Data Trawler - Event Details

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Event details

Voyage: IN2015_V02       [details]
Subject: attempting to start em710 to get depth data - failed
When: 2015-05-21 18:45:45 UTC

- entered into Elog/Everlog as 2015-05-21 18:45:45
Log: GSM_in2015_v02
Equipment: EM710

Kongsberg EM710-MK2 multibeam echo sounder (40kHz - 100kHz) [view]
Position: Latitude: -27.2292 Longitude: 154.4339 Position from underway logging
attempting to start the em710 as depth data is required for mooring operations 18:45 utc

attempting to start the em710 as depth data is required for mooring operations 18:45 utc

have set k-sync profile to very deep as per "depth mode settings" in red section of general operations manual

em710 and sbp120 only enabled units.

em710 set to "pinging". depth mode set to extra deep

depth settings - max depth set to 2500

Tried this out but it didn't work. Max deepth 2500 is not enough.

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