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Event details
Voyage: | IN2019_V07 [details] |
Subject: | Start of run between Wreck Sites UNID2 and UNID6 |
When: | 2019-04-14 20:13:47 UTC - entered into Elog/Everlog as 2019-04-14 20:13:47 |
Log: | GSM_in2019_v07 |
Equipment: | SBP
Kongsberg SBP120 Sub-Bottom Profiler [view] |
Position: |
Latitude: -38.68233 Longitude: 147.25433
- entered into Elog as 38 40.94 S, 147 15.26 E |
Action: | Start |
Line: | 0056 |
Seastate: | 5 |
Comments: | Line plan has been developed to be run 200m to the south of the provided positions (at request of Chief Scientitist Emily). Since the UNID's are magnetic targets they have been fouind to locate ~280m to the SW of the magnetic positions in previous wreck searches (pers. comm. Emily). |