Data Trawler - Deployment Details

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Deployment Details

Survey: - SS200702 [details]

Deployment Type: - Catch

Station: 61

Operation No.: 61

Gear: Sherman epibenthic Sled

When: 2007-04-08 13:36 UTC

Where: 43° 56.0' S    150° 30.7' E
to 43° 56.0' S    150° 31.5' E

Maximum Depth (m): 870

Description: Area: Cascade Transect name: 1000 pos 1

Comments: Position determination - map-position based on sonardyne

Gear used
NetSampleStartEndStart depthEnd depthMethodEffort
Sherman epibenthic Sled 2007-04-08 13:36 780 870 Catch

Catch Composition

CAABTaxaCount Weight (kg)
10004904 Craniella spp. 12 0.017
10009910 Stelletta spp. 10 0.061
10012901 Erylus spp. 9 0.087
10013000 Pachastrellidae 4 0.018
10013901 Characella spp. 11 0.087
10025024 Polymastia 4531 (Qld Mus.) 2 0.001
10093000 Halichondriidae 2 0.022
10312002 Farrea occa occa 4 0.042
10313000 Tretodictyidae 2 1.327
11077006 Stylaster eguchii 0.306
11193011 Paragorgia coralloides 1 0.022
11229000 Actiniaria 7 0.025
11284000 Zoantharia 0.859
11314000 Caryophylliidae, Deltocyathiidae 1.2
11320047 Enallopsammia rostrata 4 0.541
14000000 Nemertea 7 0.009
17001000 Sipunculidae 1 0.015
19170013 Jaffaia jaffaensis 7 0.014
22000000 Polychaeta 13 0.02
22062000 Polynoidae, Iphionidae 6 0.018
22062910 Euphione spp. 1 0.007
23001000 Aplacophora 2 0.001
24046000 Trochidae, Margaritidae, Solariellidae, Tegulidae 1 0.004
24165912 Polinices spp. 2 0.001
24176001 Fusitriton retiolus 4 0.13
24176012 Cymatona kampyla 2 0.06
25001000 Crinoidea 0.026
25030000 Comatulidae 6 0.02
25111915 Persephonaster spp. 1 0.016
25122040 Hoplaster kupe 2 0.001
25143018 Echinaster farquhari 1 0.005
25151001 Novodinia australis 2 0.017
25154004 Smilasterias clarkailsa 7 0.005
25155902 Freyella spp. 1 0.002
25157000 Pedicellasteridae 1 0.001
25166007 Ophioscolex sp. MoV 5486 30 0.009
25170022 Ophiocreas sibogae 8 0.67
25176067 Ophiopleura inermis 1 0.001
25179016 Ophioplax lamellosa 5 0.003
25185001 Ophiacantha rosea 2 0.003
25185004 Ophiacantha spectabilis 9 0.002
25185042 Ophioplinthaca plicata 1 0.001
25190002 Ophiactis abyssicola 12 0.002
25190003 Ophiactis hirta 80 0.008
25205000 Echinothuriidae 1 0.321
25422004 Pannychia moseleyi 1 0.044
27500000 Cirripedia 1 0.005
28737005 Lipkius holthuisi 10 0.014
28767912 Merhippolyte spp. 1 0.001
28835001 Propagurus deprofundis 1 0.001
28835038 Goreopagurus poorei 11 0.008
28837002 Sympagurus dimorphus 4 0.041
28840050 Munida isos 27 0.008
28840170 Munidopsis comarge 1 0.001
28880013 Dorhynchus ramusculus 1 0.001
28917007 Neopilumnoplax nieli 7 0.017
37000000 "Superclass" Pisces 2 0.353
99100673 Rossella cf. antarctica 1 0.004
99110350 Narella sp. B 1 0.001
99110354 Acanthogorgia sp. B 2 0.25
99110396 Paragorgia cf. aoteroa 1 0.047
99110409 Narella sp. C 1 0.001
99110411 Thouarella n.sp. A 2 0.038
99901002 debris - rocks 1.35
99901009 debris - dead corals 1.4
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