Data Trawler - Deployment Details

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Deployment Details

Survey: - KAPALA [details]

Deployment Type: - Catch

Station: 780601

Operation No.: 627

When: 1978-04-25 10:00 to 1978-04-25 11:00 UTC

Where: 29° 54.0' S    153° 41.0' E

Maximum Depth (m): 386

Gear used
NetSampleStartEndStart depthEnd depthMethodEffort
Kapala trawl 1978-04-25 10:00 1978-04-25 11:00 386 386 ? 60 Minutes

Catch Composition

CAABTaxaCount Weight (kg)
37015009 Figaro boardmani 5
37461019 Nematops macrochirus 1
37028002 Narcinops tasmaniensis 25
37031009 Pavoraja nitida 1
37031026 Pavoraja umbrosa 20
37031029 Dipturus grahami 1
37042001 Chimaera ogilbyi 12
37120001 Paraulopus nigripinnis 50
37136001 Ateleopus japonicus 10
37208003 Lophiodes mutilus 1
37211003 Chaunax endeavouri 5
37228007 Hoplobrotula armata 1
37232003 Coelorinchus mirus 50
37232007 Malacocephalus laevis 25
37263001 Zenion japonicum 25
37279005 Notopogon xenosoma 20
37287093 Helicolenus barathri 10
37288005 Pterygotrigla andertoni 15
37297001 Hoplichthys haswelli 100
37311053 Verilus anomalus 50
37020010 Centrophorus harrissoni 1
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