CAAB - Codes for Australian Aquatic Biota - Family list

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Current CAAB listing for family (or group)

Uranoscopidae (Stargazers)

Found 35 matches. Click on CAAB code to view taxon report.

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CAAB Scientific Name Common name
37 400000 Uranoscopidae stargazers
37 400901 Ichthyscopus spp.
37 400902 Kathetostoma spp.
37 400903 Pleuroscopus spp.
37 400904 Uranoscopus spp.
37 400905 Xenocephalus spp.
37 400002 Ichthyscopus barbatus Fringe Stargazer
37 400010 Ichthyscopus fasciatus Banded Stargazer
37 400012 Ichthyscopus insperatus Doubleband Stargazer
37 400026 Ichthyscopus nigripinnis Blackfin Stargazer
37 400022 Ichthyscopus sannio Spotted Stargazer
37 400006 Ichthyscopus spinosus Spiny Stargazer
37 400018 Kathetostoma canaster Speckled Stargazer
37 400003 Kathetostoma laeve Common Stargazer
37 400004 Kathetostoma nigrofasciatum Deepwater Stargazer
37 400005 Pleuroscopus pseudodorsalis Scaled Stargazer
37 400007 Uranoscopus cf bicinctus Marbled Stargazer
37 400027 Uranoscopus cf terraereginae (deepwater) [a stargazer]
37 400008 Uranoscopus cognatus Yellowtail Stargazer
37 400024 Uranoscopus kaianus Kai Stargazer
37 400029 Uranoscopus kishimotoi [a stargazer]
37 400028 Uranoscopus sp. (scaly nape) [a stargazer]
37 400009 Uranoscopus sp. 1 [in Sainsbury et al, 1985] white-spotted stargazer
37 400030 Uranoscopus sulphureus Whitemargin Stargazer
37 400023 Uranoscopus terraereginae Queensland Stargazer
37 400031 Uranoscopus turbisquamatus [a stargazer]
37 400001 Xenocephalus armatus Bulldog Stargazer
37 400020 Xenocephalus australiensis Australian Stargazer
37 400019 Xenocephalus cribratus Ringed Stargazer
99 378059 Kathetostoma giganteus (unverified)
99 379813 Kathetostoma nigrofasciatum & Kathetostoma canaster
99 379290 Gnathagnus elongatus (unverified)
99 379344 Kathetostoma sp. (unverified)
99 379763 Kathetostoma gen. sp. unknown
99 379845 stargazer sp.

Note: CAAB codes prefixed "99" represent project-specific (informal) taxa.

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