Data Trawler - Deployment Details

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Deployment Details

Survey: - SS200702 [details]

Deployment Type: - Catch

Station: 2

Operation No.: 2

Gear: Sherman epibenthic Sled

When: 2007-03-29 08:17 UTC

Where: 43° 41.5' S    146° 58.6' E
to 43° 41.6' S    146° 58.4' E

Maximum Depth (m): 110

Description: Area: Huon-slope Transect name: Huon 100

Comments: Position determination - map-position based on sonardyne

Gear used
NetSampleStartEndStart depthEnd depthMethodEffort
Sherman epibenthic Sled 2007-03-29 08:17 100 110 Catch

Catch Composition

CAABTaxaCount Weight (kg)
10004902 Cinachyra spp. 1 0.028
35033092 Polycarpa rigida 1 0.018
10009910 Stelletta spp. 1 0.016
10013905 Poecillastra spp. 1 0.013
10025902 Polymastia spp. 2 0.051
10066030 Clathria inanchorata 1 0.001
10067911 Raspailia spp. 1 0.001
10075901 Crella spp. 1 0.013
10078902 Chondropsis spp. 2 0.035
10092907 Stylissa spp. 1 0.001
10098904 Siphonochalina spp. 1 0.001
10112902 Psammocinia spp. 1 0.03
10114907 Spongia spp. 1 0.013
10200000 Calcarea 2 0.024
11001000 Hydroida 0.004
11188018 Pteronisis plumacea 1 0.01
11197001 Primnoella australasiae 1 0.001
20000000 Bryozoa 1 0.002
20487001 Iodictyum phoeniceum 0.001
22000000 Polychaeta 0.001
23231001 Glycymeris striatularis 5 0.024
23357011 Gari modesta 2 0.001
24079001 Maoricolpus roseus 1 0.001
25154005 Allostichaster polyplax 1 0.003
25192001 Ophiothrix aristulata 1 0.002
25408058 Neocucumella turnerae 1 0.025
28399000 Amphipoda 0.001
28400000 Gammaridea 2
28767028 Nauticaris marionis 1 0.001
35013000 Didemnidae 0.001
35013161 Didemnum pellucidum 1 0.007
35033072 Polycarpa flava 1 0.015
10009044 Penares schulzei 1 0.002
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