Voyage details and related metadata, reports, events and data.
- is a Marine National Facility voyage
Period: 2011-08-12 08:00 to 2011-08-22 21:00 UTC
Duration: 10.54 days
From: Hobart To: Fremantle
Region: Australia's southern coast and continental shelf.
Ship: Southern Surveyor [details]
Description: SS2011_T03 Next Wave. The distribution of pelagic and benthic fauna along Australias southern seaboard Scientific Objectives: The focus of this program is to give students a taste of what it is like to live and work on an ocean going research vessel and to expose them to some of the different sampling methods and equipment that are used in oceanographic research. The students will have two (quasi) scientific aims, each of which will contribute to our knowledge about Australian waters, as follows: 1) to characterise the macro-fauna inhabiting the benthos at range of depths along Australias southern coast; 2) to investigate regional surface productivity (POM) and the distribution of pelagic organisms along the southern shelf of Australia. For Kloser, the voyage provides an ongoing opportunity to use vessel transit time to complete a national mapping of the upper-mid slope seabed with multi-beam mapping and associated ecological interpretation. For Reisser, the voyage will facilitate her ongoing research on the distribution, abundance and composition of floating marine debris (FMD) around Australia. Marine debris has become a major hazard to marine life and is also leading to aesthetic degradation, economic losses and human health hazards. At present, limited data exist to quantify and explain the geographical range and content of marine debris in our oceans. Extracted from the voyage plan MNF_ss2011_t03_plan.pdf. Please refer to plan for full details.
Leader: Sebastion Holmes (UWS)
Project: National Facility Next Wave [details]

Voyage extents: 44° 06.0' S to 31° 57.0' S 114° 21.9' E to 147° 30.4' E Get voyage track shapefile Get CSV
Marlin Metadata:-

Metadata from OBIS Australia datasets:- biological data is published via the OBIS-AU IPT server and delivered to one or more of OBIS, ALA and GBIF
Download from OBIS Australia IPT View at - Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS) Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) GBIF
Download from OBIS Australia IPT View at - Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS) Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) GBIF
Participants - on ship:-
Name | Role | Organisation |
Antony Gould | Ph.D. Student | University of Western Sydney |
Blaise Bratter | Student | University of New South Wales - Centre for Marine Science |
Dave Terhell | MNF Hydrochemistry Support | CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart |
David McLeod | CPR Scientist | CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart |
Jason Reynolds | Student | University of Western Sydney |
Julia Reisser | PI, Floating Marine Debris | CSIRO & UWA |
Lindsay Pender | MNF Computing Support/Voy Manager | CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart |
Luana Lins | Ph.D. student, isopods | University of Sydney |
Mailie Gall | Ph.D. student, productivity | University of Western Sydney |
Matt Sherlock | MNF Electronics Support | CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart |
Sebastian Holmes | Chief Scientist | University of Western Sydney |
Tiffany Cole | Honours student | University of Western Sydney |
Trevor Goodwin | MNF/CMAR Electronics Support | CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart |
This list includes those that may have only been on part of the voyage. See voyage reports on 'Reports and Maps' tab for details.
Marine National Facility Reports - plans, summaries and data processing
SS2011_T03 Scientific Highlight
- report of the key outputs
SS2011_T03 Underway Data Processing Report
- details of data processing steps, calibration information, instruments used and any issues with the data.
SS2011_T03 Voyage Summary
- includes preliminary results, voyage narrative, types of data collected with C77/ROSCOP codes.
SS2011_T03 Voyage Plan
- includes objectives, investigator details, proposed data collection, voyage track and equipment to be used.
Publications, reports and datasets from this voyage.
- Bakker, Dorothee C E; Pfeil, Benjamin; Smith, Karl; Hankin, Steven; Olsen, Are; Alin, Simone R; Cosca, Catherine E; Harasawa, Sumiko; Kozyr, Alexander; Nojiri, Yukihiro; O'Brien, Kevin M; Schuster, Ute; Telszewski, Maciej; Tilbrook, Bronte; Wada, Chisato; Akl, John; Barbero, Leticia; Bates, Nicolas R; Boutin, Jacqueline; Bozec, Yann; Cai, Wei-Jun; Castle, Robert D; Chavez, Francisco P; Chen, Lei; Chierici, Melissa; Currie, Kim I; de Baar, Hein J W; Evans, Wiley; Feely, Richard A; Fransson, Agneta; Gao, Zhongyong; Hales, Burke; Hardman-Mountford, Nicolas J; Hoppema, Mario; Huang, Wei-Jen; Hunt, Christopher W; Huss, Betty; Ichikawa, Tadafumi; Johannessen, Truls; Jones, Elizabeth M; Jones, Steve D; Jutterstrøm, Sara; Kitidis, Vassilis; Körtzinger, Arne; Landschützer, Peter; Lauvset, Siv K; Lefèvre, Nathalie; Manke, Ansley; Mathis, Jeremy T; Merlivat, Liliane; Metzl, Nicolas; Murata, Akihiko; Newberger, Timothy; Omar, Abdirahman M; Ono, Tsuneo; Park, Geun-Ha; Paterson, Kristina; Pierrot, Denis; Ríos, Aida F; Sabine, Christopher L; Saito, Shu; Salisbury, Joe; Sarma, Vedula V S S; Schlitzer, Reiner; Sieger, Rainer; Skjelvan, Ingunn; Steinhoff, Tobias; Sullivan, Kevin; Sun, Heng; Sutton, Adrienne; Suzuki, Toru; Sweeney, Colm; Takahashi, Taro; Tjiputra, Jerry; Tsurushima, Nobuo; van Heuven, Steven; Vandemark, Doug; Vlahos, Penny; Wallace, Douglas WR; Wanninkhof, Rik; Watson, Andrew J (2014): Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT) V2. PANGAEA, 10.1594/PANGAEA.811776
- Smith, S. R.,Lopez, N.,Bourassa, M. A. (2016) SAMOS air‐sea fluxes: 2005–2014. Geoscience Data Journal 3 pp9-19. 10.1002/gdj3.34
IPT Resource
- IMOS - Phytoplankton Abundance and Biovolume (CPR), Australia (2007 to present) (Darwin Core Archive) External link to reference
- IMOS - Zooplankton Abundance and Biomass Index (CPR) (Darwin Core Archive) External link to reference
Journal Article
- McEnnulty, Felicity R.,Davies, Claire H.,Armstrong, Asia O,Atkins, Natalia,Coman, Frank,Clementson, Lesley,Edgar, Steven,Eriksen, Ruth S.,Everett, Jason D.,Anthony Koslow, J.,Lønborg, Christian,McKinnon, A. David,Miller, Margaret,O’Brien, Todd D.,Pausina, Sarah A.,Uribe-Palomino, Julian,Rochester, Wayne,Rothlisberg, Peter C.,Slotwinski, Anita,Strzelecki, Joanna (2020) A database of zooplankton biomass in Australian marine waters. Scientific Data 7 pp-. 10.1038/s41597-020-00625-9
- Reisser, Julia,Shaw, Jeremy,Wilcox, Chris,Hardesty, Britta Denise,Proietti, Maira,Thums, Michele,Pattiaratchi, Charitha,Hays, Graeme Clive (2013) Marine Plastic Pollution in Waters around Australia: Characteristics, Concentrations, and Pathways. PLoS ONE 8 ppe80466-. 10.1371/journal.pone.0080466
Search for publications, reports and datasets from this and other voyages
Data publishing
This is a list of online datasets hosted by CSIRO. Other processed datasets hosted by collaborating organisations may be found on the 'Metadata' or "Reports, Publications and Maps' tab.
Use the Get data link on the right to extract data using the NCMI Data Trawler.
Data Stream | Data Summary | Get data | ||||||||||||||
ADCP Data |
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Marine biodiversity observations and/or samples |
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External link - Get CPR Data from IMOS in CSV format |
CTD profile |
Get Data from Trawler Download CTD Plots (pdf) Download NetCDF data Processing report: ss2011_t03_CTD_report.pdf |
Hydrology |
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Multibeam echosounder |
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pCO2 |
External link - download datafile at IMOS |
SOOP Bio-acoustics |
External link - datafile at IMOS NetCDF Data Format: Manual Download |
Underway |
Get Data from Trawler Download 5 sec NetCDF dataset |
XBT Profile |
Get Data from Trawler Download (MEDS ASCII format ) Download (NetCDF format) |
Search for events from this voyage and others
Events ordered by start time:- Click on column header to sort. Use link on 'When' to see full details. Use the CSV button at the bottom to export data.
When (UTC) | Latitude | Longitude | Instrument | Identifier | Action | Log | Subject / Comments |
2011-08-19 22:55 [view ] | -34.7900 | 121.2100 | Argo float [view] | 85430 | deploy | Owner: CAPEX CTD Type: SBE41 V3.0 Serial number: 5538 | |
2011-08-20 05:50 [view ] | -35.0400 | 119.8600 | Argo float [view] | 85429 | deploy | Owner: CAPEX CTD Type: SBE41 V3.0 Serial number: 5566 |
Deployments by start time:- Click on column header to sort. Use link on 'Deployment' to see full details. Use the CSV button at the bottom to export data (tab delimited).
Search for deployments from this voyage and others
Deployment | Operation | Station | Cast | Gear | Project | Start and end times | Start Location | End Location | Depth range | Max Depth | Description | |||
Underway System [details] | Air Temperature Sensor-HMT333,Barometer,Doppler speed log,Fluorometer WS3S-1203,Gill Ultrasonic Wind Sensor,Gill Ultrasonic Wind Sensor,Humidity Sensor-HMT333,IMOS Port Pyranometer-SN 35122F3,IMOS Port Radiometer-SN 35111F3,IMOS Stbd Pyranometer-SN 35123F3,IMOS Stbd Radiometer-SN 35093F3,IMOS rain gauge,IMOS rain gauge,Licor-UWQ 3708,RM Young 05106 wind monitor-75621,RM Young 05106 wind monitor-75621,RM Young 05106 wind monitor-75621,RM Young Rain Gauge,Remote Temperature (T)-SN 2621,Seapath 200,Seapath 200,Seapath 200,Simrad EK60 echosounder,ThermoSalinoGraph (TSG)-SS-SN 1777 | 2374 | 2011-08-12 06:12 | 2011-08-22 22:39 | -42.8863 | 147.3407 | -32.0498 | 115.7450 | ||||||
Multibeam echosounder [details] | EM300 Multibeam Echosounder | 2011-08-12 07:46 | 2011-08-22 22:04 | -43.1117 | 147.4171 | -32.0322 | 115.6903 | 5854.6 | ||||||
ADCP Data [details] | RDI Ocean Surveyor Acoustic Doppler current profiler | 2374 | 2011-08-12 19:05 | 2011-08-22 18:10 | -43.6869 | 145.8774 | -31.9601 | 115.4390 | 812.9 | |||||
CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] | 2 | Cast 2 | CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21-SN 3169,Fluorometer-CTD 21 -Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 21 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 21-SBE 43-SN 1794,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR | 2374 | 2011-08-13 00:27 | 2011-08-13 01:01 | -43.4071 | 145.4441 | -43.4066 | 145.4430 | 800.3 | |||
XBT Cast [details] | Sippican Deep Blue | 2391 | 2011-08-13 03:45 | -43.0490 | 145.0910 | 1100.3 | ||||||||
XBT Cast [details] | Sippican Deep Blue | 2391 | 2011-08-14 02:37 | -39.8194 | 143.0524 | 1021.9 | ||||||||
XBT Cast [details] | Sippican Deep Blue | 2391 | 2011-08-14 06:16 | -39.3014 | 142.7242 | 694.5 | ||||||||
CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] | 3 | Cast 3 | CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21-SN 3169,Fluorometer-CTD 21 -Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 21 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 21-SBE 43-SN 1794,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR | 2374 | 2011-08-14 09:54 | 2011-08-14 10:19 | -39.0322 | 142.3713 | -39.0303 | 142.3666 | 600.6 | |||
CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] | Cast 4 | 2374 | 2011-08-15 02:10 | 2011-08-15 02:10 | -38.0553 | 140.1026 | 1.1 | |||||||
XBT Cast [details] | Sippican Deep Blue | 2391 | 2011-08-15 03:45 | -37.9136 | 139.8637 | 724.3 | ||||||||
CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] | 5 | Cast 5 | CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21-SN 3169,Fluorometer-CTD 21 -Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 21 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 21-SBE 43-SN 1794,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR | 2374 | 2011-08-16 05:21 | 2011-08-16 05:46 | -36.0607 | 135.6909 | -36.0621 | 135.6884 | 501.6 | |||
XBT Cast [details] | Sippican Deep Blue | 2391 | 2011-08-19 04:35 | -34.7940 | 123.9597 | 976.5 | ||||||||
XBT Cast [details] | Sippican Deep Blue | 2391 | 2011-08-19 04:41 | -34.7916 | 123.9312 | 987.8 | ||||||||
CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] | 6 | Cast 6 | CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21-SN 3169,Fluorometer-CTD 21 -Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 21 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 21-SBE 43-SN 1794,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR | 2374 | 2011-08-19 16:02 | 2011-08-19 16:24 | -34.6089 | 121.7994 | -34.6092 | 121.7943 | 502.2 | |||
ARGO float [details] | 85430 | 2394 | 2011-08-19 22:55 | -34.7900 | 121.2100 | Owner: CAPEX CTD Type: SBE41 V3.0 Serial number: 5538 | ||||||||
ARGO float [details] | 85429 | 2394 | 2011-08-20 05:50 | -35.0400 | 119.8600 | Owner: CAPEX CTD Type: SBE41 V3.0 Serial number: 5566 | ||||||||
XBT Cast [details] | Sippican Deep Blue | 2391 | 2011-08-20 12:22 | -35.3171 | 118.6145 | 495.5 | ||||||||
XBT Cast [details] | Sippican Deep Blue | 2391 | 2011-08-20 12:28 | -35.3175 | 118.6124 | 602.2 | ||||||||
XBT Cast [details] | Sippican Deep Blue | 2391 | 2011-08-21 00:33 | -35.4142 | 116.4815 | 336.7 | ||||||||
XBT Cast [details] | Sippican Deep Blue | 2391 | 2011-08-21 00:39 | -35.4126 | 116.4724 | 808 | ||||||||
CTD Cast / Hydrology [details] | 7 | Cast 7 | CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21-SN 3169,Fluorometer-CTD 21 -Chelsea-06-5941-001,Licor - CTD 21 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 21-SBE 43-SN 1794,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR | 2374 | 2011-08-22 05:48 | 2011-08-22 06:13 | -33.0932 | 114.5022 | -33.0983 | 114.4988 | 498.2 |