Surveyor Voyage SS2011_V04 Raw Data Tapes and Documentation [details]

  • Southern Surveyor Voyage SS2011_V04 Underway Data [details]

  • Metadata from OBIS Australia datasets:- biological data is published via the OBIS-AU IPT server and delivered to one or more of OBIS, ALA and GBIF

  • Condition of larvae of western rock lobster (Panulirus cygnus) in cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies of the Leeuwin Current off Western Australia (2011)

    Download from OBIS Australia IPT View at - Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS)    Atlas of Living Australia (ALA)    GBIF

  • Participants - on ship:-

    Alicia Sutton Research Assistant Murdoch University
    Andrew Jeffs Scientist University of Auckland (NZ)
    Anya Waite Chief Investigator University of Western Australia
    Christin Sawstrom Scientist University of Western Australia
    Eric Raes Research Officer University of Western Australia
    Hiski Kippo MNF Computing Support CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart
    Jonathon Saville Student Volunteer
    Josh Dornan Senior Technical Officer WA Department of Fisheries
    Lisa Woodward MNF Voyage Manager CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart
    Lynnath Beckley Deputy Chief Scientist Murdoch University
    Peter Hughes MNF Hydrochemistry Support CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart
    Peter Thompson Senior Scientist CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart
    Richard O'Rorke PhD Student University of Auckland (NZ)
    Rod Palmer MNF Electronics Support/ Deputy Voyage Manager CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart
    Sue Reynolds MNF Hydrochemistry Support CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart

    This list includes those that may have only been on part of the voyage. See voyage reports on 'Reports and Maps' tab for details.

    Marine National Facility Reports - plans, summaries and data processing

    Publications, reports and datasets from this voyage.


    • Bakker, Dorothee C E; Pfeil, Benjamin; Smith, Karl; Hankin, Steven; Olsen, Are; Alin, Simone R; Cosca, Catherine E; Harasawa, Sumiko; Kozyr, Alexander; Nojiri, Yukihiro; O'Brien, Kevin M; Schuster, Ute; Telszewski, Maciej; Tilbrook, Bronte; Wada, Chisato; Akl, John; Barbero, Leticia; Bates, Nicolas R; Boutin, Jacqueline; Bozec, Yann; Cai, Wei-Jun; Castle, Robert D; Chavez, Francisco P; Chen, Lei; Chierici, Melissa; Currie, Kim I; de Baar, Hein J W; Evans, Wiley; Feely, Richard A; Fransson, Agneta; Gao, Zhongyong; Hales, Burke; Hardman-Mountford, Nicolas J; Hoppema, Mario; Huang, Wei-Jen; Hunt, Christopher W; Huss, Betty; Ichikawa, Tadafumi; Johannessen, Truls; Jones, Elizabeth M; Jones, Steve D; Jutterstrøm, Sara; Kitidis, Vassilis; Körtzinger, Arne; Landschützer, Peter; Lauvset, Siv K; Lefèvre, Nathalie; Manke, Ansley; Mathis, Jeremy T; Merlivat, Liliane; Metzl, Nicolas; Murata, Akihiko; Newberger, Timothy; Omar, Abdirahman M; Ono, Tsuneo; Park, Geun-Ha; Paterson, Kristina; Pierrot, Denis; Ríos, Aida F; Sabine, Christopher L; Saito, Shu; Salisbury, Joe; Sarma, Vedula V S S; Schlitzer, Reiner; Sieger, Rainer; Skjelvan, Ingunn; Steinhoff, Tobias; Sullivan, Kevin; Sun, Heng; Sutton, Adrienne; Suzuki, Toru; Sweeney, Colm; Takahashi, Taro; Tjiputra, Jerry; Tsurushima, Nobuo; van Heuven, Steven; Vandemark, Doug; Vlahos, Penny; Wallace, Douglas WR; Wanninkhof, Rik; Watson, Andrew J (2014): Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT) V2. PANGAEA,     10.1594/PANGAEA.811776

    • Smith, S. R.,Lopez, N.,Bourassa, M. A. (2016) SAMOS air‐sea fluxes: 2005–2014. Geoscience Data Journal 3 pp9-19.     10.1002/gdj3.34

    IPT Resource

    • Condition of larvae of western rock lobster (Panulirus cygnus) in cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies of the Leeuwin Current off Western Australia (2011) (Darwin Core Archive)     External link to reference

    Journal Article

    • Raes, Eric J.,Thompson, Peter A.,McInnes, Allison S.,Nguyen, Hoang Minh,Hardman-Mountford, Nick (2015) Sources of new nitrogen in the Indian Ocean. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 29 pp1283-1297.     10.1002/2015GB005194

    • Saunders, Megan I.,Thompson, Peter A.,Jeffs, Andrew G.,Säwström, Christin,Sachlikidis, Nikolas (2012) Fussy Feeders: Phyllosoma Larvae of the Western Rocklobster (Panulirus cygnus) Demonstrate Prey Preference. PLoS ONE 7 ppe36580-.     10.1371/journal.pone.0036580

    • Waite, Anya M.,Raes, Eric,Beckley, Lynnath E.,Thompson, Peter A.,Griffin, David,Saunders, Megan,Säwström, Christin,O'Rorke, Richard,Wang, Miao,Landrum, Jason P. (2019) Production and ecosystem structure in cold-core vs. warm-core eddies: Implications for the zooplankton isoscape and rock lobster larvae. Limnology and Oceanography 64 pp2405-2423.     10.1002/lno.11192

    • Wang, M.,O’Rorke, R.,Waite, A.M.,Beckley, L.E.,Thompson, P. (2014) Fatty acid profiles of phyllosoma larvae of western rock lobster (Panulirus cygnus) in cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies of the Leeuwin Current off Western Australia. Progress in Oceanography 122 pp153-162.     10.1016/j.pocean.2014.01.003

    • Wang, Miao,O'Rorke, Richard,Waite, Anya M.,Beckley, Lynnath E.,Thompson, Peter,Jeffs, Andrew G. (2015) Condition of larvae of western rock lobster (Panulirus cygnus) in cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies of the Leeuwin Current off Western Australia. Marine and Freshwater Research 66 pp1158-.     10.1071/MF14121

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    This is a list of online datasets hosted by CSIRO. Other processed datasets hosted by collaborating organisations may be found on the 'Metadata' or "Reports, Publications and Maps' tab.
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    Data StreamData SummaryGet data
    ADCP Data
    Time (UTC): 2011-08-25 07:08 to 2011-09-12 22:09
    Latitude: -32.67 to -28.62
    Longitude: 109.96 to 115.03
    Ensembles: 5,010
    Depth per cell: 16 m
    Cells per ensemble: 50
    Ensemble period: 300 sec
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    Marine biodiversity observations and/or samples
    Time (UTC): 2011-08-27 00:00 to 2011-09-01 00:00
    Latitude: -31.17 to -29.48
    Longitude: 111.38 to 114.18
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    CTD profile
    Time (UTC): 2011-08-25 08:08 to 2011-09-12 02:09
    Latitude: -32.67 to -29.00
    Longitude: 110.00 to 114.98
    Quantity: 35 Casts
    Max Pressure: 1004 db
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    Processing report: ss2011_v04_CTD.pdf

    Time (UTC): 2011-08-25 08:08 to 2011-09-12 02:09
    Latitude: -32.67 to -29.00
    Longitude: 110.00 to 114.98
    Quantity: 35 Casts
    Max Pressure: 1005.2 db
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    Multibeam echosounder No data
    Time (UTC): 2011-08-25 03:27 to 2011-09-13 05:33
    Latitude: -32.67 to -28.62
    Longitude: 109.96 to 115.66
    Observations: 16609
    External link - download datafile at IMOS
    Towed CTD
    Time (UTC): 2011-08-26 06:08 to 2011-09-10 05:09
    Latitude: -31.72 to -28.64
    Longitude: 111.52 to 114.93
    Tows: 17
    Duration: 61.56 hours
    Data points: 53,342
    Maximum Depth: 198.00 m
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    Time (UTC): 2011-08-25 02:08 to 2011-09-13 05:09
    Latitude: -32.05
    Longitude: 115.74
    Track length: 5081.355 km
    Locations: 330,823
    Measurements: 7,828,381
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    Deployment OperationStationCastGearProject Start and end timesStart LocationEnd LocationDepthDescription
    Underway System [details]   Air Temperature Sensor-HMT333,Barometer,Doppler speed log,Fluorometer WS3S-1203,Gill Ultrasonic Wind Sensor,Gill Ultrasonic Wind Sensor,Humidity Sensor-HMT333,IMOS Port Pyranometer-SN 35122F3,IMOS Port Radiometer-SN 35111F3,IMOS Stbd Pyranometer-SN 35123F3,IMOS Stbd Radiometer-SN 35093F3,IMOS rain gauge,IMOS rain gauge,Licor-UWQ 3708,RM Young 05106 wind monitor-75621,RM Young 05106 wind monitor-75621,RM Young 05106 wind monitor-75621,RM Young Rain Gauge,Remote Temperature (T)-SN 2621,Seapath 200,Seapath 200,Seapath 200,Simrad EK60 echosounder,ThermoSalinoGraph (TSG)-SS-SN 1777 1714 2011-08-25 02:26 2011-09-13 05:54 -32.0498 115.7450 -28.7771 114.5143
    ADCP Data [details]   RDI Ocean Surveyor Acoustic Doppler current profiler 1714 2011-08-25 07:49 2011-09-12 22:45 -31.8858 114.7814 -29.3110 114.1092 813
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] 1   Cast 1 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21-SN 3169,Fluorometer-CTD 21 -Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 21 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 21-SBE 43-SN 1794,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1714 2011-08-25 08:47 2011-08-25 09:08 -31.8863 114.7815 -31.8841 114.7795 1000.2
    CTD Cast [details] 2   Cast 2 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21-SN 3169,Fluorometer-CTD 21 -Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 21 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 21-SBE 43-SN 1794,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1714 2011-08-25 20:26 2011-08-25 20:37 -31.2396 114.3680 -31.2391 114.3682 42
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] 3   Cast 3 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21-SN 3169,Fluorometer-CTD 21 -Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 21 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 21-SBE 43-SN 1794,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1714 2011-08-25 21:01 2011-08-25 21:29 -31.2399 114.3687 -31.2392 114.3691 1000.4
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] 4   Cast 4 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21-SN 3169,Fluorometer-CTD 21 -Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 21 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 21-SBE 43-SN 1794,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1714 2011-08-26 05:38 2011-08-26 06:01 -30.5830 113.2535 -30.5879 113.2559 1001
    Towed CTD [details]   Nacelle 1714 2011-08-26 06:01 2011-08-26 10:02 -30.5610 113.2695 -30.2999 113.5662 190.7 Leg: Leg01withEco
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] 7   Cast 7 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21-SN 3169,Fluorometer-CTD 21 -Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 21 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 21-SBE 43-SN 1794,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1714 2011-08-27 03:51 2011-08-27 04:10 -29.8521 112.1510 -29.8538 112.1535 1000.8
    Towed CTD [details]   Nacelle 1714 2011-08-27 07:11 2011-08-27 11:14 -29.3342 111.9592 -29.7161 112.1069 194 Leg: Leg02withEco
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] 8   Cast 8 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21-SN 3169,Fluorometer-CTD 21 -Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 21 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 21-SBE 43-SN 1794,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1714 2011-08-28 04:57 2011-08-28 05:18 -31.2591 111.6066 -31.2558 111.6074 998.3
    Towed CTD [details]   Nacelle 1714 2011-08-28 08:19 2011-08-28 11:13 -31.7186 111.6075 -31.4098 111.6005 191 Leg: Leg03
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] 9   Cast 9 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21-SN 3169,Fluorometer-CTD 21 -Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 21 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 21-SBE 43-SN 1794,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1714 2011-08-29 09:12 2011-08-29 09:32 -31.2689 114.2159 -31.2665 114.2179 1001.5
    Towed CTD [details]   Nacelle 1714 2011-08-29 09:19 2011-08-29 11:23 -31.2678 114.1770 -31.2791 114.2069 190 Leg: Leg04withEco
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] 10   Cast 10 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21-SN 3169,Fluorometer-CTD 21 -Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 21 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 21-SBE 43-SN 1794,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1714 2011-08-30 03:44 2011-08-30 04:07 -30.5761 113.2489 -30.5747 113.2491 998.9
    Towed CTD [details]   Nacelle 1714 2011-08-30 04:00 2011-08-30 08:45 -30.5251 113.2961 -30.1296 113.7221 190.7 Leg: Leg05withEco
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] 11   Cast 11 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21-SN 3169,Fluorometer-CTD 21 -Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 21 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 21-SBE 43-SN 1794,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1714 2011-08-30 14:43 2011-08-30 14:46 -30.5883 113.2335 -30.5879 113.2334 1003.9
    Towed CTD [details]   Nacelle 1714 2011-08-31 01:59 2011-08-31 08:42 -29.8511 112.1595 -29.2252 111.9857 198 Leg: Leg06withEco
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] 12   Cast 12 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21-SN 3169,Fluorometer-CTD 21 -Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 21 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 21-SBE 43-SN 1794,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1714 2011-08-31 19:43 2011-08-31 20:09 -29.8837 112.1804 -29.8875 112.1809 1000.7
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] 13   Cast 13 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21-SN 3169,Fluorometer-CTD 21 -Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 21 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 21-SBE 43-SN 1794,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1714 2011-09-01 10:32 2011-09-01 10:54 -29.0078 110.0029 -29.0145 110.0048 1001.3
    Hydrology Cast [details] 14   1714 2011-09-02 06:48 2011-09-02 06:48 -29.1946 110.4848 Surface water samples only.
    Towed CTD [details]   Nacelle 1714 2011-09-02 08:46 2011-09-02 11:10 -29.0322 111.5622 -28.8129 111.6825 190.7 Leg: Leg07withEco
    Towed CTD [details]   Nacelle 1714 2011-09-02 08:46 2011-09-02 11:10 -29.0322 111.5622 -28.8129 111.6825 190.7 Leg: Leg08
    Towed CTD [details]   Nacelle 1714 2011-09-02 21:02 2011-09-03 01:15 -29.0004 111.5212 -28.9997 112.0021 196 Leg: Leg09withEco
    Towed CTD [details]   Nacelle 1714 2011-09-03 04:15 2011-09-03 08:36 -28.6388 112.1589 -29.0002 112.0156 190 Leg: Leg10withEco
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] 15   Cast 15 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21-SN 3169,Fluorometer-CTD 21 -Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 21 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 21-SBE 43-SN 1794,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1714 2011-09-03 10:27 2011-09-03 10:47 -28.9995 112.0025 -28.9993 112.0051 999.6
    Towed CTD [details]   Nacelle 1714 2011-09-03 20:56 2011-09-03 22:55 -29.0007 112.5410 -28.9979 112.7744 190.6 Leg: Leg11
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] 16   Cast 16 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21-SN 3169,Fluorometer-CTD 21 -Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 21 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 21-SBE 43-SN 1794,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1714 2011-09-03 21:08 2011-09-03 21:34 -29.0004 112.5006 -28.9995 112.5029 1001.2
    Towed CTD [details]   Nacelle 1714 2011-09-04 04:34 2011-09-04 07:00 -28.7473 113.0968 -28.9947 113.0013 190.7 Leg: Leg12withEco
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] 17   Cast 17 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21-SN 3169,Fluorometer-CTD 21 -Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 21 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 21-SBE 43-SN 1794,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1714 2011-09-04 08:25 2011-09-04 08:45 -29.0001 113.0014 -29.0011 113.0031 999.2
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] 18   Cast 18 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21-SN 3169,Fluorometer-CTD 21 -Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 21 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 21-SBE 43-SN 1794,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1714 2011-09-04 21:19 2011-09-04 21:45 -29.0005 113.5062 -29.0015 113.5127 1000.5
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] 19   Cast 19 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21-SN 3169,Fluorometer-CTD 21 -Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 21 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 21-SBE 43-SN 1794,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1714 2011-09-05 08:50 2011-09-05 09:12 -30.0099 111.9945 -30.0188 111.9941 998.8
    Towed CTD [details]   Nacelle 1714 2011-09-05 21:57 2011-09-06 04:06 -29.9786 112.4412 -30.0014 112.9807 191 Leg: Leg13
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] 20   Cast 20 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21-SN 3169,Fluorometer-CTD 21 -Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 21 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 21-SBE 43-SN 1794,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1714 2011-09-05 22:05 2011-09-05 22:33 -29.9939 112.4770 -29.9876 112.4573 998
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] 21   Cast 21 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21-SN 3169,Fluorometer-CTD 21 -Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 21 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 21-SBE 43-SN 1794,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1714 2011-09-06 08:32 2011-09-06 08:55 -29.9990 112.9953 -29.9988 112.9937 1002
    Towed CTD [details]   Nacelle 1714 2011-09-06 21:42 2011-09-07 01:57 -30.0015 113.5316 -30.0050 113.9916 195 Leg: Leg14withEco
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] 22   Cast 22 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21-SN 3169,Fluorometer-CTD 21 -Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 21 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 21-SBE 43-SN 1794,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1714 2011-09-06 21:53 2011-09-06 22:21 -29.9981 113.5031 -29.9978 113.5078 999.8
    Towed CTD [details]   Nacelle 1714 2011-09-07 04:52 2011-09-07 06:57 -29.8389 113.8717 -30.0051 114.0064 190 Leg: Leg15
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] 23   Cast 23 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21-SN 3169,Fluorometer-CTD 21 -Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 21 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 21-SBE 43-SN 1794,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1714 2011-09-07 08:28 2011-09-07 08:48 -30.0115 114.0095 -30.0098 114.0065 1000.4
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] 24   Cast 24 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21-SN 3169,Fluorometer-CTD 21 -Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 21 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 21-SBE 43-SN 1794,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1714 2011-09-07 21:22 2011-09-07 21:32 -29.9966 114.4995 -29.9926 114.4998 167.3
    Towed CTD [details]   Nacelle 1714 2011-09-08 02:31 2011-09-08 05:56 -29.0970 113.9902 -29.0956 113.5655 190 Leg: Leg16
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] 25   Cast 25 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21-SN 3169,Fluorometer-CTD 21 -Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 21 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 21-SBE 43-SN 1794,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1714 2011-09-08 09:45 2011-09-08 09:52 -29.1055 113.9999 -29.1043 113.9995 47
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] 26   Cast 26 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21-SN 3169,Fluorometer-CTD 21 -Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 21 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 21-SBE 43-SN 1794,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1714 2011-09-08 10:58 2011-09-08 11:03 -29.1329 113.8964 -29.1316 113.8956 196.6
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] 27   Cast 27 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21-SN 3169,Fluorometer-CTD 21 -Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 21 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 21-SBE 43-SN 1794,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1714 2011-09-09 09:40 2011-09-09 09:46 -29.7443 114.3466 -29.7424 114.3470 198.2
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] 28   Cast 28 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21-SN 3169,Fluorometer-CTD 21 -Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 21 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 21-SBE 43-SN 1794,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1714 2011-09-09 21:35 2011-09-09 21:43 -30.2435 114.5699 -30.2436 114.5701 203
    Towed CTD [details]   Nacelle 1714 2011-09-10 01:45 2011-09-10 05:08 -31.0328 114.9333 -31.0550 114.5200 192 Leg: Leg17
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] 29   Cast 29 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21-SN 3169,Fluorometer-CTD 21 -Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 21 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 21-SBE 43-SN 1794,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1714 2011-09-10 08:11 2011-09-10 08:19 -31.0392 114.8581 -31.0370 114.8580 180.1
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] 30   Cast 30 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21-SN 3169,Fluorometer-CTD 21 -Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 21 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 21-SBE 43-SN 1794,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1714 2011-09-10 20:54 2011-09-10 21:02 -31.5501 114.9818 -31.5492 114.9815 203.7
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] 31   Cast 31 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21-SN 3169,Fluorometer-CTD 21 -Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 21 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 21-SBE 43-SN 1794,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1714 2011-09-11 04:37 2011-09-11 04:46 -32.5067 114.2753 -32.5066 114.2764 502.4
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] 32   Cast 32 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21-SN 3169,Fluorometer-CTD 21 -Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 21 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 21-SBE 43-SN 1794,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1714 2011-09-11 05:43 2011-09-11 05:52 -32.5923 114.2757 -32.5931 114.2763 501.3
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] 33   Cast 33 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21-SN 3169,Fluorometer-CTD 21 -Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 21 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 21-SBE 43-SN 1794,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1714 2011-09-11 06:45 2011-09-11 06:59 -32.6740 114.2754 -32.6733 114.2769 501.8
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] 34   Cast 34 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21-SN 3169,Fluorometer-CTD 21 -Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 21 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 21-SBE 43-SN 1794,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1714 2011-09-11 09:04 2011-09-11 09:23 -32.4211 114.2783 -32.4194 114.2825 999.8
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] 35   Cast 35 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21-SN 3169,Fluorometer-CTD 21 -Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 21 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 21-SBE 43-SN 1794,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1714 2011-09-11 21:32 2011-09-11 21:45 -32.5052 113.6358 -32.5041 113.6348 500.2
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] 36   Cast 36 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21-SN 3169,Fluorometer-CTD 21 -Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 21 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 21-SBE 43-SN 1794,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1714 2011-09-11 22:37 2011-09-11 22:51 -32.5915 113.6367 -32.5926 113.6392 501.2
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] 37   Cast 37 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21-SN 3169,Fluorometer-CTD 21 -Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 21 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 21-SBE 43-SN 1794,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1714 2011-09-11 23:44 2011-09-11 23:56 -32.6742 113.6367 -32.6738 113.6355 499.2
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] 38   Cast 38 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21-SN 3169,Fluorometer-CTD 21 -Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 21 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 21-SBE 43-SN 1794,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1714 2011-09-12 01:51 2011-09-12 02:14 -32.4221 113.6403 -32.4217 113.6428 1005.2

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