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Deployment Details
Survey: - LB200402 [details]
Deployment Type: - Catch
Station: 9
Operation No.: 9
When: 2004-09-09 06:34 UTC
Where: 18° 49.5' S 148° 12.3' E
Maximum Depth (m): 76.8
Gear used
Net | Sample | Start | End | Start depth | End depth | Method | Effort |
1.5m EpiSled | 2004-09-09 06:34 | 2004-09-09 06:34 | 77 | 77 | Benthic Sled |
Catch Composition
CAAB | Taxa | Count | Weight (kg) |
10004004 | Cinachyrella australiensis | 1 | |
63605002 | Halophila ovalis | 1 | |
20392014 | Hippothoa distans | 1 | |
20448002 | Phonicosia circinata | 1 | |
24041001 | Angaria delphinus | 1 | |
25139001 | Euretaster insignis | 1 | |
25170004 | Euryale aspera | 1 | |
25176020 | Ophiolepis superba | 1 | |
25180029 | Ophiopsammus yoldii | 1 | |
25241024 | Salmacis sphaeroides | 1 | |
25241025 | Temnopleurus alexandri | 1 | |
25266005 | Peronella lesueuri | 1 | |
28926010 | Actumnus setifer | 1 | |
28926078 | Takedana eriphioides | 1 | |
28962005 | Palicoides whitei | 1 | |
37287106 | Scorpaenopsis cotticeps | 1 | |
37384063 | Oxycheilinus bimaculatus | 1 | |
37384203 | Choerodon gomoni | 1 | |
37460013 | Engyprosopon maldivensis | 1 | |
54025051 | Distromium flabellatum | 1 | |
55040012 | Peyssonnelia inamoena | 1 | |
55133128 | Lenormandiopsis lorentzii | 1 | |
56181007 | Microdictyon umbilicatum | 1 | |
56186006 | Gayralia oxysperma | 1 | |
56196004 | Udotea argentea | 1 | |
56196007 | Halimeda opuntia | 1 | |
56196043 | Udotea orientalis | 1 | |
56197015 | Caulerpa brachypus | 1 | |
11298011 | Cycloseris cyclolites | 1 |