Data Trawler - Event Details

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Event details

Voyage: IN2020_V01       [details]
When: 2020-02-12 14:49:08 UTC

- entered into Elog/Everlog as 2020-02-12 14:49:08
Log: Updated Dredge in2020_v01
Equipment: Not specified
Position: Latitude: -52.82467 Longitude: 79.48017

- entered into Elog as 52 49.48 S, 79 28.81 E
Dredge Number:D13
Wind Direction (deg):349
Planned Heading (deg):220
Break of Slope (deg):075
Current Velocity (m/min):240
Current Direction (deg):356
Speed Through Water Average (WP1 to WP2):1.6
Speed Over Ground Average (WP2 to Retrival Start/WP3):0.7
Run-in Factor:0.8
Distance Deployment (WP1) to WP2 (WP2 depth * run-in factor):976.00
Ellipsoidal Distance:677
Rise/Run ( (WP2 depth - WP3 depth)/Ellipsoidal) ):0.81
Target Wire Factor:1.2
WP2 Target Scope (WP2 Depth * Wire Factor):1464.00
Actual wireout at dredge retrival (WP3) start:652
Ship speed at retrival (knots):0.5
Ship speed at retrival (m/min):15.43
Retrival Wire Speed (m/min):60
Tension Max (Tonnes):10
Hung Up:Yes
Overall Operation Rating:7
Completion Time:21
Dredge in water at utc 14:49 (79.48,-52.82) - water depth 1410m, begin paying out 60m/min
Dredge on bottom utc 15:15 wire out 1420m (79.464,-52.834) ship water depth 615m
Ship heading changed to 300 at end of pay-out/start of haul-in; utc 15:31 start haul in from 10 to 15 m/min
Dredge off bottom at 16:57 wire out 652m.
Dredge at surface at 17:11 (79.464, -52.833).
Dredge on deck at 17:21. Haul of 1/3 dredge chain bag.

Dredge in water at utc 14:49 (79.48,-52.82) - water depth 1410m, begin paying out 60m/min

Dredge on bottom utc 15:15 wire out 1420m (79.464,-52.834) ship water depth 615m

Ship heading changed to 300 at end of pay-out/start of haul-in; utc 15:31 start haul in from 10 to 15 m/min

Current velocity 0.2 knts at 356

spikes: 3t at UTC 15:19 (dredge dragged along bottom?); 10t at 15:25; 4t at 15:36; 6+t at 15:38; 10t at 15:40; 7t at 15:43; 6t at 15:46; 5t at 15:48; 5t at 15:50; 5t at 15:54; 5t at 15:56; 9t at 15:58; 10t at 15:59 - hook-up at 15:59 spike up to 9.9t; umhooked at 16:08; 5t at 16:11; 7t at 16:12; 9.9t at 16:14 - hookup (wire out about 930m); unhooked at 16:29 (wire out back to 930m); 7-8t spikes at 16:31; 9t at 16:32; 5t at 16:37; 9+t at 16:39 - hookup; unhooked at 16:52;

Dredge off bottom at 16:53; wire out 717m (79.463,-52.833). Haul in (30 m/min) started at 16:57 wire out 652m.

Dredge at surface at 17:11 (79.464, -52.833).

Dredge on deck at 17:21. Haul of 1/3 dredge chain bag.

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