Data Trawler - Event Details

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Event details

Voyage: IN2020_V01       [details]
When: 2020-03-01 18:37:50 UTC

- entered into Elog/Everlog as 2020-03-01 18:37:50
Log: Updated Dredge in2020_v01
Equipment: Not specified
Position: Latitude: -33.76683 Longitude: 101.92233

- entered into Elog as 33 46.01 S, 101 55.34 E
Dredge Number:D20
Wind Direction (deg):4.33
Planned Heading (deg):090
Dip Direction of Slope (deg):250
Current Velocity (m/min):2
Current Direction (deg):172
WP2 Depth (m):3680
WP3 Depth (m):3000
Ellipsoidal Distance (metres):1200
Rise/Run (auto-filled):0.567
WP3 Target Wire Out (m):4500
Speed Through Water Average (WP1 to WP2) (knots):0.1
Speed Over Ground Average (WP2 to WP3) (knots):0.7
WP3 Actual Wire Out (m):4500
Ship speed at retrival (knots):0.3
Ship speed at retrival (m/min) (auto-filled):9.26
Retrival Wire Speed (m/min):15
Wire Out at First Tension Spike (m):4497
Tension Max (Tonnes):11.9
Hung Up:Yes
Wire Out Off Bottom (meters):2970
Overall Operation Rating:7
Completion Time:21
Dredge in water at 18:38, stop-and-drop deployment technique.
Wire paying out at 60 m/min at 18:43.
Dredge at 3680m wire out ;at 19:40.
Start hauling in 15m/min at 20:43.
Tension spikes:11 (wire out 3060m); 
Dredge off bottom at 23:17, wire out 2970m, water depth 3100m, ship at 101.926,-33.759.
Dredge on deck at 00:21; Dredge 3/4 full.

Dredge in water at 18:38, stop-and-drop deployment technique.

Planned WP2 (dredge on botttom) position is 101 55.34,-33 46.0.

Wire paying out at 60 m/min at 18:43.

Dredge at 3680m wire out at 19:44, ship 101.92,-33.76. Paying wire out at 15m/min. Dredge looks to be on bottom at 19:46 (ie inflection point in tension line). Paying out at 20 m/min at 20:24. Paying out 10m/min at 20:38, 5m/min at 20:40.

Start hauling in 15m/min at 20:43.

Tension spikes: 10t at 20:45 (winch problem so stopped hauling in); restarted at 20:51 at 10m/min then 15m/min; 9.2 at 20:54; 9.9 at 21:02; 9.5 at 21:04; 10.2 at 21:09; 9.5 at 21:12; 10.2 at 21:14; 10.6 at 21:15; 10.5 at 21:17; 10.4 at 21:19; 10 at 21:23; 9.7 at 21:28; 10.4 at 21:29; 10.7 at 21:30; 10.3 at 21:32; 10.4 at 21:33; 10.5 at 21:34; 10.6 at 21:35; 10.9 at 21:36; 11.7 at 21:38; 11.4 at 21:39; 11.5 at 21:41; 10.5 at 21:44; 10.8 at 21:45; 11.8 at 21:46; 11.9 at 21:47; 10.3 at 21:50; 11.8 at 21:52 - hook up (wire out ~3580m); ship moving W-SWwards down the dredge-slope in attempt to unhook...appears to be unhooked at 22:30 (wire out ~3520m)-recommence haul-in at 15m/min; 10 at 22:41; 11.4 at 22:59 - hookup (wire out ~3100m)...ship moving W-SWwards down the dredge-slope in attempt to unhook...appears to be unhooked at 23:11 (wire out 3060m);

Dredge off bottom at 23:17, wire out 2970m, water depth 3100m, ship at 101.926,-33.759.

Dredge on deck at 00:21; Dredge 3/4 full.

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