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Deployment Details
Survey: - LB200502 [details]
Deployment Type: - Catch
Station: 158
Operation No.: 158
When: 2005-11-20 04:18 UTC
Where: 21° 31.5' S 152° 27.3' E
Maximum Depth (m): 61.5
Gear used
Net | Sample | Start | End | Start depth | End depth | Method | Effort |
1.5m EpiSled | 2005-11-20 04:18 | 2005-11-20 04:18 | 62 | 62 | Benthic Sled |
Catch Composition
CAAB | Taxa | Count | Weight (kg) |
10113054 | Candidaspongia flabellata | 1 | |
56196046 | Halimeda gracilis | 1 | |
11185005 | Dichotella gemmacea | 2 | |
11287001 | Sphenopus marsupialis | 2 | |
20319012 | Exostesia didomatia | 1 | |
20354001 | Steginoporella magnilabris | 2 | |
20405015 | Adeonellopsis pentapora | 1 | |
20446008 | Hippomenella avicularis | 2 | |
20461002 | Tetraplaria immersa | 2 | |
23335052 | Fulvia undatopicta | 1 | |
24222008 | Conus ammiralis | 1 | |
25122010 | Iconaster longimanus | 2 | |
25143013 | Metrodira subulata | 2 | |
25176020 | Ophiolepis superba | 1 | |
25180029 | Ophiopsammus yoldii | 2 | |
25202018 | Prionocidaris bispinosa | 2 | |
25241013 | Mespilia globulus | 1 | |
25241025 | Temnopleurus alexandri | 2 | |
25241028 | Temnotrema bothryoides | 1 | |
28880012 | Hyastenus elatus | 1 | |
28926010 | Actumnus setifer | 1 | |
28926071 | Pilumnus spinicarpus | 1 | |
28926078 | Takedana eriphioides | 1 | |
55130166 | Haloplegma duperreyi | 1 | |
55133091 | Laurencia brongniartii | 1 | |
56196007 | Halimeda opuntia | 1 | |
56196009 | Halimeda cuneata | 1 | |
56196041 | Udotea flabellum | 1 | |
56196043 | Udotea orientalis | 2 | |
11185003 | Junceella juncea | 1 |