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Deployment Details
Survey: - SP197910 [details]
Deployment Type: - Catch
Station: 35
Operation No.: 35
Gear: Rectangular Midwater Trawl 8
When: 1979-09-30 19:55 to 1979-09-30 21:43 UTC
Where: 33° 28.0' S 152° 14.0' E
Maximum Depth (m): 109
Description: Trawling
Gear used
Net | Sample | Start | End | Start depth | End depth | Method | Effort |
Rectangular Midwater Trawl 8 | 1979-09-30 19:55 | 1979-09-30 21:43 | Stern Trawl | 108 minutes |
Catch Composition
CAAB | Taxa | Count | Weight (kg) |
23621002 | Abraliopsis pfefferi | 1 | |
99280395 | Sergestes near disjunctus | 1 | |
23623002 | Onychoteuthis aequimanus | 1 | |
23630006 | Histioteuthis miranda | 1 | |
23634001 | Brachioteuthis riisei | 1 | |
23643003 | Helicocranchia pfefferi | 2 | |
23643007 | Leachia pacifica | 1 | |
28713007 | Gennadas gilchristi | 2 | |
28720000 | Sergestidae | 6 | |
28720002 | Parasergestes armatus | 1 | |
28720008 | Deosergestes seminudus | 1 | 2 |
28720009 | Parasergestes stimulator | 1 | 3 |
28720014 | Scintillosergia scintillans | 20 | 26 |
28730000 | Caridea | 1 | |
28735014 | Oplophorus novaezelandiae | 1 | 3 |
28735016 | Oplophorus spinosus | 6 | 26 |
37060003 | Gymnothorax minor | 1 | |
37067005 | Lumiconger arafura | 2 | |
37106006 | Vinciguerria nimbaria | 3 | |
37107002 | Maurolicus australis | 1 | |
37108000 | Astronesthidae | 1 | |
37109000 | Melanostomiidae | 2 | |
37111001 | Chauliodus sloani | 1 | |
37113002 | Idiacanthus atlanticus | 1 | |
37122000 | Myctophidae | 14 | |
37122001 | Diaphus danae | 6 | |
37122003 | Ctenoscopelus phengodes | 1 | |
37122004 | Hygophum hygomii | 5 | |
37122005 | Scopelopsis multipunctatus | 13 | |
37122021 | Ceratoscopelus warmingii | 2 | |
37122036 | Diaphus meadi | 1 | |
37122048 | Lampanyctus alatus | 6 | |
37122053 | Lobianchia dofleini | 1 | |
37125000 | Notosudidae | 1 | |
37224007 | Notophycis marginata | 1 | |
37228000 | Bythitidae, Dinematichthyidae, Ophidiidae, Parabrotulidae | 1 | |
37229000 | Carapidae | 1 | |
37287502 | Scorpaenidae Larvae B | 3 | |
37311907 | Serranidae subfam. Anthiinae | 7 | |
37337907 | Trachurus spp. | 1 | |
37342002 | Xenobrama microlepis | 1 | |
37402000 | Chiasmodontidae | 2 | |
37439002 | Rexea solandri | 1 | |
37440002 | Lepidopus caudatus | 4 | |
37460000 | Bothidae, Achiropsettidae, Paralichthyidae | 15 | |
99280393 | Sergestes near armatus | 1 | |
23621004 | Pterygioteuthis gemmata | 1 |
Deployment observations.
Current direction: | 160 |
Sea state: | Rough |
Sea surface salinity: | 35.8 psu |
Sea surface temp: | 18.3 degrees Celsius |
Wind direction: | 160 degrees |
Wind force: | Moderate Breeze |