Data Trawler - Deployment Details

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Deployment Details

Survey: - SS199803 [details]

Deployment Type: - Catch

Operation No.: 445

Gear: Benthic sled

When: 1998-10-09 17:55 to 1998-10-09 18:09 UTC

Where: 14° 05.5' S    136° 15.7' E
to 14° 06.3' S    136° 15.6' E

Maximum Depth (m): unknown

Description: Benthic Dredge (Near S_Groote 1 transect)

Comments: quite muddy washed out on back deck though lugg basket and again in soritng room very sticky mud

Gear used
NetSampleStartEndStart depthEnd depthMethodEffort
Benthic sled 1998-10-09 17:55 1998-10-09 18:09 Sled 14 Minutes

Catch Composition

CAABTaxaCount Weight (kg)
10000000 Porifera 0.267
28047002 Acanthosquilla multifasciata 1 0.006
22000000 Polychaeta 38 0.303
23231000 Glycymerididae 3 0.015
23270003 Amusium pleuronectes 8 0.089
23335000 Cardiidae 2 0.008
23359000 Donacidae 1 0.001
23380000 Veneridae 25 0.196
23609000 Sepiolidae 1 0.001
24079000 Turritellidae 2 0.003
25102000 Asteroidea 1 0.002
25160000 Ophiuroidea 5 0.041
25200000 Echinoidea 17 0.404
25406000 Phyllophoridae, Thyonidae 4 1.027
28051051 Oratosquillina inornata 1 0.019
28711909 Trachypenaeus spp. 2 0.006
28765000 Alpheidae 1 0.002
28870002 Paradorippe australiensis 4 0.016
28875012 Calappa clypeata 4 0.012
28876016 Ixa inermis 1 0.001
28876018 Myra biconica 4 0.015
28876021 Urnalana whitei 1 0.001
28876022 Leucosia ocellata 17 0.04
28880034 Phalangipus longipes 2 0.014
28895001 Aulacolambrus hoplonotus 4 0.013
28895002 Parthenope longimanus 4 0.009
28911027 Lupocycloporus gracilimanus 4 0.029
28911030 Xiphonectes hastatoides 1 0.001
28924003 Liagore rubromaculata 3 0.017
28940002 Xenophthalmus pinnotheroides 2 0.002
35000000 Ascidiacea 5 0.084
37068000 Ophichthidae 4 0.01
37296013 Elates ransonnettii 1 0.011
99110184 Studeriotes sp. (Alcyonarian 3) 1 0.009
99280222 Leucosia sp. 1 1 0.002
99280305 Eucrate sp. 2 2 0.003
99280359 Ceratoplax sp. 1 6 0.016
99280360 Ceratoplax sp. 2 2 0.003
11001000 Hydroida 1 0.002
Deployment observations.
Bottom type:Sand
Cloud cover:5/8
Sea direction:0 degrees
Sea state:Smooth
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