Deployment Details
Survey: - SS200409 [details]
Deployment Type: - CTD Cast
Cast: 6
Operation No.: 6
Gear: CTD 20 - SN 0552,Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2594,Fluorometer CTD 20-Chelsea 88221,Licor CTD 20-SN 4059,Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527,Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638,Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466
When: 2004-09-15 22:14 to 2004-09-15 22:42 UTC
26° 12.1' S
154° 33.6' E
26° 12.6' S
154° 33.1' E
Maximum Depth (m): 500
CTD profile - view full size
View two CTD profiles of Salinity versus Fluorescence and Temperature versus Oxygen.Gear / Instruments used.
Instrument | Manufacturer | Model | Serial No | Measuring |
CTD 20 - SN 0552 | Seabird | SBE II plus | 0552 | |
Conductivity CTD 20-SN 2594 | Seabird | SBE-4 | 2594 | |
Fluorometer CTD 20-Chelsea 88221 | Chelsea | 88221 | Fluorescence (arbitrary units) | |
Licor CTD 20-SN 4059 | 4059 | PAR (uE/m**2/sec) | ||
Oxygen CTD 20-Becman 527 | Seabird | Beckman | 130527 | Oxygen (µM) |
Pressure CTD 20-SN 75638 | Paroscientific I | 410K-105 | 75638 | Pressure (decibars) |
Temperature CTD 20-SN 2466 | Seabird | SBE-3 | 2466 | Temperature (deg C) |