CAAB - Codes for Australian Aquatic Biota - Family list

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Current CAAB listing for family (or group)

Chlorophthalmidae (Greeneyes)

Found 10 matches. Click on CAAB code to view taxon report.

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CAAB Scientific Name Common name
37 120906 Chlorophthalmidae
37 120903 Chlorophthalmus spp.
37 120904 Parasudis spp.
37 120011 Chlorophthalmus cf albatrossis (W) [a greeneye]
37 120009 Chlorophthalmus acutifrons [a greeneye]
37 120004 Chlorophthalmus nigromarginatus Blackedge Greeneye
37 120002 Chlorophthalmus pectoralis Shortnose Greeneye
37 120006 Parasudis sp. [in Sainsbury et al, 1985] [a greeneye]
99 379758 Chlorophthalmidae gen. sp. unknown
99 379803 Chlorophthalmus nigripinnis & Chlorophthalmus sp.

Note: CAAB codes prefixed "99" represent project-specific (informal) taxa.

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