CAAB - Codes for Australian Aquatic Biota - Family list

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Current CAAB listing for family (or group)

Testudines (turtles)

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CAAB Scientific Name Common name
39 001001 Testudines (except fam. Testunididae) turtles
39 001000 Testudines - all families except Testudinidae turtles
39 006000 Chelidae chelid turtles
39 006901 Chelodina spp.
39 006902 Elseya spp.
39 006903 Elusor spp.
39 006904 Emydura spp.
39 006905 Myuchelys spp.
39 006906 Pseudemydura spp.
39 006907 Rheodytes spp.
39 006004 Chelodina burrungandjii sandstone snake-necked turtle
39 006001 Chelodina canni Cann's long-necked turtle
39 006007 Chelodina colliei oblong turtle
39 006005 Chelodina expansa broad-shelled turtle
39 006002 Chelodina longicollis eastern long-necked turtle
39 006006 Chelodina rugosa northern snake-necked turtle
39 006003 Chelodina steindachneri Steindachner's long-necked turtle
39 006008 Elseya albagula white-throated snapping turtle
39 006009 Elseya dentata northern snapping turtle
39 006010 Elseya irwini Irwin's snapping turtle
39 006011 Elseya lavarackorum Gulf snapping turtle
39 006012 Elusor macrurus Mary River turtle
39 006013 Emydura macquarii macquarii Macquarie River turtle
39 006024 Emydura macquarii krefftii Krefft's river turtle
39 006025 Emydura macquarii nigra Fraser Island short-necked turtle
39 006023 Emydura macquarii emmotti Cooper Creek turtle
39 006014 Emydura subglobosa subglobosa New Guinea painted turtle
39 006026 Emydura subglobosa worrelli Worrell's turtle
39 006015 Emydura tanybaraga northern yellow-faced turtle
39 006016 Emydura victoriae northern red-faced turtle
39 006017 Myuchelys bellii western sawshelled turtle
39 006018 Myuchelys georgesi Georges' helmeted turtle
39 006019 Myuchelys latisternum common sawshell turtle
39 006020 Myuchelys purvisi Manning River helmeted turtle
39 006021 Pseudemydura umbrina western swamp turtle
39 006022 Rheodytes leukops Fitzroy River turtle
39 012000 Carettochelyidae pignose turtles
39 012901 Carettochelys spp.
39 012001 Carettochelys insculpta pig-nosed turtle
39 020000 Cheloniidae sea turtles
39 020901 Caretta spp.
39 020902 Chelonia spp.
39 020903 Eretmochelys spp.
39 020904 Lepidochelys spp.
39 020905 Natator spp.
39 020001 Caretta caretta loggerhead turtle
39 020002 Chelonia mydas green turtle
39 020003 Eretmochelys imbricata hawksbill turtle
39 020004 Lepidochelys olivacea Olive ridley turtle
39 020005 Natator depressus flatback turtle
39 021000 Dermochelyidae turtles
39 021901 Dermochelys spp.
39 021001 Dermochelys coriacea leatherback turtle

Note: CAAB codes prefixed "99" represent project-specific (informal) taxa.

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