Data Trawler - Event Details

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Event details

Voyage: IN2020_V01       [details]
When: 2020-02-17 23:11:37 UTC

- entered into Elog/Everlog as 2020-02-17 23:11:37
Log: Updated Dredge in2020_v01
Equipment: Not specified
Position: Latitude: -35.0655 Longitude: 93.97667

- entered into Elog as 35 03.93 S, 93 58.6 E
Dredge Number:Test
Wind Direction (deg):63.2
Planned Heading (deg):30 ------------Ground course (deg)--------------
Break of Slope (deg):30--------------Slope dip direction (deg)--------------
Current Velocity (m/min):15
Current Direction (deg):90
Speed Through Water Average (WP1 to WP2):11.95---------------kn
Speed Over Ground Average (WP2 to Retrival Start/WP3):370--------------(M/min = kn x 30.87)
Run-in Factor:.8
Ellipsoidal Distance:1000
Target Wire Factor:1.2
Actual wireout at dredge retrival (WP3) start:3026
Ship speed at retrival (knots):.2
Ship speed at retrival (m/min):6.17
Retrival Wire Speed (m/min):15
First Tension Spike Scope:2850
Tension Max (Tonnes):9.9
Hung Up:Yes
Off Bottom Scope:1850
Overall Operation Rating:5
Completion Time:30



  1. 7t
  2. 8t
  3. 5
  4. 4t

winch delay spooling issue.

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