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Event details
Voyage: | IN2020_V01 [details] |
When: | 2020-02-14 22:34:59 UTC |
Log: | Geology_Rocks_in2020_v01 |
Equipment: | Not specified |
Position: | Latitude: -46.6798 Longitude: 84.9868 Position from underway logging |
Sample number: | IN2020_V01_D12_002 |
Dredge: | D12 |
Sample Number Assigned: | Yes |
Sample photographed (include scale and sample number): | yes, in IN2020_V01_D12_002 |
Number of photos: | 7 |
Sample sawn: | Yes |
Sticker: | yes |
Colour: | grey-dark | pink | brown | yellow |
Composition: | mafic |
Alteration: | Mn crust | altered |
Phenocryst abundance (%): | 0 |
Groundmass: | microcrystaline | altered |
Mn crust thickness (mm): | 2 |
Vesicle abundance: | <10% |
Vesicle Filling (%): | 98 |
Vesicle fill: | calcite, clay, zeolite |
Grain size: | sand (<2 mm) | pebble (2-64 mm) |
Grain shape: | mixture |
Sorting: | poor |
Components: | volcanic vesicular |
Cement: | calcite | zeolite | other |
Sample bagged: | yes |
Bucket number: | 2 of 3 |
Rock name: | Strongly altered, vesicular, aphanitic, basalt breccia/autobreccia? |
Original Sample Dimensions: | 61x33x12 cm |
Comments: | "clasts" are angular to subrounded, up to ~5cm. Monomict. False matrix-support texture and jigsaw-fit texture in some zones. Strongly calcite and clay/zeolite alteration; highly fractured. Possibly an altered autobreccia? Not all of sample kept. |