Event details
Voyage: | IN2020_V01 [details] |
When: | 2020-02-19 18:55:37 UTC - entered into Elog/Everlog as 2020-02-19 18:55:37 |
Log: | Updated Dredge in2020_v01 |
Equipment: | Not specified |
Position: |
Latitude: -31.91217 Longitude: 96.03983
- entered into Elog as 31 54.73 S, 96 02.39 E |
Dredge Number: | D16 |
Wind Direction (deg): | 7.95 |
Planned Heading (deg): | 045 |
Dip Direction of Slope (deg): | 150 |
Current Velocity (m/min): | 9 |
Current Direction (deg): | 266 |
WP2 Depth (m): | 1862 |
WP3 Depth (m): | 1441 |
Ellipsoidal Distance (metres): | 749 |
Run-in Factor: | 0.8 |
WP1 to WP2 (metres): | 1850 |
Target Wire Factor: | 1.2 |
WP3 Target Wire Out (m): | 2235 |
Speed Through Water Average (WP1 to WP2) (knots): | 2.3 |
Speed Over Ground Average (WP2 to WP3) (knots): | 1.8 |
WP3 Actual Wire Out (m): | 2235 |
Retrival Wire Speed (m/min): | 15 |
Wire Out at First Tension Spike (m): | 3.9 |
Tension Max (Tonnes): | 10.4 |
Hung Up: | Yes |
Wire Out Off Bottom (meters): | 1700 |
Overall Operation Rating: | 5 |
Completion Time: | 42 |
Attachment: | 200219_194041_D16_paying_out.JPG,200219_213454_D16_grafana_at_surface.jpg |
Dredge in water at 18: | 06 (WP1). |
Target dredge on bottom (WP2): | 96 03.655,-31 53.849 at 1862m depth. |
Dredge on bottom at 19: | 43? |
Stop paying out (60m/min) at 19: | 52. |
Tension spikes: | 00 after ship moved gradualy back towards bottom of slope (ship at 96.063,-31.898) over 45mins; |
Hauling in at 30 m/min at 21: | 05. |
Dredge at surface at 21: | 42. |
Comments: | Dredge in water at 18:55 at 96.040,-31.912. Paying out 60m/min at 19:06 (WP1). Target dredge on bottom (WP2): 96 03.655,-31 53.849 at 1862m depth. Dredge on bottom at 19:43? Stop paying out (60m/min) at 19:47 (ship at 96.067,-31.893). Start hauling in (15m/min) at 19:52. Tension spikes: 4.4t at 19:53; 4.5 at 19:54; 4.9 at 19:57; 5.2 at 19:58; 4.9 at 19:59; 4.6 at 20:02; 5.0 at 20:04; 5.1 at 20:05; 5 at 20:06; 5.3 at 20:07; 5 at 20:08; 5.1 at 20:09; 5 at 20:11; 5 at 20:12; 5.8 at 20:13; 7.7 at 20:14; 9 at 20:15; 10.4 at 20:16 - hookup...unhooked and dredge off bottom at about 21:00 after ship moved gradualy back towards bottom of slope (ship at 96.063,-31.898) over 45mins; Hauling in at 30 m/min at 21:03; 60 m/min at 21:05. Dredge at surface at 21:33 - on deck at 21:42. |