Overview of Data holdings
This page describes the current data holdings by data type that the Data Trawler can deliver.
ADCP Data - [view map]
Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) data has been collected since 1987 from over 300 voyages with more than 700,000 positions yielding 15 million discrete velocity measurements. Over that period, the original processed data format has varied considerably from text files to various versions of netCDF. The Data Trawler provides a method to extract the ADCP data into one format.
CSIRO O&A Acoustic Doppler Current Profile (ADCP) Data Overview (1987 - present)
This dataset contains the processed Acoustic Doppler Current Profile (ADCP) data collected on Australia's Marine National Facility (MNF) RV Franklin, RV Southern Surveyor and RV Investigator from 2007 to present. The ADCP instrument typically operates at frequencies of 75kHz and 150khz. with respective maximum depths of 800 and 300 metres. The typical ensemble period is 5 minutes with depth bands ranging from 8 to 16 metres. The RV Investigator dataset has been QCed by the CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Data Acquisition and Processing group. The data can be retrieved via CSIRO O&A Data Trawler from each survey page, please see link below. The ADCP data format has evolved over time and this dataset has been sourced from about 15 data formats from csv to early adoption of netCDF formats. The data quality is likely to be varied so it is prudent to view each survey's data processing report.
see Marlin record: - link
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ADCP ensembles shown as dots...
Mapping layer(s): - mnf:adcp_public_data
AODN Mapping layer: - aodn:ADCP_ensembles
CTD profile - [view map]
CSIRO O&A CTD Data Overview (1982 - present)
The CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere (O&A) previously CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research (CMAR) CTD (Conductivity Temperature Depth) dataset includes data collected since 1982 during the voyages of Australia's Marine National Facility, and of various CSIRO marine research vessels. CTD data typically consists of vertical profiles binned at 2-metre intervals. Data usually includes conductivity, temperature, depth and salinity (derived), and may also include any or all of oxygen, fluorescence, optical back scatter (OBS), pH and transmittance. Individual metadata records have been created for each research voyage. The data is held in the O&A Information & Data Centre Data Warehouse, which currently holds over 14,321 CTD station records from more than 285 voyages.
see Marlin record: - link
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CTD casts shown as yellow dots...
Mapping layer(s): - mnf:CTD_HEADER_AODN_VIEW
AODN Mapping layer: - aodn:CTD_casts
Catch Details - [view map]
CSIRO O&A Catch Operations Data Overview (1965 - present)
The CSIRO O&A Catch Operations data set currently includes information on samples collected between 1965 and 2005 during voyages of various CSIRO research vessels. The data includes information about the time, location depth and catch method (trawl net etc) for each operation, metrics of catch (weight composition etc) and species and specimen details. Individual metadata records have been created for each research voyage. The data are held in the CSIRO Oceand and Atmosphere Data Warehouse, which currently holds over 13,000 catch operation records from more than 200 voyages.
see Marlin record: - link
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Catch locations shown as dots...
Mapping layer(s): - cmar:CATCH_HEADER_AODN_VIEW
AODN Mapping layer: - aodn:Catch_records
Current Meter records from Moorings - [view map]
CSIRO O&A Current Meter Mooring Data Overview (1983 - 1998)
Data collected from 1983 to 1998 using moored current meters deployed at various locations around Australia and in the southern Ocean has been loaded into the the CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Data Warehouse. Individual metadata records contain detailed information about each experiment. Most of these data were collected by the historical CSIRO divisions of Fisheries, Oceanography, Marine Research, Marine and Atmospheric Research and now Oceans and Atmosphere
see Marlin record: - link
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Mooring locations shown as mooring symbols
Mapping layer(s): - cmar:MOORED_INSTRUMENT_AODN_VIEW
AODN Mapping layer: - aodn:Mooring_data
Hydrology - [view map]
CSIRO O&A Hydrology Data Overview (1942 - present)
The CMAR Hydrology data set includes data collected since 1942 during the voyages of Australia's Marine National Facility, and of various CSIRO marine research vessels and coastal stations. Hydrology data usually consists of salinity and nutrient values obtained by analysing water samples taken at several depths at each station. The data may include temperature for some depths, nutrients may include any or all of ammonia, nitrite, phosphate, nitrate, silicate, oxygen. Individual metadata records have been created for each research voyage. The data is held in the CMAR Data Warehouse, which currently holds over 45,000 Hydrology station records from more than 500 voyages.
see Marlin record: - link
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Hydrology casts shown as dots...
Mapping layer(s): - mnf:HYDROLOGY_HEADER_AODN_VIEW
AODN Mapping layer: - aodn:Hydrology_casts
Radon measurements - [view map]
RV Investigator Radon Data - Selected Voyages (2014 onwards)
The Radon measurements are obtained from a sensor mounted on the Research Vessel RV Investigator of the Australian Marine National Facility (MNF) managed by CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere (O&A), and processed by ANSTO's Institute for Environmental Research. The dataset includes quality-controlled data collected from 2014 onwards. The RV Investigator voyages where data was collected and processed are listed below in this record. Potential users of the dataset are encouraged to discuss any aspects of its application with the contact persons listed in the dataset “Notes” tab: we are very enthusiastic and keen to support and participate in your science! REFERENCES: Zahorowski, W. and Whittlestone, S. (1999). Radon database 1987-1996: A review. In: Baseline Atmospheric Program (Australia) 1996 (eds. Gras, JL, Derek N, Tindale, NW, and Dick, AL). Bureau of Meteorology and CSIRO Atmospheric Research, Melbourne, 71-80. Zahorowski, W. et al. (2013). Constraining annual and seasonal radon-222 flux density from the Southern Ocean using radon-222 concentrations in the boundary layer at Cape Grim. Tellus B, 65. ISSN 1600-0889. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/tellusb.v65i0.19622. Chambers, SD, Hong, SB, Williams, AG, Crawford, J, Griffiths, AD, & Park, SJ (2014). Characterising terrestrial influences on Antarctic air masses using Radon-222 measurements at King George Island. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14(18), 9903-9916. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/acp-14-9903-2014. Chambers, S, Williams, AG, Zahorowski, W, Griffiths, A and Crawford, J. (2011). Separating remote fetch and local mixing influences on vertical radon measurements in the lower atmosphere. Tellus B, 63: 843-859. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0889.2011.00565.x. Griffiths AD, Chambers SD, Williams AG and Werczynski SR. (2016). Increasing the accuracy and temporal resolution of two-filter radon-222 measurements by correcting for the instrument response. Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9:2689-2707. doi:10.5194/amt-9-2689-2016.
see Marlin record: - link
Sea Surface Temperature - [view map]
SST data from Investigator
RV Investigator ISAR/SST Sea Surface Temperature Data Overview (2014 onwards)
This record describes the ISAR/SST Sea Surface Temperature data collected on the RV Investigator Voyages from 2014 onwards. The infrared SST autonomous radiometer (ISAR) is a self-calibrating instrument capable of measuring in situ sea surface skin temperature to an accuracy of 0.1 K. The SST Radiometer is mounted on the port bridge wing, approximately 19.593m above the summer load line. The RV Investigator ISAR skin SST data are also supplied both in real-time (http://thredds.aodn.org.au/thredds/catalog/IMOS/SOOP/SOOP-ASF/VLMJ_Investigator/meteorological_sst_observations/catalog.html) and in delayed mode after reprocessing (e.g., http://thredds.aodn.org.au/thredds/catalog/IMOS/SOOP/SOOP-ASF/VLMJ_Investigator/meteorological_sst_observations/2016/ISAR-QC/catalog.html). These reprocessed files will be particularly valuable for satellite SST validation (as the ISAR measures SST at the same depth as measured by satellites) and are currently (2017) being used by EUMETSAT for Sentinel-3 SST validation and to JMA and Oceans University China for Himawari-8 SST validation. Further information can be found in the data and documentation links below.
see Marlin record: - link
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Sea surface temperature measurements
Mapping layer(s): - mnf:SST_measurements
AODN Mapping layer: - aodn:SST_measurements
Sediment sampling - [view map]
Sampling of sediments has occurred on many voyages using sleds, dredges, grabs and corers. Records of sampling have been taken from a variety of sources and merged into one product. Two principal sources are the CSIRO Exploration and Mining voyages in 1990's and Geoscience Australia MARine Sediments (MARS) database downloaded in June 2013. MARS was queried for all RV Franklin and RV Southern Surveyor records. The rest of the sites have been extracted from voyage summary reports and where possible the MARS records have had additional details added including water depth and on-board commentary on the samples collected. Many of the sampling events do not have dates although the position is recorded quite accurately. Metadata records are missing for some voyages and will be added. In the interim, refer to the voyage reports for details including stations that failed to acquire samples.
CSIRO O&A Sediment sampling sites Overview ( 1986 to present)
Sampling of sediments has occurred on many voyages using sleds, dredges, grabs and corers. Records of sampling have been taken from a variety of sources and merged into one product. Two principal sources are the CSIRO Exploration and Mining voyages in 1990's and Geoscience Australia MARine Sediments (MARS) database downloaded in June 2013. MARS was queried for all RV Franklin and RV Southern Surveyor records. The rest of the sites have been extracted from voyage summary reports and where possible the MARS records have had additional details added including water depth and on-board commentary on the samples collected. Many of the sampling events do not have dates although the position is recorded quite accurately. Metadata records are missing for some voyages and will be added. In the interim, refer to the voyage reports for details including stations that failed to acquire samples.
see Marlin record: - link
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Sediment sampling sites (MNF voyages - blue, CMAR voyages - yellow)
Mapping layer(s): - mnf:SedimentSampling cmar:SedimentSampling
AODN Mapping layer: - aodn:Sediment_sampling
Towed CTD - [view map]
CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere: RV Franklin SeaSoar Data Overview (1988 - 2002)
This dataset contains the Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) data collected using the towed profiling Seasoar platform on RV Franklin voyages: fr198804; fr198913; fr199010; fr199103; fr199109; fr199209; fr199301; fr199310; fr199409; fr199508; fr199509; fr199607; fr199704; fr199707; fr199802; fr199810; fr199902; fr200102. Where possible, all transects have been loaded into the Data Trawler and also accessible at AODN. Original processed data is in text, matlab or netCDF formats and each voyage will have one or more of these formats within each download.
see Marlin record: - link
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Each CTD tow shown as one of ten distinct random colours
Mapping layer(s): - mnf:trajectory_public
AODN Mapping layer: - aodn:Towed_CTD
Trace elements - [view map]
Trace element data from RV Investigator and Southern Surveyor
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Trace element measurements
Mapping layer(s): - aodn:trace_elements
AODN Mapping layer: - aodn:trace_measurements
Underway - [view map]
CSIRO O&A Marine National Facility Voyage Tracks Overview (1986 - present)
The CSIRO O&A Optimized Voyage Tracks displayed in the WMS associated with this record are derived from underway GPS data collected since 1986 by Australia's Marine National Facility during research voyages. For most of these voyages, five minute underway digital data is available. The underway data set typically includes GPS location, Sea Surface Salinity and temperature, and Meteorology Station data. Later voyages also recorded digital echo sounder data. Individual metadata records have been created for each research voyage. The data is held in the CSIRO O&A Data Warehouse, which currently holds underway GPS data for more than 200 voyages.
see Marlin record: - link
Click on map for interactive view
Each voyage track shown as one of ten distinct colours
Mapping layer(s): - mnf:SHIPTRACK_GEOMETRY
AODN Mapping layer: - aodn:underway_data
Wildlife Observations - [view map]
Wildlife observations of seabirds, seals and cetaceans from RV Investigator and other vessels.
CSIRO O&A Wildlife Observations Overview
Wildlife observations from voyages have been collected over many earlier voyages as mentioned in the Biological survey overview metadata records . Most of those records have not been digitised or lodged with the Data Centre. More recently there have been surveys from the RV Investigator where the observations have been logged in on-line database. Observations cover birds, seals, cetaceans and ad-hoc observations of turtles and sea snakes. The main contemporary project looking at seabirds is Spatial and temporal variability in the distribution and abundance of seabirds by Principal Investigator Dr. Eric Woehler. Data from this project is progressively being published on a voyage by voyage basis to the Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS), Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) and the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF). Details of the publishing mechanism, standards used and publishing site are on the OBIS Australia website http://www.obis.org.au
see Marlin record: - link
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Mapping layer(s): - mnf:wov_public_data
AODN Mapping layer: - aodn:Wildlife_observations
XBT Profile - [view map]
XBT casts from RV Franklin from 1985 to 1997, RV Southern Surveyor from 2007 to 2013 and RV Investigator 2014 to present.
CSIRO O&A RV Franklin XBT Data Overview (1986-2002)
This dataset contains the processed Expendable Bathythermograph (XBT) data collected on Australia's Marine National Facility (MNF) RV Franklin between 1986 and 2002. XBT data typically comprises temperature and depth readings relayed to the surface at intervals of 0.1 seconds as the probe passes through the top few hundred metres of the ocean. This dataset has been QCed by the CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research's (CMAR's) Ocean Observing Networks (OON) group. The data can be retrieved via CMAR Data Trawler, please see link below. The data is also available via the international National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC) Global Temperature-Salinity Profile Program (GTSPP) (Franklin platform code: 09FA and call sign: VJJF) and Australian Ocean Data Network (AODN).
see Marlin record: - link
RV Southern Surveyor XBT Data Overview (2007- 2012)
This dataset contains the processed Expendable Bathythermograph (XBT) data collected on Australia's Marine National Facility (MNF) RV Southern Surveyor between 2007 and 2012. XBT data typically comprises temperature and depth readings relayed to the surface at intervals of 0.1 seconds as the probe passes through the top few hundred metres of the ocean. This dataset has been QCed by the CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research's (CMAR's) Ocean Observing Networks (OON) group. The data can be retrieved via CMAR Data Trawler, please see link below. The data is also available via the international National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC) Global Temperature-Salinity Profile Program (GTSPP) (Southern Surveyor platform code: 09SS and call sign: VLHJ) and Australian Ocean Data Network (AODN).
see Marlin record: - link
RV Investigator XBT Data Overview (2014 onwards)
This dataset contains the processed Expendable Bathythermograph (XBT) data collected on Australia's Marine National Facility (MNF) RV Investigator from 2014 to present. XBT data typically comprises temperature and depth readings relayed to the surface at intervals of 0.1 seconds as the probe passes through the top few hundred metres of the ocean. This dataset has been QCed by the CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere (O&A) Ocean Observing Networks (OON) group. The data can be retrieved via CMAR Data Trawler, please see link below. The data is also available via the international National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC) Global Temperature-Salinity Profile Program (GTSPP) (Southern Surveyor platform code: 09SS and call sign: VLHJ) and Australian Ocean Data Network (AODN).
see Marlin record: - link
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XBT casts shown as yellow dots...
Mapping layer(s): - mnf:xbt_public_data
AODN Mapping layer: - aodn:XBT_casts_Franklin aodn:XBT_casts_SouthernSurveyor aodn:XBT_casts_Investigator