Data Trawler - Deployment Details

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Deployment Details

Survey: - TAN0308 [details]

Deployment Type: - Catch

Operation No.: 119

Gear: ORH trawl

When: 2003-05-30 03:01 UTC

Where: 32° 35.7' S    167° 47.1' E
to 32° 38.1' S    167° 46.3' E

Maximum Depth (m): 965

Description: ORH trawl. (Transect 15)

Comments: west Norfolk Ridge, Transect 15. Position and depth from gear mounted sensor.

Gear used
NetSampleStartEndStart depthEnd depthMethodEffort
ORH trawl 2003-05-30 03:01 965 957 Trawl

Catch Composition

CAABTaxaCount Weight (kg)
11229000 Actiniaria 3 0
37440011 Benthodesmus tuckeri 1 0.3
23639002 Idioteuthis cordiformis 1 0
25246002 Echinus multidentatus 8 0
27200000 Copepoda 1 0
28086000 Mysidae 1 0
28406006 Cyphocaris tartaros 3 0
28712002 Aristeus mabahissae 8 0
28735007 Acanthephyra quadrispinosa 1 0
28745000 Pasiphaeidae 7 0
28880025 Platymaia maoria 3 0
37015000 Scyliorhinidae, Pentanchidae, Atelomycteridae, Dichichthyidae 14 4.51
37015014 Apristurus sinensis 1 0.2
37020003 Deania calceus 11 43
37020004 Deania quadrispinosa 1 3.1
37020005 Etmopterus lucifer 1 0.1
37020012 Centroselachus crepidater 15 6.5
37020025 Centroscymnus coelolepis 1 4.8
37111001 Chauliodus sloani 2 0.1
37112002 Stomias boa 1 0.05
37114002 Xenodermichthys copei 1 0.01
37121001 Neoscopelus macrolepidotus 3 0.2
37123002 Bathypterois longifilis 1 0.1
37221001 Caulophryne jordani 1 0.1
37224002 Mora moro 6 9.7
37224009 Halargyreus johnsonii 1 0.4
37232015 Coryphaenoides serrulatus 5 1.5
37232035 Mesovagus antipodum 1 0.5
37232039 Coryphaenoides dossenus 1 0.7
37232076 Trachonurus gagates 1 0.2
37232112 Coelorinchus mycterismus 5 0.9
37232116 Coelorinchus supernasutus 1 1
37255009 Hoplostethus atlanticus 18 26
37266004 Allocyttus verrucosus 10 1.5
23623000 Onychoteuthidae 1 0
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