CAAB - Codes for Australian Aquatic Biota - Taxa List

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List of 36 taxa grouped by families - click on CAAB code to see taxon report.

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  Hippolytidae (family)      (Species only)

CAAB Scientific Name Authority AS5300 AS5301 Common Created Revised
28 767008 Alope orientalis (De Man, 1890) bald shrimp 2002-01-09 2018-03-13
28 767061 Alope spinifrons (H. Milne Edwards, 1837) [a hump-backed shrimp] 2018-07-30
28 767015 Chorismus antarcticus (Pfeffer, 1887) [a hump-backed shrimp] 2002-09-30 2018-03-13
28 767016 Gelastocaris paronae (Nobili, 1905) [a hump-backed shrimp] 2002-09-30 2018-03-13
28 767009 Hippolyte australiensis (Stimpson, 1860) southern weed shrimp 2002-01-09 2018-03-13
28 767017 Hippolyte bifidirostris (Miers, 1876) [a hump-backed shrimp] 2002-09-30 2018-03-13
28 767018 Hippolyte caradina Holthuis, 1947 [a hump-backed shrimp] 2002-09-30 2018-03-13
28 767055 Hippolyte commensalis Kemp, 1925 [a hump-backed shrimp] 2011-02-23 2018-03-13
28 767054 Hippolyte dossena (Marin, Okuno & Chan, 2011) [a hump-backed shrimp] 2011-02-23 2018-03-13
28 767019 Hippolyte ignobilis Kinahan, 1856 [a hump-backed shrimp] 2002-09-30 2018-03-13
28 767056 Hippolyte maculata (Marin, Okuno & Chan, 2011) [a hump-backed shrimp] 2011-02-23 2018-03-13
28 767058 Hippolyte tenuicarpus (Marin, 2011) [a hump-backed shrimp] 2010-07-31 2018-03-13
28 767020 Hippolyte ventricosa H. Milne Edwards, 1837 [a hump-backed shrimp] 2002-09-30 2018-03-13
28 767021 Latreutes anoplonyx Kemp, 1914 [a hump-backed shrimp] 2002-09-30 2018-03-13
28 767022 Latreutes compressus (Stimpson, 1860) camouflaged shrimp, green shrimp, blade-fronted shrimp 2002-09-30 2018-03-13
28 767023 Latreutes mucronatus (Stimpson, 1860) [a hump-backed shrimp] 2002-09-30 2018-03-13
28 767024 Latreutes planirostris (De Haan, 1844) flatnose shrimp 2002-09-30 2018-03-13
28 767006 Latreutes porcinus Kemp, 1916 bignose seagrass shrimp 2002-01-09 2018-03-13
28 767007 Latreutes pymoeus Nobili, 1904 [a hump-backed shrimp] 2002-01-09 2018-03-13
28 767052 Leontocaris alexander Poore, 2009 [a hump-back shrimp] 2010-05-30 2018-03-13
28 767001 Leontocaris amplectipes Bruce, 1990 [a hump-backed shrimp] 2000-07-04 2018-03-13
28 767002 Leontocaris bulga Taylor & Poore, 1998 [a hump-backed shrimp] 2000-07-04 2018-03-13
28 767003 Leontocaris yarramundi Taylor & Poore, 1998 [a hump-backed shrimp] 2000-07-04 2018-03-13
28 767004 Merhippolyte chacei Kensley, Tranter & Griffin, 1987 [a hump-backed shrimp] 2000-07-04 2018-03-13
28 767053 Merhippolyte sp. MoV 5694 [a hump-backed shrimp] 2010-10-13
28 767028 Nauticaris marionis Spence Bate, 1888 [a hump-backed shrimp] 2002-09-30 2018-03-13
28 767030 Phycocaris simulans Kemp, 1916 [a hump-backed shrimp] 2002-09-30 2018-03-13
28 767011 Saron marmoratus (Olivier, 1811) [a hump-backed shrimp] 2002-01-09 2018-03-13
28 767031 Saron neglectus De Man, 1902 [a hump-backed shrimp] 2002-09-30 2018-03-13
28 767036 Thorella cobourgi A.J. Bruce, 1982 [a hump-backed shrimp] 2002-09-30 2018-03-13
28 767046 Tozeuma armatum Paul'son, 1875 [a hump-backed shrimp] 2010-03-05 2018-03-13
28 767013 Tozeuma elongatum (Baker, 1904) [a hump-backed shrimp] 2002-01-09 2018-03-13
28 767037 Tozeuma kimberi (Baker, 1904) [a hump-backed shrimp] 2002-09-30 2018-03-13
28 767064 Tozeuma novaezealandiae Borradaile, 1916 [a hump-backed shrimp] 2018-07-30
28 767038 Tozeuma pavoninum (Spence Bate, 1863) [a hump-backed shrimp] 2002-09-30 2018-03-13
28 767039 Tozeuma tomentosum (Baker, 1904) [a hump-backed shrimp] 2002-09-30 2018-03-13

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