Data Trawler - Event Details

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Event details

Voyage: IN2019_E01       [details]
Subject: Annual maintenance
When: 2019-07-28 02:24:33 UTC

- entered into Elog/Everlog as 2019-07-28 02:24:33
Log: in2019_e01_Atmospherics
Equipment: MAAP

Thermo Scientific Model 5012 MultiAngle Atmospheric Photometer [view]
Position: Latitude: -9.957 Longitude: 135.44483

- entered into Elog as 9 57.42 S, 135 26.69 E
Action: Maintenance
  • Opened up optics to discover the reflection optics are very soiled (see attached image)
  • Need to fully disassemble optics to clean out properly in an IPA bath.
  • The transmission optics have been discovered to be quite dirty as well.(see attached image)
  • Removal of the stage has discovered that silicon has been applied in a poor manner to keep a seal on, but this has overflowed to stick the stage on in the back left corner. Cleaned up and removed this excess silicon.
  • Removed the "O-ring" seal, and brass shim surrounding the transmission optics.
  • Can& 39;t remove the transmission optics itself, so we& 39;re cleaning it in place with canned IPA and Q-tips making sure to clean the diode surfaces too.
  • Cleaning the reflection optics in a bath of IPC and agitating
  • Disassembling all the transmission optics and fully cleaning in ultrasonic bath, lots of rust everywhere.
  • After cleaning, discovered some of the matte black paint on the stage has been removed - this puts into question the quality of the data going forward. Need to check data going forward.
  • After full cleaning in bath, and rust removal with glass fibre pen and lots of q-tips, everything looked good. But after a while in the oven, Ian discovered liquid still in the reflection optics head. We took it apart a bit more to remove the excess water and while apart, put it in the oven for a few more hours.

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