Data Trawler - Survey Details

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Voyage details and related metadata, reports, events and data.

SS 09/2004 (alternative identifier: SS200409)    - is a Marine National Facility voyage

Period: 2004-09-15 00:00 to 2004-09-30 00:00 UTC

Duration: 15.00 days

From: Brisbane To: Brisbane

Region: Brittania Seamount; Lord Howe Rise; Coral Sea

Ship: Southern Surveyor [details]

Description: Southern Surveyor voyage SS09/2004 conducted pelagic habitat and community comparisons in the fishing grounds of the tuna and billfish fishery off eastern Australia during October 2004.

Leader: J. Young (CSIRO)

Project: Development of a fishery-independent index of abundance for juvenile southern bluefin tuna (FRDC project nos. 94/149, 96/118) 1996-2000 [details]

Voyage extents: 29° 00.6' S to 25° 27.8' S    153° 04.6' E to 161° 09.8' E Get voyage track shapefile Get CSV

Marlin Metadata:-

  • Acoustic Voyage Log Books [details]

  • CSIRO Micronekton Database: 1992 to 2018 [details]

  • Southern Surveyor Voyage SS 09/2004 ADCP Data [details]

  • Southern Surveyor Voyage SS 09/2004 Biological Overview [details]

  • Southern Surveyor Voyage SS 09/2004 CTD Data (awaits processing report) [details]

  • Southern Surveyor Voyage SS 09/2004 HPLC Pigment and Ocean Colour Data [details]

  • Southern Surveyor Voyage SS 09/2004 Hydrology Data (awaits processing) [details]

  • Southern Surveyor Voyage SS 09/2004 In-situ acoustic target strength data, East Coast Australia - Brisbane to Lord Howe Rise. Pelagic habitat study [details]

  • Southern Surveyor Voyage SS 09/2004 Multibeam Echosounder Data [details]

  • Southern Surveyor Voyage SS 09/2004 Simrad EK500 vertical acoustic data, East Coast Australia - Brisbane to Lord Howe Rise. Pelagic habitat study [details]

  • Southern Surveyor Voyage SS 09/2004 Underway Data [details]

  • Towards an Understanding of Mesopelagic Micronekton Biomass, Distribution, Variability and Energetics in Ocean Ecosystem [details]

  • Metadata from OBIS Australia datasets:- biological data is published via the OBIS-AU IPT server and delivered to one or more of OBIS, ALA and GBIF

  • Australian National Fish Collection (ANFC)

    Download from OBIS Australia IPT View at - Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS)    Atlas of Living Australia (ALA)    GBIF

  • Participants - on ship:-

    Alistair Hobday Alternate watch leader CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart
    Jeff Dambacher Biologist (nets, ctd) CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart
    Jock Young Chief Investigator CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart
    Klaas Hartmann Biologist CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart
    Lindsay MacDonald Electronics CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart
    Mark Lewis Midoc net specialist CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart
    Mark Rayner Hydrochemist CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart
    Miroslaw Ryba Computing CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart
    Pru Bonham Biologist (primary productivity, isotopes CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart
    Ron Plaschke Voyage Manager CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart
    Russell Bradford Biologist (nets, ctd) CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart
    Tim Ryan Acoustics CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart

    This list includes those that may have only been on part of the voyage. See voyage reports on 'Reports and Maps' tab for details.

    Marine National Facility Reports - plans, summaries and data processing

    Publications, reports and datasets from this voyage.

    IPT Resource

    Journal Article

    • Thompson, P.A.,Bonham, P.,Waite, A.M.,Clementson, L.A.,Cherukuru, N.,Hassler, C.,Doblin, M.A. (2011) Contrasting oceanographic conditions and phytoplankton communities on the east and west coasts of Australia. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 58 pp645-663.     10.1016/j.dsr2.2010.10.003

    • Young, J.W.,Hobday, A.J.,Campbell, R.A.,Kloser, R.J.,Bonham, P.I.,Clementson, L.A.,Lansdell, M.J. (2011) The biological oceanography of the East Australian Current and surrounding waters in relation to tuna and billfish catches off eastern Australia. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 58 pp720-733.     10.1016/j.dsr2.2010.10.005


    • Sutton, Caroline; Kloser, Rudy; Gershwin, Lisa. Micronekton in southern Australia and the Southern Ocean: A collation of the biomass, abundance, diversity and distribution data from CSIRO’s historical mesopelagic depth stratified net samples.. Hobart: CSIRO; 2018.    

    Search for publications, reports and datasets from this and other voyages

    Data publishing

    This is a list of online datasets hosted by CSIRO. Other processed datasets hosted by collaborating organisations may be found on the 'Metadata' or "Reports, Publications and Maps' tab.
    Use the Get data link on the right to extract data using the NCMI Data Trawler.

    Data StreamData SummaryGet data
    ADCP Data
    Time (UTC): 2004-09-15 09:09 to 2004-09-29 15:09
    Latitude: -29.01 to -25.46
    Longitude: 153.35 to 161.16
    Ensembles: 913
    Depth per cell: 8 m
    Cells per ensemble: 50
    Ensemble period: 1200 sec
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    Marine biodiversity observations and/or samples
    Time (UTC): 2004-09-19 00:00 to 2004-09-28 16:46
    Latitude: -28.71 to -27.78
    Longitude: 155.58 to 160.77
    Depth range: 0 to 602 m
    Occurrences: 202
    Taxa count: 7
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    Multibeam echosounder
    Time (UTC): 2004-09-18 01:09 to 2004-09-28 19:09
    Latitude: -28.73 to -27.70
    Longitude: 155.23 to 155.80
    Datafiles: 77
    Total size: 1.96 Gb
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    Time (UTC): 2004-09-15 00:09 to 2004-09-29 21:09
    Latitude: -27.45
    Longitude: 153.08
    Track length: 3861.372 km
    Locations: 128,625
    Measurements: 1,540,477
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    Deployments by start time:- Click on column header to sort. Use link on 'Deployment' to see full details. Use the CSV button at the bottom to export data (tab delimited).

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    Deployment OperationStationCastGearProject Start and end timesStart LocationEnd LocationDepthDescription
    Underway System [details]   Air Temperature Sensor-HMP233,Barometer,Fluorometer WS3S-026,Gyro-Generic SS-NF,Humidity Sensor-HMP233,Licor-UWQ 3708,RM Young 05103 wind monitor,RM Young 05103 wind monitor,RM Young 05103 wind monitor,Seapath 200,Seapath 200,Simrad EA500 Echosounder,ThermoSalinoGraph (TSG)-SS-SN 1777,ThermoSalinoGraph (TSG)-SS-SN 1777 1381 2004-09-15 00:04 2004-09-29 21:49 -27.4466 153.0775 -27.3260 153.1985
    ADCP Data [details]   RDI VM-150 Acoustic Doppler current profiler 1381 2004-09-15 09:00 2004-09-29 15:00 -26.2720 153.6600 -26.6600 153.3470 368.8
    CTD Cast [details] 1   Cast 1 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2594,Fluorometer CTD 20-Chelsea 88221,Licor CTD 20-SN 4059,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 1381 2004-09-15 13:17 2004-09-15 13:41 -25.9393 153.8446 -25.9480 153.8401 166
    CTD Cast [details] 2   Cast 2 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2594,Fluorometer CTD 20-Chelsea 88221,Licor CTD 20-SN 4059,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 1381 2004-09-15 14:46 2004-09-15 15:16 -25.9712 153.9261 -25.9698 153.9259 406
    CTD Cast [details] 3   Cast 3 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2594,Fluorometer CTD 20-Chelsea 88221,Licor CTD 20-SN 4059,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 1381 2004-09-15 16:24 2004-09-15 17:00 -26.0128 154.0462 -26.0119 154.0462 502
    CTD Cast [details] 4   Cast 4 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2594,Fluorometer CTD 20-Chelsea 88221,Licor CTD 20-SN 4059,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 1381 2004-09-15 18:54 2004-09-15 19:19 -26.0771 154.2257 -26.0781 154.2281 500
    CTD Cast [details] 5   Cast 5 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2594,Fluorometer CTD 20-Chelsea 88221,Licor CTD 20-SN 4059,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 1381 2004-09-15 20:37 2004-09-15 21:03 -26.1425 154.4022 -26.1459 154.4026 500
    CTD Cast [details] 6   Cast 6 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2594,Fluorometer CTD 20-Chelsea 88221,Licor CTD 20-SN 4059,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 1381 2004-09-15 22:14 2004-09-15 22:42 -26.2018 154.5606 -26.2103 154.5517 500
    CTD Cast [details] 7   Cast 7 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2594,Fluorometer CTD 20-Chelsea 88221,Licor CTD 20-SN 4059,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 1381 2004-09-16 00:13 2004-09-16 00:40 -26.2642 154.7101 -26.2758 154.7042 500
    Catch [details] 8   Bongo Net 2004-09-16 01:35 2004-09-16 02:02 -26.2956 154.6819 -26.2856 154.6741
    Catch [details] 9   2004-09-16 01:46 2004-09-16 01:57 -26.2909 154.6770 -26.2871 154.6752
    CTD Cast [details] 10   Cast 8 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2594,Fluorometer CTD 20-Chelsea 88221,Licor CTD 20-SN 4059,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 1381 2004-09-16 02:40 2004-09-16 02:49 -26.2854 154.6553 -26.2883 154.6483 178
    Catch [details] 11   Bongo Net 2004-09-16 03:00 2004-09-16 03:25 -26.2903 154.6427 -26.2957 154.6172
    Catch [details] 12   2004-09-16 03:05 2004-09-16 03:16 -26.2915 154.6376 -26.2936 154.6268
    Catch [details] 13   Bongo Net 2004-09-16 03:32 2004-09-16 03:56 -26.2971 154.6097 -26.2986 154.5867
    Catch [details] 14   2004-09-16 03:36 2004-09-16 03:49 -26.2976 154.6063 -26.2982 154.5925
    CTD Cast [details] 15   Cast 9 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2594,Fluorometer CTD 20-Chelsea 88221,Licor CTD 20-SN 4059,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 1381 2004-09-16 04:10 2004-09-16 04:17 -26.3040 154.5761 -26.3056 154.5737 152
    Catch [details] 16   Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. 2004-09-16 08:43 2004-09-16 10:43 -25.6943 154.1487 -25.5994 154.1332
    Catch [details] 19   Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. 2004-09-16 14:30 2004-09-16 17:03 -25.6003 154.1341 -25.4771 154.1234
    CTD Cast [details] 20   Cast 10 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2594,Fluorometer CTD 20-Chelsea 88221,Licor CTD 20-SN 4059,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 1381 2004-09-16 18:00 2004-09-16 18:13 -25.4644 154.1182 -25.4631 154.1182 102
    CTD Cast [details] 21   Cast 11 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2594,Fluorometer CTD 20-Chelsea 88221,Licor CTD 20-SN 4059,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 1381 2004-09-16 19:46 2004-09-16 19:48 -25.4805 154.1353 500
    Catch [details] 22   Bongo Net 2004-09-16 22:09 2004-09-16 22:17 -25.5672 154.1439 -25.5724 154.1437
    Catch [details] 23   2004-09-16 22:20 2004-09-16 22:30 -25.5747 154.1437 -25.5804 154.1435
    Catch [details] 24   Bongo Net 2004-09-16 22:38 2004-09-16 23:04 -25.5849 154.1433 -25.6020 154.1429
    Catch [details] 25   2004-09-16 22:47 2004-09-16 22:57 -25.5929 154.1430 -25.5994 154.1428
    Catch [details] 26   Bongo Net 2004-09-16 23:08 2004-09-16 23:28 -25.6048 154.1428 -25.6180 154.1428
    Catch [details] 27   2004-09-16 23:10 2004-09-16 23:20 -25.6064 154.1429 -25.6131 154.1428
    Catch [details] 28   Bongo Net 2004-09-17 00:23 2004-09-17 00:44 -25.7041 154.1367 -25.7153 154.1352
    Catch [details] 29   2004-09-17 00:25 2004-09-17 00:36 -25.7058 154.1364 -25.7126 154.1356
    Catch [details] 30   Bongo Net 2004-09-17 00:46 2004-09-17 01:12 -25.7167 154.1350 -25.7328 154.1336
    Catch [details] 31   2004-09-17 00:48 2004-09-17 00:56 -25.7187 154.1348 -25.7256 154.1339
    Catch [details] 32   Bongo Net 2004-09-17 01:15 2004-09-17 01:33 -25.7347 154.1334 -25.7448 154.1324
    Catch [details] 33   2004-09-17 01:17 2004-09-17 01:27 -25.7368 154.1332 -25.7430 154.1328
    CTD Cast [details] 34   Cast 12 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2594,Fluorometer CTD 20-Chelsea 88221,Licor CTD 20-SN 4059,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 1381 2004-09-17 01:47 2004-09-17 02:11 -25.7476 154.1326 -25.7531 154.1320 502
    Catch [details] 35   Bongo Net 2004-09-17 03:12 2004-09-17 03:36 -25.8911 154.1235 -25.9087 154.1192
    Catch [details] 36   2004-09-17 03:20 2004-09-17 03:31 -25.8972 154.1220 -25.9048 154.1201
    Catch [details] 37   Bongo Net 2004-09-17 03:43 2004-09-17 04:05 -25.9143 154.1177 -25.9295 154.1135
    Catch [details] 38   2004-09-17 03:44 2004-09-17 03:55 -25.9155 154.1173 -25.9229 154.1153
    Catch [details] 39   Bongo Net 2004-09-17 04:06 2004-09-17 04:29 -25.9303 154.1133 -25.9457 154.1094
    Catch [details] 40   2004-09-17 04:09 2004-09-17 04:19 -25.9322 154.1128 -25.9387 154.1112
    CTD Cast [details] 41   Cast 13 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2594,Fluorometer CTD 20-Chelsea 88221,Licor CTD 20-SN 4059,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 1381 2004-09-17 04:50 2004-09-17 05:13 -25.9472 154.1085 -25.9495 154.1070 498
    Catch [details] 42   Bongo Net 2004-09-17 06:01 2004-09-17 06:20 -26.0161 154.1146 -26.0274 154.1160
    Catch [details] 43   2004-09-17 06:09 2004-09-17 06:19 -26.0220 154.1155 -26.0270 154.1160
    Catch [details] 44   Bongo Net 2004-09-17 06:26 2004-09-17 06:44 -26.0311 154.1167 -26.0409 154.1186
    Catch [details] 45   2004-09-17 06:28 2004-09-17 06:39 -26.0331 154.1170 -26.0389 154.1183
    Catch [details] 46   Bongo Net 2004-09-17 06:46 2004-09-17 07:05 -26.0427 154.1190 -26.0528 154.1198
    Catch [details] 47   2004-09-17 06:49 2004-09-17 06:59 -26.0447 154.1193 -26.0510 154.1199
    CTD Cast [details] 48   Cast 14 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2594,Fluorometer CTD 20-Chelsea 88221,Licor CTD 20-SN 4059,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 1381 2004-09-17 07:45 2004-09-17 08:07 -26.0573 154.1170 -26.0624 154.1167 500
    Catch [details] 49   Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. 2004-09-17 08:26 2004-09-17 11:08 -26.0674 154.1169 -26.2202 154.1080
    Catch [details] 51   Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. 2004-09-17 13:53 2004-09-17 16:20 -26.2284 154.1213 -26.3592 154.0810
    Multibeam echosounder [details]   EM300 Multibeam Echosounder 2004-09-18 01:47 2004-09-28 19:08 -27.6982 155.2293 -28.2588 155.6501 3187.8
    CTD Cast [details] 52   Cast 15 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2594,Fluorometer CTD 20-Chelsea 88221,Licor CTD 20-SN 4059,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 1381 2004-09-18 03:37 2004-09-18 03:44 -27.9619 155.2752 -27.9614 155.2770 156
    CTD Cast [details] 53   Cast 16 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2594,Fluorometer CTD 20-Chelsea 88221,Licor CTD 20-SN 4059,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 1381 2004-09-18 04:30 2004-09-18 05:02 -28.0469 155.2664 -28.0444 155.2697 502
    CTD Cast [details] 54   Cast 17 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2594,Fluorometer CTD 20-Chelsea 88221,Licor CTD 20-SN 4059,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 1381 2004-09-18 06:04 2004-09-18 06:35 -28.0421 155.3612 -28.0365 155.3519 502
    CTD Cast [details] 55   Cast 18 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2594,Fluorometer CTD 20-Chelsea 88221,Licor CTD 20-SN 4059,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 1381 2004-09-18 07:38 2004-09-18 08:09 -28.0394 155.4607 -28.0367 155.4638 500
    CTD Cast [details] 56   Cast 19 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2594,Fluorometer CTD 20-Chelsea 88221,Licor CTD 20-SN 4059,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 1381 2004-09-18 08:57 2004-09-18 09:32 -28.0440 155.5459 -28.0399 155.5553 500
    CTD Cast [details] 57   Cast 20 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2594,Fluorometer CTD 20-Chelsea 88221,Licor CTD 20-SN 4059,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 1381 2004-09-18 10:14 2004-09-18 10:46 -28.0432 155.6462 -28.0423 155.6491 502
    CTD Cast [details] 58   Cast 21 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2594,Fluorometer CTD 20-Chelsea 88221,Licor CTD 20-SN 4059,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 1381 2004-09-18 11:51 2004-09-18 12:21 -28.0423 155.7417 -28.0453 155.7428 504
    CTD Cast [details] 59   Cast 22 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2594,Fluorometer CTD 20-Chelsea 88221,Licor CTD 20-SN 4059,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 1381 2004-09-18 13:43 2004-09-18 14:13 -28.0423 155.8850 -28.0379 155.8857 504
    CTD Cast [details] 60   Cast 23 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2594,Fluorometer CTD 20-Chelsea 88221,Licor CTD 20-SN 4059,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 1381 2004-09-18 15:40 2004-09-18 16:10 -28.0383 156.0268 -28.0298 156.0296 500
    CTD Cast [details] 61   Cast 24 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2594,Fluorometer CTD 20-Chelsea 88221,Licor CTD 20-SN 4059,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 1381 2004-09-18 17:44 2004-09-18 18:01 -27.9948 156.0432 -27.9893 156.0459 102
    CTD Cast [details] 62   Cast 25 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2594,Fluorometer CTD 20-Chelsea 88221,Licor CTD 20-SN 4059,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 1381 2004-09-18 18:45 2004-09-18 19:07 -27.9784 156.0537 -27.9725 156.0595 502
    Catch [details] 63   Bongo Net 2004-09-18 19:43 2004-09-18 20:04 -28.0260 156.0281 -28.0244 156.0149
    Catch [details] 64   2004-09-18 19:50 2004-09-18 19:58 -28.0249 156.0231 -28.0243 156.0180
    Catch [details] 65   Bongo Net 2004-09-18 20:10 2004-09-18 20:40 -28.0255 156.0116 -28.0297 155.9921
    Catch [details] 66   2004-09-18 20:13 2004-09-18 20:22 -28.0262 156.0096 -28.0275 156.0040
    Catch [details] 67   Bongo Net 2004-09-18 20:46 2004-09-18 21:08 -28.0329 155.9822 -28.0349 155.9668
    Catch [details] 68   2004-09-18 20:51 2004-09-18 21:01 -28.0335 155.9786 -28.0343 155.9714
    Catch [details] 69   Bongo Net 2004-09-18 21:13 2004-09-18 21:36 -28.0350 155.9635 -28.0360 155.9485
    Catch [details] 70   2004-09-18 21:16 2004-09-18 21:26 -28.0350 155.9617 -28.0353 155.9556
    CTD Cast [details] 71   Cast 26 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2594,Fluorometer CTD 20-Chelsea 88221,Licor CTD 20-SN 4059,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 1381 2004-09-18 22:15 2004-09-18 22:35 -28.0277 155.9446 -28.0263 155.9476 500
    Catch [details] 72   Bongo Net 2004-09-18 22:44 2004-09-18 23:11 -28.0263 155.9458 -28.0264 155.9271
    Catch [details] 73   2004-09-18 22:52 2004-09-18 23:03 -28.0264 155.9388 -28.0263 155.9322
    Catch [details] 74   Bongo Net 2004-09-18 23:15 2004-09-18 23:31 -28.0264 155.9253 -28.0269 155.9169
    Catch [details] 75   2004-09-18 23:17 2004-09-18 23:28 -28.0264 155.9238 -28.0267 155.9187
    Catch [details] 76   Bongo Net 2004-09-18 23:34 2004-09-18 23:59 -28.0272 155.9147 -28.0303 155.8984
    Catch [details] 77   2004-09-18 23:38 2004-09-18 23:48 -28.0276 155.9121 -28.0288 155.9054
    Catch [details] 78   Bongo Net 2004-09-19 00:05 2004-09-19 01:44 -28.0285 155.8959 -27.9472 155.8764
    CTD Cast [details] 79   Cast 27 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2594,Fluorometer CTD 20-Chelsea 88221,Licor CTD 20-SN 4059,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 1381 2004-09-19 02:46 2004-09-19 03:07 -28.0330 155.7892 -28.0407 155.7874 502
    Catch [details] 80   Bongo Net 2004-09-19 03:12 2004-09-19 03:29 -28.0412 155.7875 -28.0396 155.7764
    Catch [details] 81   2004-09-19 03:16 2004-09-19 03:27 -28.0407 155.7844 -28.0397 155.7775
    Catch [details] 82   Bongo Net 2004-09-19 03:32 2004-09-19 03:50 -28.0392 155.7741 -28.0383 155.7628
    Catch [details] 83   2004-09-19 03:35 2004-09-19 03:46 -28.0388 155.7721 -28.0382 155.7655
    Catch [details] 84   Bongo Net 2004-09-19 03:53 2004-09-19 04:12 -28.0384 155.7610 -28.0390 155.7493
    Catch [details] 85   2004-09-19 03:56 2004-09-19 04:07 -28.0385 155.7594 -28.0388 155.7531
    CTD Cast [details] 86   Cast 28 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2594,Fluorometer CTD 20-Chelsea 88221,Licor CTD 20-SN 4059,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 1381 2004-09-19 04:22 2004-09-19 04:43 -28.0388 155.7473 -28.0415 155.7538 498
    Catch [details] 87   Bongo Net 2004-09-19 04:49 2004-09-19 05:10 -28.0420 155.7534 -28.0426 155.7389
    Catch [details] 88   2004-09-19 04:54 2004-09-19 05:04 -28.0422 155.7505 -28.0425 155.7433
    Catch [details] 89   Bongo Net 2004-09-19 05:13 2004-09-19 05:29 -28.0427 155.7364 -28.0432 155.7260
    Catch [details] 90   2004-09-19 05:16 2004-09-19 05:27 -28.0427 155.7347 -28.0431 155.7274
    Catch [details] 91   Bongo Net 2004-09-19 05:41 2004-09-19 06:01 -28.0436 155.7173 -28.0444 155.7027
    Catch [details] 92   2004-09-19 05:43 2004-09-19 05:53 -28.0436 155.7153 -28.0440 155.7082
    CTD Cast [details] 93   Cast 29 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2594,Fluorometer CTD 20-Chelsea 88221,Licor CTD 20-SN 4059,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 1381 2004-09-19 06:12 2004-09-19 06:30 -28.0444 155.7000 -28.0453 155.7039 422
    Catch [details] 94   Bongo Net 2004-09-19 06:40 2004-09-19 07:00 -28.0471 155.7088 -28.0472 155.6968
    Catch [details] 95   2004-09-19 06:42 2004-09-19 06:52 -28.0471 155.7068 -28.0473 155.7020
    Catch [details] 96   Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. 2004-09-19 09:47 2004-09-19 12:05 -28.0130 155.6694 -28.1293 155.6566
    Catch [details] 98   Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. 2004-09-19 15:10 2004-09-19 17:32 -28.0499 155.6671 -28.1555 155.6609
    Catch [details] 99   Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. 2004-09-19 22:29 2004-09-20 00:45 -28.0200 155.6677 -28.1262 155.6664
    CTD Cast [details] 100   Cast 30 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2594,Fluorometer CTD 20-Chelsea 88221,Licor CTD 20-SN 4059,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 1381 2004-09-20 03:40 2004-09-20 04:01 -28.4765 155.5594 -28.4748 155.5588 502
    CTD Cast [details] 103   Cast 31 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2594,Fluorometer CTD 20-Chelsea 88221,Licor CTD 20-SN 4059,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 1381 2004-09-20 05:34 2004-09-20 05:54 -28.6342 155.5038 -28.6346 155.5018 498
    Catch [details] 104   Bongo Net 2004-09-20 06:10 2004-09-20 06:25 -28.6315 155.4926 -28.6261 155.4806
    Catch [details] 105   2004-09-20 06:14 2004-09-20 06:24 -28.6300 155.4891 -28.6264 155.4813
    Catch [details] 106   Bongo Net 2004-09-20 06:29 2004-09-20 06:45 -28.6248 155.4775 -28.6190 155.4643
    Catch [details] 107   2004-09-20 06:31 2004-09-20 06:40 -28.6240 155.4757 -28.6208 155.4684
    Catch [details] 108   Bongo Net 2004-09-20 06:49 2004-09-20 07:03 -28.6178 155.4615 -28.6131 155.4508
    Catch [details] 109   2004-09-20 06:51 2004-09-20 07:01 -28.6172 155.4599 -28.6138 155.4523
    CTD Cast [details] 110   Cast 32 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2594,Fluorometer CTD 20-Chelsea 88221,Licor CTD 20-SN 4059,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 1381 2004-09-20 07:49 2004-09-20 08:09 -28.6068 155.3921 -28.6021 155.3891 502
    Catch [details] 112   Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. 2004-09-20 09:35 2004-09-20 12:02 -28.5352 155.4943 -28.6487 155.4837
    Catch [details] 114   Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. 2004-09-20 14:08 2004-09-20 16:23 -28.6644 155.4723 -28.5484 155.4956
    CTD Cast [details] 115   Cast 33 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2594,Fluorometer CTD 20-Chelsea 88221,Licor CTD 20-SN 4059,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 1381 2004-09-20 17:29 2004-09-20 18:02 -28.5333 155.4964 -28.5339 155.4977 500
    CTD Cast [details] 117   Cast 35 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2594,Fluorometer CTD 20-Chelsea 88221,Licor CTD 20-SN 4059,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 1381 2004-09-21 18:37 2004-09-21 19:08 -28.4818 160.2308 -28.4853 160.2250 500
    CTD Cast [details] 118   Cast 36 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2594,Fluorometer CTD 20-Chelsea 88221,Licor CTD 20-SN 4059,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 1381 2004-09-21 20:24 2004-09-21 20:56 -28.4937 160.4201 -28.4961 160.4332 500
    CTD Cast [details] 119   Cast 37 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2594,Fluorometer CTD 20-Chelsea 88221,Licor CTD 20-SN 4059,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 1381 2004-09-21 21:58 2004-09-21 22:28 -28.4893 160.6086 -28.4897 160.6142 502
    CTD Cast [details] 120   Cast 38 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2594,Fluorometer CTD 20-Chelsea 88221,Licor CTD 20-SN 4059,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 1381 2004-09-22 00:28 2004-09-22 00:57 -28.4917 160.7957 -28.4936 160.7944 502
    CTD Cast [details] 121   Cast 39 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2594,Fluorometer CTD 20-Chelsea 88221,Licor CTD 20-SN 4059,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 1381 2004-09-22 02:52 2004-09-22 03:23 -28.4884 160.9835 -28.4972 160.9823 500
    CTD Cast [details] 122   Cast 40 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2594,Fluorometer CTD 20-Chelsea 88221,Licor CTD 20-SN 4059,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 1381 2004-09-22 04:40 2004-09-22 05:32 -28.5023 161.1630 -28.5074 161.1612 1000
    Catch [details] 124   Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. 2004-09-22 08:49 2004-09-22 11:19 -28.5595 160.6764 -28.6863 160.6704
    Catch [details] 126   Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. 2004-09-22 14:37 2004-09-22 17:01 -28.7753 160.6994 -28.6678 160.7239
    CTD Cast [details] 127   Cast 41 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2594,Fluorometer CTD 20-Chelsea 88221,Licor CTD 20-SN 4059,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 1381 2004-09-22 17:39 2004-09-22 17:51 -28.6565 160.7311 -28.6557 160.7330 100
    CTD Cast [details] 128   Cast 42 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2594,Fluorometer CTD 20-Chelsea 88221,Licor CTD 20-SN 4059,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 1381 2004-09-22 20:07 2004-09-22 20:27 -29.0008 160.7319 502
    Catch [details] 129   Bongo Net 2004-09-22 21:37 2004-09-22 22:16 -29.0012 160.7349 -28.9797 160.7360
    Catch [details] 130   2004-09-22 21:43 2004-09-22 21:56 -28.9977 160.7350 -28.9906 160.7354
    Catch [details] 131   Bongo Net 2004-09-22 22:19 2004-09-22 22:35 -28.9777 160.7360 -28.9697 160.7363
    Catch [details] 132   2004-09-22 22:22 2004-09-22 22:32 -28.9758 160.7359 -28.9710 160.7363
    Catch [details] 133   Bongo Net 2004-09-22 22:38 2004-09-22 22:54 -28.9681 160.7364 -28.9603 160.7369
    Catch [details] 134   2004-09-22 22:41 2004-09-22 22:51 -28.9667 160.7365 -28.9620 160.7368
    Catch [details] 135   Bongo Net 2004-09-22 22:57 2004-09-22 23:14 -28.9588 160.7369 -28.9509 160.7368
    Catch [details] 136   2004-09-22 23:00 2004-09-22 23:10 -28.9574 160.7369 -28.9525 160.7369
    CTD Cast [details] 137   Cast 43 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2594,Fluorometer CTD 20-Chelsea 88221,Licor CTD 20-SN 4059,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 1381 2004-09-23 00:25 2004-09-23 00:45 -28.8360 160.7418 -28.8380 160.7433 500
    Catch [details] 138   Bongo Net 2004-09-23 00:54 2004-09-23 01:11 -28.8369 160.7442 -28.8291 160.7468
    Catch [details] 139   2004-09-23 00:56 2004-09-23 01:06 -28.8357 160.7445 -28.8312 160.7460
    Catch [details] 140   Bongo Net 2004-09-23 01:14 2004-09-23 01:29 -28.8277 160.7471 -28.8212 160.7495
    Catch [details] 141   2004-09-23 01:17 2004-09-23 01:27 -28.8264 160.7475 -28.8222 160.7491
    Catch [details] 142   Bongo Net 2004-09-23 01:32 2004-09-23 01:48 -28.8197 160.7501 -28.8127 160.7536
    Catch [details] 143   2004-09-23 01:37 2004-09-23 01:46 -28.8176 160.7510 -28.8134 160.7532
    CTD Cast [details] 144   Cast 44 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2594,Fluorometer CTD 20-Chelsea 88221,Licor CTD 20-SN 4059,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 1381 2004-09-23 03:12 2004-09-23 03:34 -28.6655 160.7348 -28.6711 160.7438 506
    CTD Cast [details] 145   Cast 45 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2594,Fluorometer CTD 20-Chelsea 88221,Licor CTD 20-SN 4059,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 1381 2004-09-23 04:57 2004-09-23 05:19 -28.5003 160.7296 -28.4987 160.7311 500
    Catch [details] 146   Bongo Net 2004-09-23 05:25 2004-09-23 05:46 -28.4961 160.7333 -28.4841 160.7369
    Catch [details] 147   2004-09-23 05:29 2004-09-23 05:39 -28.4934 160.7339 -28.4876 160.7357
    Catch [details] 148   Bongo Net 2004-09-23 05:49 2004-09-23 06:06 -28.4822 160.7374 -28.4729 160.7403
    Catch [details] 149   2004-09-23 05:51 2004-09-23 06:02 -28.4809 160.7377 -28.4754 160.7395
    Catch [details] 150   Bongo Net 2004-09-23 06:10 2004-09-23 06:31 -28.4702 160.7410 -28.4572 160.7443
    Catch [details] 151   2004-09-23 06:12 2004-09-23 06:22 -28.4688 160.7413 -28.4627 160.7429
    CTD Cast [details] 152   Cast 46 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2594,Fluorometer CTD 20-Chelsea 88221,Licor CTD 20-SN 4059,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 1381 2004-09-23 07:41 2004-09-23 08:05 -28.3203 160.7426 -28.3268 160.7522 500
    Catch [details] 153   Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. 2004-09-23 09:05 2004-09-23 11:42 -28.3219 160.6080 -28.2052 160.6041
    Catch [details] 155   Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. 2004-09-23 13:59 2004-09-23 16:21 -28.2338 160.5927 -28.1424 160.5895
    CTD Cast [details] 158   Cast 47 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2594,Fluorometer CTD 20-Chelsea 88221,Licor CTD 20-SN 4059,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 1381 2004-09-23 17:53 2004-09-23 18:22 -28.1379 160.5804 -28.1397 160.5793 498
    CTD Cast [details] 159   Cast 48 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2594,Fluorometer CTD 20-Chelsea 88221,Licor CTD 20-SN 4059,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 1381 2004-09-23 19:43 2004-09-23 20:10 -27.9983 160.6936 -28.0083 160.6991 500
    Catch [details] 160   Bongo Net 2004-09-23 20:27 2004-09-23 20:41 -28.0073 160.6996 -28.0013 160.7016
    Catch [details] 161   2004-09-23 20:32 2004-09-23 20:44 -28.0045 160.6998 -28.0002 160.7022
    Catch [details] 162   Bongo Net 2004-09-23 20:48 2004-09-23 21:02 -27.9985 160.7029 -27.9937 160.7047
    Catch [details] 163   2004-09-23 20:50 2004-09-23 21:00 -27.9976 160.7033 -27.9945 160.7047
    Catch [details] 164   Bongo Net 2004-09-23 21:06 2004-09-23 21:20 -27.9932 160.7039 -27.9910 160.6998
    Catch [details] 165   2004-09-23 21:08 2004-09-23 21:19 -27.9927 160.7031 -27.9912 160.7003
    CTD Cast [details] 166   Cast 49 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2594,Fluorometer CTD 20-Chelsea 88221,Licor CTD 20-SN 4059,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 1381 2004-09-23 22:54 2004-09-23 23:22 -27.8450 160.8074 -27.8564 160.8101 500
    Catch [details] 167   Bongo Net 2004-09-23 23:34 2004-09-23 23:51 -27.8564 160.8092 -27.8535 160.8071
    Catch [details] 168   2004-09-23 23:39 2004-09-23 23:48 -27.8556 160.8085 -27.8539 160.8073
    Catch [details] 169   Bongo Net 2004-09-23 23:54 2004-09-24 00:09 -27.8530 160.8067 -27.8504 160.8048
    Catch [details] 170   2004-09-23 23:56 2004-09-24 00:06 -27.8526 160.8063 -27.8508 160.8052
    Catch [details] 171   Bongo Net 2004-09-24 00:12 2004-09-24 00:27 -27.8498 160.8043 -27.8461 160.8017
    Catch [details] 172   2004-09-24 00:14 2004-09-24 00:24 -27.8494 160.8040 -27.8468 160.8023
    CTD Cast [details] 173   Cast 50 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2594,Fluorometer CTD 20-Chelsea 88221,Licor CTD 20-SN 4059,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 1381 2004-09-24 02:07 2004-09-24 02:35 -27.7002 160.9228 -27.7052 160.9189 502
    Catch [details] 174   Bongo Net 2004-09-24 02:56 2004-09-24 03:16 -27.7060 160.9162 -27.7030 160.9053
    Catch [details] 175   2004-09-24 02:59 2004-09-24 03:09 -27.7055 160.9141 -27.7038 160.9089
    Catch [details] 176   Bongo Net 2004-09-24 03:23 2004-09-24 03:37 -27.7020 160.9016 -27.7000 160.8947
    Catch [details] 177   2004-09-24 03:25 2004-09-24 03:34 -27.7018 160.9007 -27.7004 160.8959
    Catch [details] 178   Bongo Net 2004-09-24 03:40 2004-09-24 03:56 -27.6995 160.8930 -27.6971 160.8843
    Catch [details] 179   2004-09-24 03:43 2004-09-24 03:52 -27.6991 160.8915 -27.6977 160.8863
    CTD Cast [details] 180   Cast 51 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2594,Fluorometer CTD 20-Chelsea 88221,Licor CTD 20-SN 4059,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 1381 2004-09-24 05:43 2004-09-24 06:20 -27.5645 161.0293 -27.5736 161.0390 500
    Catch [details] 181   Bongo Net 2004-09-24 06:30 2004-09-24 06:45 -27.5720 161.0412 -27.5654 161.0428
    Catch [details] 182   2004-09-24 06:34 2004-09-24 06:43 -27.5698 161.0416 -27.5663 161.0426
    Catch [details] 183   Bongo Net 2004-09-24 06:49 2004-09-24 07:03 -27.5641 161.0431 -27.5582 161.0446
    Catch [details] 184   2004-09-24 06:50 2004-09-24 07:01 -27.5633 161.0432 -27.5591 161.0443
    Catch [details] 185   Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. 2004-09-24 09:19 2004-09-24 11:47 -27.7345 160.7642 -27.8624 160.7763
    Catch [details] 187   Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. 2004-09-24 14:04 2004-09-24 16:26 -27.8896 160.7725 -27.7943 160.7621
    CTD Cast [details] 188   Cast 52 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2594,Fluorometer CTD 20-Chelsea 88221,Licor CTD 20-SN 4059,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 1381 2004-09-24 17:36 2004-09-24 17:50 -27.7860 160.7590 -27.7896 160.7581 150
    Catch [details] 190   Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. 2004-09-24 22:06 2004-09-25 00:17 -27.9265 160.7611 -27.8466 160.7537
    CTD Cast [details] 194   Cast 54 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2594,Fluorometer CTD 20-Chelsea 88221,Licor CTD 20-SN 4059,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 1381 2004-09-26 20:14 2004-09-26 20:42 -28.6010 155.3074 -28.6027 155.3053 500
    Catch [details] 195   Bongo Net 2004-09-26 21:52 2004-09-26 22:10 -28.5955 155.3059 -28.5950 155.3208
    Catch [details] 196   2004-09-26 21:56 2004-09-26 22:07 -28.5951 155.3096
    Catch [details] 197   2004-09-26 22:13 2004-09-26 22:32 -28.5950 155.3232 -28.5944 155.3393
    Catch [details] 198   2004-09-26 22:15 2004-09-26 22:25 -28.5949 155.3246 -28.5946 155.3335
    Catch [details] 199   2004-09-26 22:35 2004-09-26 22:52 -28.5942 155.3416 -28.5935 155.3557
    Catch [details] 200   2004-09-26 22:37 2004-09-26 22:47 -28.5941 155.3433 -28.5937 155.3517
    CTD Cast [details] 201   Cast 55 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2594,Fluorometer CTD 20-Chelsea 88221,Licor CTD 20-SN 4059,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 1381 2004-09-26 23:25 2004-09-26 23:52 -28.5942 155.4028 -28.5997 155.4038 502
    CTD Cast [details] 202   Cast 56 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2594,Fluorometer CTD 20-Chelsea 88221,Licor CTD 20-SN 4059,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 1381 2004-09-27 00:46 2004-09-27 01:15 -28.5944 155.5027 -28.5921 155.5027 498
    Catch [details] 203   Bongo Net 2004-09-27 01:24 2004-09-27 01:43 -28.5901 155.5071 -28.5895 155.5210
    Catch [details] 204   2004-09-27 01:29 2004-09-27 01:39 -28.5893 155.5114 -28.5891 155.5181
    Catch [details] 205   2004-09-27 01:46 2004-09-27 02:01 -28.5897 155.5225 -28.5907 155.5326
    Catch [details] 206   2004-09-27 01:48 2004-09-27 01:58 -28.5899 155.5239 -28.5905 155.5304
    Catch [details] 207   Bongo Net 2004-09-27 02:04 2004-09-27 02:19 -28.5908 155.5343 -28.5916 155.5446
    Catch [details] 208   2004-09-27 02:06 2004-09-27 02:16 -28.5908 155.5360 -28.5914 155.5425
    CTD Cast [details] 209   Cast 57 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2594,Fluorometer CTD 20-Chelsea 88221,Licor CTD 20-SN 4059,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 1381 2004-09-27 02:56 2004-09-27 03:24 -28.5905 155.6168 -28.5884 155.6198 502
    CTD Cast [details] 210   Cast 58 CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2594,Fluorometer CTD 20-Chelsea 88221,Licor CTD 20-SN 4059,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 1381 2004-09-27 04:16 2004-09-27 04:49 -28.5921 155.7134 -28.5941 155.7194 524
    Catch [details] 211   Bongo Net 2004-09-27 04:55 2004-09-27 05:13 -28.5941 155.7195 -28.5935 155.7347
    Catch [details] 212   2004-09-27 04:57 2004-09-27 05:07 -28.5941 155.7214 -28.5936 155.7303
    Catch [details] 213   Bongo Net 2004-09-27 05:16 2004-09-27 05:32 -28.5933 155.7373 -28.5926 155.7503
    Catch [details] 214   2004-09-27 05:18 2004-09-27 05:29 -28.5932 155.7388 -28.5927 155.7473
    Catch [details] 215   Bongo Net 2004-09-27 05:35 2004-09-27 05:50 -28.5924 155.7525 -28.5914 155.7650
    Catch [details] 216   2004-09-27 05:37 2004-09-27 05:48 -28.5923 155.7540 -28.5915 155.7634
    Catch [details] 218   Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. 2004-09-27 08:57 2004-09-27 11:30 -28.5572 155.6114 -28.6676 155.6082
    Catch [details] 220   Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. 2004-09-27 15:02 2004-09-27 17:30 -28.6195 155.5889 -28.7342 155.5792
    Catch [details] 222   Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. 2004-09-28 09:15 2004-09-28 11:43 -28.0531 155.7282 -28.1577 155.6410
    Catch [details] 224   Mid Ocean Open Close - MIDOC. 2004-09-28 14:46 2004-09-28 17:11 -28.2490 155.6646 -28.3359 155.7395
    Catch [details] 17  
    Catch [details] 101  
    Catch [details] 102  

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