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Current CAAB listing for family (or group)
Cranchiidae (bathyscaphoid squids, cranch squids)
Found 37 matches. Click on CAAB code to view taxon report.
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CAAB | Scientific Name | Common name |
23 643000 | Cranchiidae | cranch squids |
23 643901 | Bathothauma spp. | [a bathyscaphoid squid] |
23 643902 | Cranchia spp. | [a bathyscaphoid squid] |
23 643903 | Egea spp. | [a bathyscaphoid squid] |
23 643904 | Galiteuthis spp. | [a bathyscaphoid squid] |
23 643905 | Helicocranchia spp. | [a bathyscaphoid squid] |
23 643906 | Leachia spp. | [a bathyscaphoid squid] |
23 643907 | Liguriella spp. | [a bathyscaphoid squid] |
23 643908 | Liocranchia spp. | [a bathyscaphoid squid] |
23 643909 | Megalocranchia spp. | [a bathyscaphoid squid] |
23 643910 | Mesonychoteuthis spp. | [a bathyscaphoid squid] |
23 643911 | Sandalops spp. | [a bathyscaphoid squid] |
23 643912 | Taonius spp. | [a bathyscaphoid squid] |
23 643913 | Teuthowenia spp. | [a bathyscaphoid squid] |
23 643001 | Bathothauma lyromma | [a squid] |
23 643002 | Cranchia scabra | [a squid] |
23 643017 | Egea inermis | [a squid] |
23 643010 | Galiteuthis glacialis | [a squid] |
23 643015 | Galiteuthis pacifica | [a squid] |
23 643013 | Galiteuthis suhmi | [a squid] |
23 643003 | Helicocranchia pfefferi | [a squid] |
23 643016 | Leachia cyclura | [a squid] |
23 643007 | Leachia pacifica | [a squid] |
23 643019 | Leachia rynchophorus | [a squid] |
23 643020 | Liguriella pardus | [a squid] |
23 643018 | Liguriella podophthalma | [a squid] |
23 643011 | Liocranchia reinhardtii | [a squid] |
23 643004 | Liocranchia valdiviae | [a squid] |
23 643005 | Megalocranchia abyssicola | [a squid] |
23 643021 | Megalocranchia maxima | [a squid] |
23 643012 | Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni | [a squid] |
23 643008 | Sandalops melancholicus | [a squid] |
23 643009 | Taonius pavo | [a squid] |
23 643006 | Teuthowenia megalops | [a squid] |
23 643014 | Teuthowenia pellucida | [a squid] |
99 230226 | Liocranchia sp. 1 | [a squid] |
99 230227 | Liocranchia sp. 2 | [a squid] |
Note: CAAB codes prefixed "99" represent project-specific (informal) taxa.