Data Trawler - Deployment Details

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Deployment Details

Survey: - SS200510 [details]

Deployment Type: - Catch

Station: 139

Operation No.: 139

Gear: Sherman epibenthic Sled

When: 2005-12-09 03:46 to 2005-12-09 04:04 UTC

Where: 22° 51.0' S    113° 30.7' E
to 22° 51.3' S    113° 30.8' E

Maximum Depth (m): 100

Description: Area: Point Cloates Transect name: L3 100

Comments: Position determination - map-position based on sonardyne

Gear used
NetSampleStartEndStart depthEnd depthMethodEffort
Sherman epibenthic Sled 2005-12-09 03:46 2005-12-09 04:04 100 100 Catch

Catch Composition

CAABTaxaCount Weight (kg)
11001000 Hydroida
99250380 Semperiella sp. 1 2 0.01
11314011 Caryophyllia grayi 1
11314076 Trochocyathus cooperi 1
11328047 Truncatoflabellum candeanum 1
17020000 (was phylum) Echiura 1
19100000 Brachiopoda 4
20000000 Bryozoa
22000000 Polychaeta
23231018 Tucetona hoylei 1 0.001
23260002 Plicatula plicata 1 0.005
23270000 Pectinidae 1
23335035 Acrosterigma marielae 2 0.005
24170018 Tutufa bufo 2 0.1
24172003 Ficus filosa 1 0.001
24177001 Tonna variegata 1 0.005
24200018 Vokesimurex multiplicatus 1 0.001
24208003 Ancillista cingulata 1 0.01
25001000 Crinoidea 1
25125022 Heteronardoa carinata 2 0.002
25125027 Linckia guildingi 1 0.005
25176072 Ophiura sp. MoV 5513 1 0.001
25185067 Amphilimna granulosa 1 0.001
25202017 Prionocidaris baculosa 1 0.1
25404017 Psolidium mccallumae 1 0.001
25408025 Plesiocolochirus australis 1 0.001
27500000 Cirripedia 1
28030000 Stomatopoda 3
28765015 Alpheus alcyone 1 0.001
28771001 Thalassocaris crinita 2 0.001
28835000 Paguridae
28835062 Paguridae MoV 5261 1 0.001
28852036 Takedromia sp. MoV 5003 1 0.001
28876095 Randallia sp. MoV 4978 1 0.001
28880079 Sunipea indicus 2 0.002
28880085 Entomonyx spinosus 1 0.001
28880131 Hyastenus convexus 1 0.001
28880911 Majidae 1
28920190 Nanocassiope sp. MoV 5299 7 0.002
28922022 Notonyx nitidus 1 0.001
35011007 Clavelina meridionalis 6 0.01
99100330 Oceanapia WAM sp. SS04 1
99100661 Aplysinopsis WAM sp. SS2 1
99110621 Trochocyathus sp. A 1
99110624 Balanophyllia cf. dentata 3
99230107 Septifer sp. 1 1 0.001
99230109 Mytilidae sp. 1 1 0.001
99230119 Barbatia sp. 5 1 0.01
99230135 Dimya sp. 1 1 0.005
99230225 Heteroteuthis sp. 1 1 0.025
99240166 Clanculus sp. 1 1 0.001
99240218 Eulimidae sp. 4 1 0.001
99240238 Phos sp. 1 1 0.001
99240250 Notovoluta cf. gerondiosi 4 0.01
99240267 Etrema cf. gainessi 1 0.001
99250377 Stolus n. sp. 2 1 0.005
11229000 Actiniaria 1
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