Data Trawler - Survey Details

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Survey details and related metadata, reports, events and data.

AU 1997/98 V6 SNARK (alternative identifier: AU199706)

Period: 1998-02-28 00:00 to 1998-04-01 00:00 Local

Duration: 32.00 days

From: Hobart To: Hobart

Region: Southern Ocean

Ship: Aurora Australis [details]

Description: Australian Antarctic Division Voyage 6 1997-98 was carried out by the Aurora Australis as cruise AU 06/97. The voyage took place in the Southern Ocean along WOCE SR3 in February April 1998. The principal scientific data from this cruise are held by the Australian Antarctic Division at Kingston, Tasmania.
The SAZ (Sub Antarctic Zone Experiment) project was a comparison of biogeochemical processes in the Subtropical Front and Subantarctic Zone, and the Subantarctic and Polar Frontal Zones along ~ 140E longitude between 40S and 55S latitude. Measurements of primary and new production, phytoplankton pigments, and near-surface particle fluxes were made, giving new insights into the biogeochemistry, carbon transports, controls on primary production and the role of iron and silica on phytoplankton community growth. The SAZ Experiment was organised through the ACE-CRC, CSIRO Division of Marine Research and the Australian Antarctic Division.

Leader: S. Stallman (AAD), T Trull (ACE-CRC)

Project: Sub-Antarctic Zone (SAZ) Project (Antarctic CRC) 1997-2008 [details]

Voyage extents: 55° 00.0' S to 42° 00.0' S    141° 00.0' E to 144° 00.0' E

Marlin Metadata:-

  • Aurora Australis: Photosynthetic parameters and primary production estimates from Aurora Australis AU 9706 ("SAZ"), February-April 1998 [details]

  • Southern Ocean Chlorophyll-a, pigment and optical data from Aurora Australis AA 1997/98 V6 [details]

  • Participants:- no records

    Marine National Facility Reports - plans, summaries and data processing

    • View the Survey plan - includes objectives, investigator details, proposed data collection, voyage track and equipment to be used.

    • View the Survey Summary report - includes preliminary results, voyage narrative, types of data collected with C77/ROSCOP codes.

    • View Survey map

    Publications, reports and datasets from this voyage.

    Journal Article

    • Halfter, Svenja,Coleman, Charles Oliver (2019) Chevreuxiopsis franki gen. n., sp. n. (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Thoriellidae) from the deep sea southwest of Tasmania. Zoosystematics and Evolution 95 pp125-132.     10.3897/zse.95.32548

    • King, Alexandra L.,Howard, William R. (2003) Planktonic foraminiferal flux seasonality in Subantarctic sediment traps: A test for paleoclimate reconstructions. Paleoceanography 18 pp-.     10.1029/2002PA000839

    • Moy, Andrew D.,Howard, William R.,Bray, Stephen G.,Trull, Thomas W. (2009) Reduced calcification in modern Southern Ocean planktonic foraminifera. Nature Geoscience 2 pp276-280.     10.1038/ngeo460

    • Trull, T. W.,Bray, S. G.,Manganini, S. J.,Honjo, S.,François, R. (2001) Moored sediment trap measurements of carbon export in the Subantarctic and Polar Frontal zones of the Southern Ocean, south of Australia. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 106 pp31489-31509.     10.1029/2000JC000308

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    When (UTC) LatitudeLongitude InstrumentIdentifierActionLogSubject / Comments
    1998-02-22 00:00 [view ] -53.7483 141.7537 SAZ SAZ54-2 deploy
    1998-03-07 00:00 [view ] -46.7583 142.0702 SAZ SAZ47-1 recover
    1998-03-11 00:00 [view ] -46.7587 142.0897 SAZ SAZ47-2 deploy
    1998-03-16 00:00 [view ] -53.7473 141.7580 SAZ SAZ54-1 recover
    1998-03-20 00:00 [view ] -51.0013 141.7380 SAZ SAZ51-1 recover

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    Deployments - None have been recorded in the Data Trawler.

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