Data Trawler - Event Details

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Event details

Voyage: IN2021_V03       [details]
Subject: Annual maintenance
When: 2021-05-02 23:21:00 UTC

- entered into Elog/Everlog as 2021-05-02 23:21:00
Log: in2021_v03/Atmospherics
Equipment: CCNC

Cloud Condensation Nuclei Counter [view]
Position: Latitude: -42.88633 Longitude: 147.33883

- entered into Elog as 42 53.18 S, 147 20.33 E
Action: Maintenance
11:35 shutting down
CCN:1015.7 hPa
Barometer:1016.4 hPa
Flow cal:
FlowCal tab values before doing anything:
Flow calibration results:

Flow check before maintenance - 497.7 ccm

Zero leak check OK.

11:35 shutting down

No spare DFUs in the maintenance kit. Checked DFU on the CPC and it quickly went to zero where it remained steady.

Desiccant tube checked OK.

Removed valve from above DFU and discovered it was in the wrong way (flow in the wrong direction compared to the DFU). Need to check.

Decided to delay the OPC clean the bisque disinfecting for next time and practice and document on the CSC CCN which is about to go back to DMT anyway.

Removed the capillary, sampling inlet manifolds (x2), and flow valve for cleaning in the ultrasonic.

Exchanged the nafion for a new one.

Checking pressure transducer against the one on the port side rack (after disconnecting from the manifold).
CCN: 1015.7 hPa
Barometer: 1016.4 hPa

Leak check - passed! Approx 0.1 mbar increase per second.


Flow cal:
Check before doing anything - 502.1 ccm (n=11)

FlowCal tab values before doing anything:

Sample flow y-int = -117.218

Sample flow Slope = 58.6627

Sheath flow y-int = -1557.34

Sheath flow slope = 689.24

Abs pressure y-int = 107

Abs pressure slope = 222.53

Set sample flow y-int and slope to 0 and 1, respectively and blocked the sheath flow path. Tried to do the sample cal and there was no flow. Checked capillary for condensation but it was OK. Checking flow directly into the top of the column, and still nothing. Suspect some issue with the nafion (as suggested in manual). Removing the nafion - I possibly kinked it when pushing it through accidentally. Removed the whole thing for inspection - compared to a new one, its lost a lot of colour, and it does indeed have a kink. Replacing with a new one. The new one was soaked in milliQ water in a clean ice-cream container for 10 minutes prior to insertion.

Seems to have come good again.

Flow calibration results:

Sample flow y-int = -118.03

Sample flow slope = 59.102

Sheath flow y-int = -1435.37

Sheath flow slope = 646.72

Turned manual override off to verify flows.

Sheath flow software read and gilibrator read within about 2 ccm (455 ccm) - OK

Sample flow software read and gilibrator read within about 2 ccm (43 ccm) - OK

Flow ratio 10.5 - OK

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