Data Trawler - Deployment Details

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Deployment Details

Survey: - SF199701 [details]

Deployment Type: - Catch

Station: 22

Operation No.: 22

Gear: SEFHES Gillnet - Panel 1, 6",SEFHES Gillnet - Panel 10, 5",SEFHES Gillnet - Panel 11, 7",SEFHES Gillnet - Panel 12, 3",SEFHES Gillnet - Panel 2, 2",SEFHES Gillnet - Panel 3, 4",SEFHES Gillnet - Panel 4, 5",SEFHES Gillnet - Panel 5, 7",SEFHES Gillnet - Panel 6, 3",SEFHES Gillnet - Panel 7, 6",SEFHES Gillnet - Panel 8, 2",SEFHES Gillnet - Panel 9, 4"

When: 1997-01-13 20:50 to 1997-01-14 05:12 UTC

Where: 38° 05.5' S    149° 17.7' E
to 38° 06.4' S    149° 17.5' E

Maximum Depth (m): 150

Description: Gillnets

Comments: Big Horseshoe

Gear used
NetSampleStartEndStart depthEnd depthMethodEffort
SEFHES Gillnet - Panel 1, 6" 1997-01-13 20:50 1997-01-14 05:12 149 150 Gillnet
SEFHES Gillnet - Panel 2, 2" 1997-01-13 20:50 1997-01-14 05:12 149 150 Gillnet
SEFHES Gillnet - Panel 3, 4" 1997-01-13 20:50 1997-01-14 05:12 149 150 Gillnet
SEFHES Gillnet - Panel 4, 5" 1997-01-13 20:50 1997-01-14 05:12 149 150 Gillnet
SEFHES Gillnet - Panel 6, 3" 1997-01-13 20:50 1997-01-14 05:12 149 150 Gillnet
SEFHES Gillnet - Panel 7, 6" 1997-01-13 20:50 1997-01-14 05:12 149 150 Gillnet
SEFHES Gillnet - Panel 8, 2" 1997-01-13 20:50 1997-01-14 05:12 149 150 Gillnet
SEFHES Gillnet - Panel 9, 4" 1997-01-13 20:50 1997-01-14 05:12 149 150 Gillnet
SEFHES Gillnet - Panel 10, 5" 1997-01-13 20:50 1997-01-14 05:12 149 150 Gillnet
SEFHES Gillnet - Panel 12, 3" 1997-01-13 20:50 1997-01-14 05:12 149 150 Gillnet

Catch Composition

CAABTaxaCount Weight (kg)
37020006 Squalus megalops
37441001 Scomber australasicus
37258003 Centroberyx affinis
37337002 Trachurus declivis
37337002 Trachurus declivis
37345001 Emmelichthys nitidus
37020006 Squalus megalops
37445006 Seriolella punctata
37020006 Squalus megalops
37224006 Pseudophycis palmata
37288006 Pterygotrigla polyommata
37296001 Platycephalus richardsoni
37377003 Nemadactylus macropterus
37445005 Seriolella brama
37020006 Squalus megalops
37228002 Genypterus blacodes
37296001 Platycephalus richardsoni
37337002 Trachurus declivis
37439001 Thyrsites atun
37441001 Scomber australasicus
37015001 Cephaloscyllium laticeps
37020006 Squalus megalops
37296001 Platycephalus richardsoni
37345001 Emmelichthys nitidus
37015001 Cephaloscyllium laticeps
37020006 Squalus megalops
37224006 Pseudophycis palmata
37228002 Genypterus blacodes
37337077 Trachurus murphyi
37377003 Nemadactylus macropterus
37445005 Seriolella brama
37445006 Seriolella punctata
37224006 Pseudophycis palmata
37296001 Platycephalus richardsoni
37445005 Seriolella brama
37000000 "Superclass" Pisces
37020006 Squalus megalops
37031005 Dentiraja confusa
37228002 Genypterus blacodes
37232001 Coelorinchus australis
37258003 Centroberyx affinis
37337002 Trachurus declivis
37228002 Genypterus blacodes

Catch Specimen data

CAABSpeciesSpecimen numberCountSexLength (cm)Length codeWeight (g)CSIRO AccessionSample lodged withMuseum registration
37258003 Centroberyx affinis 1 Female 297 FL 672
37258003 Centroberyx affinis 2 Female 296 FL 833
Deployment observations.
Bottom type:Sand
Cloud cover:Trace
Sea direction:45 degrees
Sea state:Smooth
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