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Event details
Voyage: | IN2019_V04 [details] |
When: | 2019-08-14 13:03:36 UTC |
Log: | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 |
Equipment: | Not specified |
Position: | Latitude: -17.3789 Longitude: 155.5786 Position from underway logging |
Sample number: | in2019_v04_D15_010 |
Dredge: | D15 |
Sample Number Assigned: | Yes |
Sample photographed (include scale and sample number): | yes |
Number of photos: | 8 |
Sample sawn: | Yes |
Sticker: | yes |
Colour: | grey-dark | green |
Composition: | mafic |
Alteration: | altered |
Grain shape: | angular |
Sorting: | poor |
Components: | volcanic non-vesicular |
Sample bagged: | yes |
Bucket number: | 32 |
Rock name: | Poorly sorted monomictic mafic pebble breccia cross-cut by quartz veins |
Comments: | Similar to IN2019_V04_D15_006. Some of the breccia fragments are mid grey in colour and are probably the freshest igneous material in this dredge. Rock is cross-cut by veins < 2mm wide dominating contains a transient mineral that does not fizz with acid like quartz. Some parts of the veins also contain calcite. |