Data Trawler - Event Details

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Event details

Voyage: IN2018_V08       [details]
When: 2018-12-30 04:07:25 UTC
Log: Geology_Rocks_in2018_v08
Equipment: Not specified
Position: Latitude: -40.1408 Longitude: 157.11125

- entered into Elog as -40.140800, 157.111250
Sample number:IN2018_V08_D02_016
Dredge Date:29/12/2018
Sample Number Assigned:Yes
Sample photographed (include scale and sample number):Yes
Sample sawn:Yes
Sawn sample photographed:Yes
Number of photos:4
Colour:black | white | brown
Alteration:Mn crust | altered
Grain size:sand and silt (<2 mm) | pebble (2-64 mm)
Grain shape:angular
Components:crystals | scoria | carbonate/fossil | volcanic non-vesicular
Sample bagged:yes
Bucket number:014
Rock name:altered granule to pebble conglomerate
Comments:Poorly-sorted granule to pebble conglomerate. Some sand component. Zeolite (white) cement. Some clasts appear very vesicular, aso massive gray basalt fragments. Minor crystals cut by vein-filled with fossils and other fragments. Mn-coating 1.5 cm thick in parts.
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