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Caveat: this event log was authored on the voyage using either a standalone logging system called ELOG or more recently an inhouse event logging tool called Everlog. For this reason, some positions are unknown and may be resolved using the logged time and the underway dataset for the voyage.

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Survey When (UTC) LatitudeLongitude InstrumentIdentifierActionLogSubject / Comments
IN2017_C02 2017-05-03 21:50 [view ] Techsas1 [view] Start in2017_c02
IN2017_C02 2017-05-03 21:59 [view ] -42.8864 147.3388 Techsas2 [view] Start in2017_c02
IN2017_C02 2017-05-03 22:10 [view ] -42.9145 147.3828 Voyage Start in2017_c02 Depart Hobart
IN2017_C02 2017-05-03 22:29 [view ] -42.9050 147.3757 Gravity Meter [view] Start GSM_in2017_c02 Gravity meter turned on
IN2017_C02 2017-05-03 22:48 [view ] -42.9478 147.3800 EK60 [view] Stop GSM_in2017_c02 All EK60s set to passive, not pinging
IN2017_C02 2017-05-03 23:00 [view ] -42.9781 147.3754 Other [view] Stop GSM_in2017_c02 EM2040 MRU cable loose on drop keel, pulling up to fix
IN2017_C02 2017-05-03 23:26 [view ] -42.9937 147.3780 Techsas1 [view] restarted in2017_c02 removed seismic air and cal Ozone drivers
IN2017_C02 2017-05-03 23:46 [view ] -42.9988 147.3792 ADCP [view] Start in2017_c02 75kHz is the only unit working on this voyage
IN2017_C02 2017-05-03 23:46 [view ] -42.9995 147.3793 Drop keel [view] down in2017_c02 Port keel 1.19
IN2017_C02 2017-05-03 23:54 [view ] -43.0210 147.3835 ADCP [view] Stop in2017_c02 75kHz off requested by GSM
IN2017_C02 2017-05-04 00:00 [view ] -43.0418 147.3873 TSG [view] Start in2017_c02 water on
IN2017_C02 2017-05-04 01:50 [view ] -43.2871 147.7267 TSG [view] error in2017_c02 Calibration value corrected Calibration value in TSG 0194 board corrected to correct output from ~135 to ~35.
IN2017_C02 2017-05-04 02:38 [view ] -43.2670 147.9337 Gravity Meter [view] GSM_in2017_c02 GPS cable plugged in
IN2017_C02 2017-05-04 03:30 [view ] -43.2592 147.9827 Techsas2 [view] Techsas restart in2017_c02 Paused T2 to set air inlet driver to auto start
IN2017_C02 2017-05-04 06:31 [view ] -43.1515 148.2162 EM710 [view] Depth Mode GSM_in2017_c02 Depth mode changed to medium
IN2017_C02 2017-05-04 06:45 [view ] -43.1071 148.2351 EK60 [view] Start GSM_in2017_c02 EK60s started in active and logging to 1500m; 70 and 333 kHz in passive
IN2017_C02 2017-05-04 06:49 [view ] -43.0957 148.2398 ADCP [view] Start in2017_c02 75KHz ADCP started at GSMs request
IN2017_C02 2017-05-04 06:58 [view ] -43.0685 148.2510 EM710 [view] Depth Mode GSM_in2017_c02 Depth mode changed to Deep
IN2017_C02 2017-05-04 07:06 [view ] -43.0448 148.2607 Siphoning Rain Gauge Reboot in2017_c02 0194 board reset. Questionable data being recieved from the rain gauge. 0194 reboot and will be monitored.
IN2017_C02 2017-05-04 07:20 [view ] -43.0015 148.2787 EM710 [view] Start GSM_in2017_c02 Depth mode changed to very deep
IN2017_C02 2017-05-04 07:59 [view ] -42.8808 148.3283 EM710 [view] Depth Mode GSM_in2017_c02 Depth mode changed to medium
IN2017_C02 2017-05-04 20:00 [view ] -40.5518 148.6940 EM710 [view] SVP GSM_in2017_c02 New SVP applied in2017_c02_sst02.asvp SST= 16.5C Sal=35.55
IN2017_C02 2017-05-04 20:00 [view ] -40.5518 148.6940 EK60 [view] Depth Mode GSM_in2017_c02 Range changed to 250m
IN2017_C02 2017-05-04 20:47 [view ] -40.4077 148.6985 ADCP [view] OS75 restarted in2017_c02 set to trigger TP from 01.80 to 0.0; CX from 0,0 to 1,1 for GSM test
IN2017_C02 2017-05-04 20:55 [view ] -40.3842 148.6962 ADCP [view] restarted in2017_c02 no trigger reverted to original settings at request of GSM - TP 01.80; CX 0,0
IN2017_C02 2017-05-04 22:36 [view ] -40.0637 148.6627 Siphoning Rain Gauge Reboot in2017_c02 0194 power cycle Questionable data still being recieved from siphoning rain gauge. Power cycled and will monitored.
IN2017_C02 2017-05-04 22:54 [view ] -40.0013 148.6560 EM710 [view] SVP GSM_in2017_c02 New SVP applied in2017_c02_sst04.asvp SST= 17.9 Sal= 35.6
IN2017_C02 2017-05-04 23:28 [view ] -39.8905 148.6447 EM710 [view] SVP GSM_in2017_c02 New SVP applied in2017_c02_sst05.asvp SST= 18.8 C Sal= 35.6
IN2017_C02 2017-05-04 23:38 [view ] -39.8586 148.6413 Techsas1 [view] restarted in2017_c02 interface NMEA files not written since startup. Configuration saved.
IN2017_C02 2017-05-04 23:50 [view ] -39.8217 148.6373 EM710 [view] SVP GSM_in2017_c02 New SVP applied in2017_c02_sst06.asvp SST= 19.6C Sal= 35.6
IN2017_C02 2017-05-05 00:35 [view ] -39.7128 147.5475 EM710 [view] SVP GSM_in2017_c02 New SVP applied in2017_c02_svp07.asvp SST= 18.7 Sal= 35.7
IN2017_C02 2017-05-05 00:55 [view ] -39.6848 148.4737 EM710 [view] SVP GSM_in2017_c02 New SVP applied in2017_c02_sst08.asvp SST=17.1 C Sal= 35.7
IN2017_C02 2017-05-05 07:28 [view ] -39.1713 147.0482 EM710 [view] SVP GSM_in2017_c02 New SVP applied in2017_c02_val02.asvp
IN2017_C02 2017-05-05 08:49 [view ] -39.0062 146.9703 ADCP [view] in2017_c02 Stop ADCP 75KHz Stop ADCP 75KHz, interference with EM710
IN2017_C02 2017-05-05 09:21 [view ] -39.0097 146.9282 ADCP [view] in2017_c02 Restart ADCP Restart ADCP 75Khz
IN2017_C02 2017-05-05 13:28 [view ] -39.0452 146.8045 Techsas2 [view] Techsas restart in2017_c02 underway seawater driver Momentarily paused the underway seawater drivers (old and new) on T2 to check source of errors
IN2017_C02 2017-05-05 16:30 [view ] -39.0938 146.7652 uwyMerger vm Reboot in2017_c02 suspected second merger job running
IN2017_C02 2017-05-05 18:42 [view ] -39.0040 146.9827 ADCP [view] in2017_c02 Stop ADCP 75KHz Stop ADCP 75KHz logging
IN2017_C02 2017-05-05 20:33 [view ] -39.0667 146.7937 VSAT down in2017_c02 man aloft
IN2017_C02 2017-05-05 20:50 [view ] -39.0667 146.7937 VSAT restarted in2017_c02
IN2017_C02 2017-05-05 21:13 [view ] -39.0820 146.7432 TSG [view] maintenance in2017_c02 Changed filter
IN2017_C02 2017-05-06 21:42 [view ] -39.0927 146.7478 Gravity Meter [view] Stop GSM_in2017_c02 Gravity meter shut down and clamped due to weather
IN2017_C02 2017-05-07 00:42 [view ] -39.0531 146.8896 Fluorometer [view] maintenance in2017_c02 testing alternate fluorometer cable
IN2017_C02 2017-05-08 00:25 [view ] -39.0460 147.0237 VSAT in2017_c02 retargetted port and stbd
IN2017_C02 2017-05-08 04:43 [view ] -39.0526 146.9643 Gravity Meter [view] GSM_in2017_c02 Gravity meter turned back on- calmer weather
IN2017_C02 2017-05-10 00:42 [view ] -39.1627 146.7755 VSAT restarted in2017_c02 AustraliaPlus TV service
IN2017_C02 2017-05-10 02:20 [view ] -39.1017 146.9694 Other [view] Rsync Stop in2017_c02 password expired on samba
IN2017_C02 2017-05-12 23:00 [view ] -39.1848 146.9338 VSAT in2017_c02 retarget port ACU tv down
IN2017_C02 2017-05-13 03:50 [view ] -39.1890 146.8802 Other [view] drop cam 1 down in2017_c02 Descending for 4th time on target
IN2017_C02 2017-05-13 04:00 [view ] -39.1890 146.8800 ADCP [view] Start in2017_c02 OS75khz logging on Approaching target for drop cam
IN2017_C02 2017-05-13 04:16 [view ] -39.1888 146.8791 ADCP [view] Stop in2017_c02 OS75khz logging off Returned to multibeam survey mode
IN2017_C02 2017-05-13 19:40 [view ] -39.0540 146.8130 Grafana restarted in2017_c02 down since 0412
IN2017_C02 2017-05-14 00:11 [view ] -39.1082 146.7305 Video drop cam 2 down in2017_c02 SS Queensland (1874)
IN2017_C02 2017-05-14 01:20 [view ] -39.0822 146.7948 Smith Mac Grab [view] 1 Deployed in2017_c02
IN2017_C02 2017-05-14 01:46 [view ] -39.0822 146.7948 Smith Mac Grab [view] 2 Deployed in2017_c02
IN2017_C02 2017-05-14 02:46 [view ] -39.0822 146.7948 Smith Mac Grab [view] 3 Deployed in2017_c02
IN2017_C02 2017-05-14 04:30 [view ] -39.0322 146.9952 Other [view] tsg sample 1 in2017_c02
IN2017_C02 2017-05-14 04:32 [view ] -39.0330 147.0003 Other [view] tsg sample 3 in2017_c02
IN2017_C02 2017-05-14 04:34 [view ] -39.0338 147.0065 Other [view] tsg sample 2 in2017_c02
IN2017_C02 2017-05-14 09:13 [view ] -39.1935 146.9407 ADCP [view] Start in2017_c02 OS75khz logging on
IN2017_C02 2017-05-14 09:14 [view ] -39.1957 146.9378 EK60 [view] Start GSM_in2017_c02 Start Logging EK60 18, 38, 120, 200, 333
IN2017_C02 2017-05-14 09:33 [view ] -39.2438 146.8932 ADCP [view] Stop & Start in2017_c02 EM710 CB Depth transmission The EM710 config was modified to send CB depth to UHDAS.
IN2017_C02 2017-05-14 19:22 [view ] -40.9099 146.7414 Instrument Clean Seawater pump [view] Stop in2017_c02 Stopped coming up the Tamar.
IN2017_C02 2017-05-14 21:31 [view ] -41.1432 146.8580 Underway Seawater Data Stop in2017_c02 T1 and T2
IN2017_C02 2017-05-14 22:03 [view ] -41.1387 146.8597 Voyage Stop in2017_c02 Tied up in Bell Bay
IN2017_C02 2017-05-14 22:06 [view ] -41.1387 146.8597 uwyMerger Stop in2017_c02
IN2017_C02 2017-05-14 22:06 [view ] -41.1387 146.8597 Techsas1 [view] Stop in2017_c02 logging on Techsas1&2

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