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Current CAAB listing for family (or group)
Cerithiopsidae (creepers)
Found 154 matches. Click on CAAB code to view taxon report.
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CAAB | Scientific Name | Common name |
24 186951 | Cerithiopsidae | creeper |
24 186923 | Alipta spp. | [a creeper] |
24 186924 | Aliptina spp. | [a creeper] |
24 186925 | Cerithiopsidella spp. | [a creeper] |
24 186904 | Cerithiopsilla spp. | |
24 186905 | Cerithiopsis spp. | [a creeper] |
24 186906 | Clathropsis spp. | |
24 186908 | Horologica spp. | [a creeper] |
24 186909 | Joculator spp. | [a creeper] |
24 186926 | Mendax spp. | [a creeper] |
24 186910 | Paraseila spp. | |
24 186911 | Pilaflexis spp. | |
24 186912 | Potenatomus spp. | |
24 186913 | Prolixodens spp. | [a creeper] |
24 186914 | Seila spp. | [a creeper] |
24 186915 | Socienna spp. | [a creeper] |
24 186916 | Specula spp. | [a creeper] |
24 186927 | Sundaya spp. | [a creeper] |
24 186917 | Synthopsis spp. | [a creeper] |
24 186921 | Tasmalira spp. | [a creeper] |
24 186918 | Tubercliopsis spp. | |
24 186919 | Zaclys spp. | [a creeper] |
24 186116 | Alipta crenistria | [a creeper] |
24 186117 | Aliptina acheronae | [a creeper] |
24 186118 | Cerithiopsidella blacki | [a creeper] |
24 186024 | Cerithiopsilla antarctica | [a creeper] |
24 186029 | Cerithiopsis brunnea | [a creeper] |
24 186006 | Cerithiopsis carrota | [a creeper] |
24 186030 | Cerithiopsis powelli | [a creeper] |
24 186031 | Cerithiopsis stylifera | [a creeper] |
24 186032 | Clathropsis alternata | [a creeper] |
24 186033 | Clathropsis bicarinata | [a creeper] |
24 186034 | Clathropsis darwinensis | [a creeper] |
24 186011 | Clathropsis impedita | [a creeper] |
24 186035 | Clathropsis maritima | [a creeper] |
24 186036 | Clathropsis mellita | [a creeper] |
24 186037 | Clathropsis thornleyana | [a creeper] |
24 186038 | Clathropsis tripilia | [a creeper] |
24 186039 | Clathropsis turreta | [a creeper] |
24 186040 | Horologica albino | [a creeper] |
24 186041 | Horologica bicolor | [a creeper] |
24 186042 | Horologica bipartita | [a creeper] |
24 186120 | Horologica cowei | [a creeper] |
24 186121 | Horologica dirempta | [a creeper] |
24 186043 | Horologica macrocephala | [a creeper] |
24 186044 | Horologica minareta | [a creeper] |
24 186045 | Horologica perligera | [a creeper] |
24 186046 | Horologica pinea | [a creeper] |
24 186047 | Horologica purpurea | [a creeper] |
24 186048 | Horologica telegraphica | [a creeper] |
24 186010 | Horologica westiana | [a creeper] |
24 186049 | Joculator abbreviatus | [a creeper] |
24 186050 | Joculator albordina | [a creeper] |
24 186051 | Joculator albulus | [a creeper] |
24 186052 | Joculator continens | [a creeper] |
24 186053 | Joculator flindersi | [a creeper] |
24 186054 | Joculator gracilis | [a creeper] |
24 186055 | Joculator hedleyi | [a creeper] |
24 186056 | Joculator introspectus | [a creeper] |
24 186057 | Joculator melania | [a creeper] |
24 186058 | Joculator minimus | [a creeper] |
24 186059 | Joculator minor | [a creeper] |
24 186060 | Joculator ovatus | [a creeper] |
24 186007 | Joculator ridiculus | [a creeper] |
24 186119 | Joculator sublima | [a creeper] |
24 186061 | Joculator subula | [a creeper] |
24 186062 | Joculator tomacula | [a creeper] |
24 186063 | Joculator tribulationalis | [a creeper] |
24 186064 | Joculator varians | [a creeper] |
24 186122 | Mendax hebetatus | [a creeper] |
24 186123 | Mendax marginatus | [a creeper] |
24 186124 | Mendax seilaformis | [a creeper] |
24 186125 | Mendax subapicinus | [a creeper] |
24 186126 | Mendax trizonalis | [a creeper] |
24 186127 | Mendax trizonaloides | [a creeper] |
24 186065 | Paraseila ampulla | [a creeper] |
24 186066 | Paraseila halligani | [a creeper] |
24 186019 | Paraseila heronensis | [a creeper] |
24 186067 | Pilaflexis oculis | [a creeper] |
24 186018 | Pilaflexis regularis | [a creeper] |
24 186008 | Potenatomus caputumere | [a creeper] |
24 186068 | Potenatomus nanus | [a creeper] |
24 186009 | Potenatomus secundus | [a creeper] |
24 186128 | Prolixodens benthica | [a creeper] |
24 186129 | Prolixodens crassa | [a creeper] |
24 186069 | Prolixodens infracolor | [a creeper] |
24 186070 | Seila albosutura | [a creeper] |
24 186130 | Seila bulbosa | [a creeper] |
24 186071 | Seila capricornia | [a creeper] |
24 186132 | Seila cincta | [a creeper] |
24 186072 | Seila cingulifera | [a creeper] |
24 186021 | Seila crocea | [a creeper] |
24 186133 | Seila dilecta | [a creeper] |
24 186135 | Seila elegantissima | [a creeper] |
24 186073 | Seila insignis | [a creeper] |
24 186074 | Seila iredalei | [a creeper] |
24 186075 | Seila maculosa | [a creeper] |
24 186076 | Seila magna | [a creeper] |
24 186134 | Seila maoria | [a creeper] |
24 186022 | Seila marmorata | [a creeper] |
24 186077 | Seila nigrofusca | [a creeper] |
24 186131 | Seila regia | [a creeper] |
24 186079 | Seila tenuis | [a creeper] |
24 186136 | Seila terebelloides | [a creeper] |
24 186080 | Socienna angasi | [a creeper] |
24 186017 | Socienna apicicostata | [a creeper] |
24 186081 | Socienna clava | [a creeper] |
24 186138 | Socienna cracens regia | [a creeper] |
24 186137 | Socienna cracens cracens | [a creeper] |
24 186082 | Socienna crassa | [a creeper] |
24 186083 | Socienna cylindricum | [a creeper] |
24 186084 | Socienna gregaria | [a creeper] |
24 186085 | Socienna hebes | [a creeper] |
24 186086 | Socienna jacksonensis | [a creeper] |
24 186087 | Socienna quadrispiralis | [a creeper] |
24 186088 | Socienna trisculpta | [a creeper] |
24 186139 | Specula campbellica | [a creeper] |
24 186014 | Specula mamilla | [a creeper] |
24 186089 | Specula queenslandica | [a creeper] |
24 186015 | Specula regina | [a creeper] |
24 186140 | Specula retifera | [a creeper] |
24 186141 | Specula styliformis | [a creeper] |
24 186090 | Specula turbonilloides | [a creeper] |
24 186142 | Sundaya exquisita | [a creeper] |
24 186143 | Sundaya tuberculata | [a creeper] |
24 186144 | Synthopsis acuminata | [a creeper] |
24 186145 | Synthopsis caelata | [a creeper] |
24 186091 | Synthopsis cancellata | [a creeper] |
24 186092 | Synthopsis columna | [a creeper] |
24 186013 | Synthopsis cylindrica | [a creeper] |
24 186093 | Synthopsis demissa | [a creeper] |
24 186094 | Synthopsis exilis | [a creeper] |
24 186095 | Synthopsis radix | [a creeper] |
24 186146 | Synthopsis regia | [a creeper] |
24 186096 | Synthopsis virgula | [a creeper] |
24 186147 | Tasmalira vitrea | [a creeper] |
24 186097 | Tubercliopsis bowenensis | [a creeper] |
24 186098 | Tubercliopsis capricornia | [a creeper] |
24 186099 | Tubercliopsis cessicus | [a creeper] |
24 186016 | Tubercliopsis dannevigi | [a creeper] |
24 186100 | Tubercliopsis elongata | [a creeper] |
24 186101 | Tubercliopsis exigua | [a creeper] |
24 186102 | Tubercliopsis filofusca | [a creeper] |
24 186103 | Tubercliopsis georgensis | [a creeper] |
24 186104 | Tubercliopsis lata | [a creeper] |
24 186105 | Tubercliopsis literalis | [a creeper] |
24 186106 | Tubercliopsis macalpinei | [a creeper] |
24 186107 | Tubercliopsis punicea | [a creeper] |
24 186108 | Tubercliopsis quinquepilia | [a creeper] |
24 186109 | Tubercliopsis septapilia | [a creeper] |
24 186148 | Zaclys murdochi | [a creeper] |
24 186149 | Zaclys sarissa | [a creeper] |
24 186110 | Zaclys semilaevis | [a creeper] |
24 186012 | Zaclys styliferus | [a creeper] |
Note: CAAB codes prefixed "99" represent project-specific (informal) taxa.