CAAB - Codes for Australian Aquatic Biota - Family list

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Current CAAB listing for family (or group)

Acropomatidae (Ocean Basses)

Found 26 matches. Click on CAAB code to view taxon report.

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CAAB Scientific Name Common name
37 311956 Acropomatidae
37 311913 Acropoma spp.
37 311926 Doederleinia spp.
37 311935 Malakichthys spp.
37 311962 Parascombrops spp. [a temperate bass]
37 311949 Synagrops spp. [an ocean bass]
37 311917 Verilus spp. [an ocean bass]
37 311235 Acropoma arafurensis [a temperate bass]
37 311167 Acropoma leobergi Japanese Seabass
37 311025 Doederleinia berycoides Rosy Seabass
37 311186 Malakichthys barbatus [a temperate bass]
37 311048 Malakichthys elegans Splendid Seabass
37 311187 Malakichthys griseus Grey Seabass
37 311031 Malakichthys levis Smooth Seabass
37 311184 Malakichthys mochizuki Mochizuki's Seabass
37 311191 Parascombrops analis Threespine Seabass
37 311211 Parascombrops argyreus [a temperate bass]
37 311212 Parascombrops glossodon [a temperate bass]
37 311213 Parascombrops nakayamai [a temperate bass]
37 311028 Parascombrops philippinensis Sharptooth Seabass
37 311185 Parascombrops serratospinosus Roughspine Seabass
37 311214 Parascombrops yamanouei [a temperate bass]
37 311054 Synagrops japonicus Glowbelly Seabass
37 311172 Synagrops sp. [in ISR Munro Collection] [a temperate bass]
37 311053 Verilus anomalus Threespine Cardinalfish
37 311210 Verilus pacificus [a temperate bass]

Note: CAAB codes prefixed "99" represent project-specific (informal) taxa.

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