Data Trawler - Deployment Details

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Deployment Details

Survey: - AU199101 [details]

Deployment Type: - CTD Cast / Hydrology

Cast: 34

When: 1991-10-25 19:16 to 1991-10-25 21:27 UTC

Where: 44° 42.2' S    145° 56.2' E
to 44° 41.9' S    145° 55.9' E

Maximum Depth (m): 3286

CTD profile - view full size

View two CTD profiles of Salinity versus Fluorescence and Temperature versus Oxygen.

Bottle Data

Pressure Oxygen
24 3.4 282.70 34.717 11.50 1.00 3.80
23 23.6 283.60 34.716 11.50 1.00 3.70
22 48.1 283.00 34.717 11.50 1.00 3.60
21 99.2 279.00 34.718 12.00 1.03 3.70
20 148 273.30 34.717 12.80 1.07 3.90
19 198.7 274.10 34.713 12.90 1.08 3.90
18 298.9 265.30 34.719 13.60 1.13 4.20
17 398.1 249.80 34.624 17.10 1.34 5.80
16 498.2 244.10 34.548 19.40 1.48 7.50
15 597.5 227.20 34.495 22.30 1.66 11.00
14 697.4 207.20 34.484 25.30 1.92 16.20
13 797.4 196.90 34.447 28.00 2.02 24.20
12 897.7 194.30 34.423 29.70 2.16 31.40
11 998.3 194.30 34.402 31.50 2.28 40.20
10 1196.4 183.40 34.436 33.50 2.43 55.70
9 1397.4 177.70 34.487 34.80 2.53 67.70
8 1596.2 171.10 34.581 34.90 2.53 79.40
7 1795.3 173.40 34.645 34.00 2.47 85.00
6 1995.6 176.00 34.680 33.40 2.43 88.30
5 2296.2 180.60 34.718 33.00 2.40 97.40
4 2595.7 182.60 34.738 32.90 2.40 105.10
3 2897.6 187.70 34.733 32.80 2.40 110.90
2 3198.5 193.40 34.732 32.80 2.39 115.90
1 3283.9 195.40 34.729 32.80 2.41 117.60
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