CAAB - Codes for Australian Aquatic Biota - Catch Records

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Catch Data - from CSIRO surveys.

CAAB Code: 99 379766 [taxon report]
Scientific Name
and Authority
Myllidae gen. sp. unknown   
CAAB category: 99 -
Distribution map:
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Occurrence locations [31] shown as red circles - View CSIRO Catch records

Catch records - 31 records found.
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Date (UTC)PositionSurveyOperationDepth
Range (m)
CountWeight (kg)MethodEffortGear
1965-04-14 00:00 33° 15.1' S    129° 15.1' E BERG196503 560   160 to 165 1 Trawl 60 minutes
1965-04-14 00:00 33° 16.1' S    128° 47.1' E BERG196503 563   170 to 178 1 Trawl 65 minutes
1965-04-18 00:00 33° 15.0' S    127° 41.0' E BERG196503 568   160 to 169 2 Trawl 60 minutes
1965-04-18 00:00 33° 21.1' S    127° 03.0' E BERG196503 566   165 to 170 1 Trawl 40 minutes
1965-04-19 00:00 33° 22.1' S    127° 57.1' E BERG196503 569   175 to 179 1 Trawl 40 minutes
1965-04-20 00:00 33° 22.1' S    128° 17.1' E BERG196503 575   175 to 180 1 Trawl 60 minutes
1965-04-20 00:00 33° 17.1' S    128° 26.1' E BERG196503 579   148 to 175 1 Trawl 120 minutes
1966-01-22 00:00 32° 41.1' S    125° 44.1' E SESK196601 15   48 to 49 2 Trawl 60 minutes
1966-01-22 00:00 32° 26.0' S    126° 07.0' E SESK196601 16   35 to 35 1 Trawl 30 minutes
1966-02-19 00:00 33° 04.0' S    124° 36.0' E SESK196601 89   42 to 45 10 Trawl 60 minutes
1966-02-19 00:00 33° 07.0' S    124° 17.0' E SESK196601 90   32 to 33 2 Trawl 60 minutes
1966-04-08 00:00 33° 16.0' S    126° 08.1' E BERG196601 542   136 to 148 1 Trawl 35 minutes
1966-06-16 00:00 32° 35.0' S    125° 51.0' E SESK196601 467   42 to 42 1 Trawl 30 minutes
1966-12-17 00:00 33° 11.0' S    128° 06.0' E RADU196608 247   130 to 138 1 Trawl 128 minutes
1967-03-24 00:00 33° 10.0' S    127° 43.1' E LIRA196702 120   110 to 110 1 Trawl 70 minutes
1967-05-19 00:00 39° 00.1' S    144° 37.0' E LIRA196702 405   75 to 80 2 Trawl 60 minutes
1967-06-16 00:00 33° 14.1' S    128° 35.1' E LIRA196702 538   150 to 150 1 Trawl 60 minutes
1967-06-17 00:00 33° 11.0' S    128° 33.1' E LIRA196702 540   125 to 130 1 Trawl 60 minutes
1972-08-24 00:00 33° 17.0' S    134° 00.0' E RADU197206 127   70 to 70 1 Trawl 60 minutes
1973-07-31 00:00 35° 22.0' S    117° 04.1' E LIRA197304 148   88 to 89 1 Trawl 60 minutes
1973-08-02 00:00 34° 59.1' S    118° 59.1' E LIRA197304 153   75 to 75 1 Trawl 60 minutes
1973-08-13 00:00 31° 34.0' S    130° 08.0' E LIRA197304 179   55 to 55 1 Trawl 60 minutes
1973-08-13 00:00 32° 42.0' S    130° 26.1' E LIRA197304 182   86 to 90 1 Trawl 60 minutes
1973-08-15 00:00 32° 42.0' S    131° 20.0' E LIRA197304 187   74 to 74 1 Trawl 60 minutes
1973-09-07 00:00 32° 54.0' S    125° 25.1' E LIRA197304 222   1 Trawl 60 minutes
1973-09-09 00:00 32° 42.1' S    126° 17.0' E LIRA197304 239   62 to 62 2 Trawl 60 minutes
1973-09-12 00:00 32° 12.0' S    128° 33.0' E LIRA197304 245   45 to 45 1 Trawl 30 minutes
1973-09-15 00:00 31° 56.0' S    131° 32.0' E LIRA197304 261   66 to 69 1 Trawl 305 minutes
1973-09-17 00:00 33° 13.1' S    133° 20.1' E LIRA197304 268   83 to 86 1 Trawl 65 minutes
1973-09-26 00:00 32° 53.1' S    126° 18.1' E LIRA197304 318   66 to 67 1 Trawl 60 minutes
1975-06-11 00:00 23° 12.0' S    153° 00.0' E BACA197506 6   410 to 410 2 0.5 Trawl 105 minutes

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