Data Trawler - Event Details

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Event details

Voyage: IN2019_E01       [details]
Subject: Annual maintenance
When: 2019-07-21 15:00:00 UTC

- entered into Elog/Everlog as 2019-07-21 15:00:00
Log: in2019_e01_Atmospherics
Equipment: CPC 3772

Condensation Particle Counter (TSI 3772) [view]
Position: Position not recorded in Elog/Everlog.
Action: Maintenance
Maintenance on the CPC including:

Maintenance on the CPC including:

- Butanol fill filter replacement, including regeneration of the old filter after ultrasonic bath

- Nozzle and OPC clean. Nozzle was pretty clean. OPC had a bunch of white stuff in it which was cleaned out with a Q-tip and water. Noted there was a bit of uneven grease on the o-ring between the column and OPC.

- Inspected internal plumbing - all connections were good, and no butanol was in the wrong lines.

- Wick was removed and dried overnight in the fume cupboard, reinstalled the next morning all good.

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