CAAB - Codes for Australian Aquatic Biota - Family list

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Current CAAB listing for family (or group)

Priacanthidae (Bigeyes)

Found 22 matches. Click on CAAB code to view taxon report.

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CAAB Scientific Name Common name
37 326000 Priacanthidae bigeyes
37 326902 Cookeolus spp.
37 326903 Heteropriacanthus spp.
37 326901 Priacanthus spp. red bullseye
37 326904 Pristigenys spp.
37 326002 Cookeolus japonicus Longfin Bigeye
37 326008 Heteropriacanthus carolinus Blotched Bigeye
37 326012 Priacanthus blochii Glasseye
37 326011 Priacanthus fitchi Deepsea Bigeye
37 326005 Priacanthus hamrur Lunartail Bigeye
37 326001 Priacanthus macracanthus Spotted Bigeye
37 326009 Priacanthus sagittarius Arrowfin Bigeye
37 326003 Priacanthus tayenus Purplespotted Bigeye
37 326013 Pristigenys meyeri [a bigeye]
37 326006 Pristigenys niphonia Whiteband Bigeye
99 379545 Priacanthus arenatus (unverified)
99 379546 Priacanthus barbatus (unverified)
99 379547 Priacanthus sp. (unverified)
99 379548 Priacanthus tum (unverified)
99 379549 Pristigenys niphonia (unverified)
99 379550 Pristigenys sp. (unverified)
99 379771 Priacanthidae gen. sp. unknown

Note: CAAB codes prefixed "99" represent project-specific (informal) taxa.

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