Data Trawler - Deployment Details

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Deployment Details

Survey: - SS199101 [details]

Deployment Type: - Catch

Station: 26

Operation No.: 26

When: 1991-01-28 08:40 to 1991-01-28 09:05 UTC

Where: 24° 51.3' S    112° 07.1' E
to 24° 49.9' S    112° 07.1' E

Maximum Depth (m): 478

Description: Area WA_Slope


Gear used
NetSampleStartEndStart depthEnd depthMethodEffort
Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl 1991-01-28 08:40 1991-01-28 09:05 467 478 Trawl 25 minutes

Catch Composition

CAABTaxaCount Weight (kg)
37015008 Galeus gracilis 1 0.104
37464016 Paratriacanthodes retrospinis 1 0.014
37020011 Centrophorus uyato 3 3.5
37020048 Squalus chloroculus 13 4.5
37031027 Pavoraja alleni 3 0.305
37120009 Chlorophthalmus acutifrons 2 0.29
37120011 Chlorophthalmus cf albatrossis (W) 33 0.59
37211008 Chaunax sp. W1 3 0.455
37224001 Euclichthys polynemus 3 0.075
37253502 Polymixia busakhini cf (west) 9 1.38
37253503 Polymixia longispina cf 16 0.55
37258002 Beryx splendens 13 0.63
37263502 Zenion sp. A [of Williams et al 1996] 10 0.105
37264009 Cyttopsis cypho 1 0.011
37265003 Xenolepidichthys dalgleishi 1 0.103
37279005 Notopogon xenosoma 1 0.05
37287047 Setarches guentheri 12 1.23
37288022 Peristedion cf liorhynchus 12 1.1
37311031 Malakichthys levis 14 1.8
37311054 Synagrops japonicus 13 0.485
37401001 Champsodon nudivittis 5 0.048
37401503 Champsodon cf longipinnis [of Williams et al 1996] 31 1.06
37439004 Neoepinnula orientalis 7 0.905
37446013 Cubiceps whiteleggii 6 0.388
37460049 Chascanopsetta lugubris 1 0.065
37017007 Iago garricki 1 1.232
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