CAAB - Codes for Australian Aquatic Biota - Family list

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Current CAAB listing for family (or group)

Myctophidae (Lanternfishes)

Found 155 matches. Click on CAAB code to view taxon report.

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CAAB Scientific Name Common name
37 122000 Myctophidae lanternfishes
37 122902 Benthosema spp.
37 122903 Bolinichthys spp.
37 122904 Centrobranchus spp.
37 122905 Ceratoscopelus spp.
37 122929 Ctenoscopelus spp.
37 122930 Dasyscopelus spp.
37 122906 Diaphus spp.
37 122907 Diogenichthys spp.
37 122901 Electrona spp. [a lanternfish]
37 122908 Gonichthys spp.
37 122909 Gymnoscopelus spp.
37 122928 Hintonia spp. [a lanternfish]
37 122910 Hygophum spp.
37 122911 Krefftichthys spp.
37 122912 Lampadena spp.
37 122913 Lampanyctodes spp.
37 122914 Lampanyctus spp.
37 122915 Lampichthys spp.
37 122916 Lobianchia spp.
37 122917 Loweina spp.
37 122918 Metelectrona spp.
37 122919 Myctophum spp.
37 122921 Notolychnus spp.
37 122922 Notoscopelus spp.
37 122923 Protomyctophum spp.
37 122924 Scopelopsis spp.
37 122925 Symbolophorus spp.
37 122926 Taaningichthys spp.
37 122927 Triphoturus spp.
37 122078 Benthosema fibulatum Spinycheek Lanternfish
37 122079 Benthosema pterotum Opaline Lanternfish
37 122024 Benthosema suborbitale Dimple Lanternfish
37 122108 Bolinichthys distofax [a lanternfish]
37 122074 Bolinichthys indicus Smoothcheek Lanternfish
37 122025 Bolinichthys longipes Popeye Lanternfish
37 122026 Bolinichthys nikolayi Nikolay's Lanternfish
37 122027 Bolinichthys photothorax Spurcheek Lanternfish
37 122080 Bolinichthys pyrsobolus Fiery Lanternfish
37 122028 Bolinichthys supralateralis Stubby Lanternfish
37 122081 Centrobranchus andreae Andrea's Lanternfish
37 122029 Centrobranchus nigroocellatus Roundnose Lanternfish
37 122021 Ceratoscopelus warmingii Warming's Lanternfish
37 122003 Ctenoscopelus phengodes Bright Lanternfish
37 122009 Dasyscopelus asper Prickly Lanternfish
37 122055 Dasyscopelus brachygnathos Shortjaw Lanternfish
37 122099 Dasyscopelus obtusirostris Bluntsnout Lanternfish
37 122057 Dasyscopelus orientalis Oriental Lanternfish
37 122100 Dasyscopelus selenops Lunar Lanternfish
37 122101 Dasyscopelus spinosus Spiny Lanternfish
37 122112 Diaphus adenomus [a lanternfish]
37 122030 Diaphus anderseni Andersen's Lanternfish
37 122031 Diaphus bertelseni Bertelsen's Lanternfish
37 122032 Diaphus brachycephalus Shorthead Lanternfish
37 122083 Diaphus chrysorhynchus Goldnose Lanternfish
37 122006 Diaphus coeruleus Blue Lanternfish
37 122001 Diaphus danae Dana Lanternfish
37 122072 Diaphus diadematus Crown Lanternfish
37 122015 Diaphus drachmanni Drachmann's Lanternfish
37 122033 Diaphus effulgens Headlight Lanternfish
37 122034 Diaphus fragilis Fragile Lanternfish
37 122084 Diaphus garmani Garman's Lanternfish
37 122061 Diaphus hudsoni Hudson's Lanternfish
37 122082 Diaphus impostor Impostor Lanternfish
37 122085 Diaphus jenseni Jensen's Lanternfish
37 122073 Diaphus kapalae Kapala Lanternfish
37 122086 Diaphus lucidus Spotlight Lanternfish
37 122035 Diaphus luetkeni Luetken's Lanternfish
37 122087 Diaphus malayanus Malayan Lanternfish
37 122036 Diaphus meadi Mead's Lanternfish
37 122037 Diaphus metopoclampus Bluntnose Lanternfish
37 122038 Diaphus mollis Soft Lanternfish
37 122012 Diaphus ostenfeldi Ostenfeld's Lanternfish
37 122039 Diaphus parri Parr's Lanternfish
37 122008 Diaphus perspicillatus Flatface Lanternfish
37 122088 Diaphus phillipsi Phillips' Lanternfish
37 122089 Diaphus problematicus Problematic Lanternfish
37 122090 Diaphus regani Regan's Lanternfish
37 122111 Diaphus sp [of Last et al 2014 Coral Sea checklist] [a lanternfish]
37 122040 Diaphus splendidus Horned Lanternfish
37 122041 Diaphus termophilus Warmwater Lanternfish
37 122091 Diaphus thiollierei Thiolliere's Lanternfish
37 122013 Diaphus watasei Watase's Lanternfish
37 122042 Diogenichthys atlanticus Atlantic Lanternfish
37 122750 Electrona antarctica [a lanternfish]
37 122104 Electrona carlsbergi Carlsberg's Lanternfish
37 122075 Electrona paucirastra Belted Lanternfish
37 122043 Electrona risso Risso's Lanternfish
37 122014 Electrona subaspera Rough Lanternfish
37 122044 Gonichthys barnesi Barnes' Lanternfish
37 122113 Gymnoscopelus bolini [a lanternfish]
37 122751 Gymnoscopelus braueri [a lanternfish]
37 122114 Gymnoscopelus fraseri [a lanternfish]
37 122105 Gymnoscopelus hintonoides False-Midas Lanternfish
37 122106 Gymnoscopelus microlampas Minispotted Lanternfish
37 122752 Gymnoscopelus nicholsi [a lanternfish]
37 122753 Gymnoscopelus opisthopterus [a lanternfish]
37 122018 Gymnoscopelus piabilis Southern Blacktip Lanternfish
37 122115 Hintonia candens [a lanternfish]
37 122045 Hygophum hanseni Hansen's Lanternfish
37 122004 Hygophum hygomii Hygom's Lanternfish
37 122092 Hygophum macrochir Largefin Lanternfish
37 122023 Hygophum proximum Firefly Lanternfish
37 122046 Hygophum reinhardtii Reinhardt's Lanternfish
37 122754 Krefftichthys anderssoni [a lanternfish]
37 122093 Lampadena chavesi Chaves' Lanternfish
37 122094 Lampadena luminosa Luminous Lanternfish
37 122047 Lampadena notialis Notal Lanternfish
37 122062 Lampadena speculigera Mirror Lanternfish
37 122095 Lampadena urophaos Tail-light Lanternfish
37 122002 Lampanyctodes hectoris Hector's Lanternfish
37 122096 Lampanyctus achirus Cripplefin Lanternfish
37 122048 Lampanyctus alatus Winged Lanternfish
37 122049 Lampanyctus ater Dusky Lanternfish
37 122019 Lampanyctus australis Austral Lanternfish
37 122050 Lampanyctus festivus Festive Lanternfish
37 122020 Lampanyctus intricarius Intricate Lanternfish
37 122051 Lampanyctus lepidolychnus Mermaid Lanternfish
37 122063 Lampanyctus macdonaldi MacDonald's Lanternfish
37 122097 Lampanyctus nobilis Noble Lanternfish
37 122052 Lampanyctus pusillus Pygmy Lanternfish
37 122064 Lampanyctus sp. [Paxton, pers comm] [a lanternfish]
37 122017 Lampichthys procerus Blackhead Lanternfish
37 122053 Lobianchia dofleini Doflein's Lanternfish
37 122054 Lobianchia gemellarii Gemellar's Lanternfish
37 122098 Loweina rara Rare Lanternfish
37 122107 Metelectrona herwigi Herwig Lanternfish
37 122016 Metelectrona ventralis Flaccid Lanternfish
37 122056 Myctophum nitidulum Pearly-spotted Lanternfish
37 122058 Notolychnus valdiviae Topside Lanternfish
37 122070 Notoscopelus caudispinosus Spinetail Lanternfish
37 122022 Notoscopelus resplendens Patchwork Lanternfish
37 122116 Protomyctophum andriashevi [a lanternfish]
37 122755 Protomyctophum bolini [a lanternfish]
37 122067 Protomyctophum normani Norman's Lanternfish
37 122102 Protomyctophum parallelum Parallel Lanternfish
37 122068 Protomyctophum subparallelum Subparallel Lanternfish
37 122117 Protomyctophum tenisoni [a lanternfish]
37 122005 Scopelopsis multipunctatus Multispot Lanternfish
37 122007 Symbolophorus barnardi Barnard's Lanternfish
37 122103 Symbolophorus boops Spotfin Lanternfish
37 122059 Symbolophorus evermanni Evermann's Lanternfish
37 122069 Taaningichthys bathyphilus Deepwater Lanternfish
37 122071 Triphoturus nigrescens Vagabond Lanternfish
99 370003 Gymnoscopelus sp. [a lanternfish]
99 370004 Protomyctophum sp. [a lanternfish]
99 378045 Diaphus eluceus (unverified)
99 378074 Myctophum spinosum (unverified)
99 379226 Diaphus coeruleus (unverified)
99 379227 Diaphus sp. (unverified)
99 379429 Myctophum aurolaternatum (unverified)
99 379430 Myctophum sp. (unverified)
99 379427 Myctophidae sp.
99 379428 Myctophidae sp.
99 379765 Myctophidae gen. sp. unknown

Note: CAAB codes prefixed "99" represent project-specific (informal) taxa.

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