Data Trawler - Deployment Details

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Deployment Details

Survey: - AU199101 [details]

Deployment Type: - CTD Cast / Hydrology

Cast: 33

When: 1991-10-24 13:00 to 1991-10-24 16:16 UTC

Where: 50° 12.9' S    143° 10.3' E
to 50° 11.9' S    143° 13.1' E

Maximum Depth (m): 4054

CTD profile - view full size

View two CTD profiles of Salinity versus Fluorescence and Temperature versus Oxygen.

Bottle Data

Pressure Oxygen
23 2.7 294.50 34.202 17.60 1.37 4.50
22 47.2 294.80 34.201 17.70 1.38 4.40
21 96.3 292.80 34.217 17.70 1.37 4.40
20 147.8 288.80 34.306 17.00 1.33 4.50
19 198.1 288.80 34.317 16.90 1.32 4.50
18 298.9 277.30 34.461 15.90 1.27 4.50
17 396.5 253.20 34.579 17.60 1.37 6.40
16 496.1 240.60 34.474 21.20 1.58 9.70
15 596.8 218.60 34.470 24.50 1.79 14.80
14 797.9 208.60 34.379 29.70 2.13 27.20
13 997 218.30 34.313 32.10 2.31 37.20
12 1196.7 192.20 34.408 34.20 2.47 54.90
11 1398 188.20 34.498 35.10 2.53 68.70
10 1597.4 174.70 34.577 34.90 2.51 76.70
9 1797.8 178.20 34.646 33.90 2.43 79.80
8 1994 181.60 34.694 33.00 2.37 83.30
7 2195.3 188.50 34.723 32.20 2.31 84.70
6 2496.2 195.70 34.750 31.50 2.27 90.70
5 2797.4 200.50 34.750 31.50 2.27 98.90
4 3096.6 202.80 34.739 32.00 2.31 109.50
3 3495.5 204.80 34.723 32.80 2.37 121.30
2 3992.1 207.70 34.717 32.90 2.38 125.30
1 4052.7 208.30 34.718 32.80 2.38 125.50
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