Data Trawler - Deployment Details

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Deployment Details

Survey: - AU199101 [details]

Deployment Type: - CTD Cast / Hydrology

Cast: 15

When: 1991-10-10 23:22 to 1991-10-11 01:47 UTC

Where: 49° 12.9' S    143° 38.1' E
to 49° 12.7' S    143° 39.9' E

Maximum Depth (m): 4128

CTD profile - view full size

View two CTD profiles of Salinity versus Fluorescence and Temperature versus Oxygen.

Bottle Data

Pressure Oxygen
24 6.7 277.50 34.623 13.70 1.17 3.90
23 22.4 277.50 34.623 13.80 1.16 3.80
22 45.4 276.90 34.634 13.70 1.21 3.70
21 95.7 277.20 34.634 13.70 1.16 3.70
20 148 276.00 34.635 13.70 1.16 3.70
19 195.1 275.70 34.633 13.70 1.16 3.70
18 400.8 275.40 34.639 13.70 1.16 3.60
17 595.9 258.70 34.609 17.00 1.36 5.70
16 696.8 246.90 34.525 19.90 1.53 7.80
15 784.5 230.50 34.481 22.70 1.71 11.00
14 950.1 210.90 34.427 27.20 2.01 19.90
13 1095 213.20 34.359 30.00 2.21 28.20
12 1200.3 210.30 34.351 31.40 2.32 36.00
11 1391.5 198.20 34.396 33.50 2.47 49.20
10 1599.3 183.80 34.477 34.60 2.55 62.00
9 1797.6 177.80 34.566 34.50 2.54 70.50
8 1999.4 177.80 34.640 33.70 2.48 77.00
7 2196 180.90 34.701 33.00 2.42 80.30
6 2498 190.70 34.739 31.60 2.34 84.20
5 2794.6 195.30 34.761 31.30 2.32 93.30
4 3094.3 199.70 34.756 31.50 2.34 100.50
3 3394 203.70 34.742 32.10 2.38 111.40
2 3699.6 205.10 34.733 32.40 2.39 116.80
1 4127.3 206.00 34.728 32.50 2.40 118.30
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