Data Trawler - Deployment Details

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Deployment Details

Survey: - AU199101 [details]

Deployment Type: - CTD Cast / Hydrology

Cast: 14

When: 1991-10-10 17:01 to 1991-10-10 19:49 UTC

Where: 48° 45.1' S    143° 55.0' E
to 48° 44.9' S    143° 55.9' E

Maximum Depth (m): 4422

CTD profile - view full size

View two CTD profiles of Salinity versus Fluorescence and Temperature versus Oxygen.

Bottle Data

Pressure Oxygen
23 5.2 277.60 34.564 13.50 1.15 3.50
22 94.5 278.40 34.564 13.50 1.15 3.40
21 297.1 276.70 34.589 13.40 1.15 3.30
20 497.1 269.60 34.647 14.00 1.18 3.90
19 596.9 263.00 34.657 15.00 1.24 4.60
18 696.5 257.00 34.621 16.60 1.34 5.50
17 797.2 244.40 34.529 19.70 1.52 7.70
16 894.8 220.90 34.479 23.60 1.77 12.60
15 995.8 210.30 34.434 26.60 1.96 18.00
14 1095.2 212.00 34.380 29.00 2.12 24.40
13 1198.8 213.50 34.349 30.40 2.23 29.60
12 1398.9 201.40 34.369 32.80 2.42 44.80
11 1596.2 182.00 34.453 34.40 2.54 60.20
10 1801.1 175.10 34.545 34.70 2.56 71.80
9 1996.7 176.80 34.621 33.90 2.50 75.20
8 2194.3 180.30 34.673 33.10 2.44 77.70
7 2395.9 185.10 34.718 32.30 2.37 81.60
6 2597.4 190.90 34.744 31.60 2.32 82.60
5 2899 197.20 34.756 31.20 2.30 90.50
4 3096 202.90 34.744 32.10 2.36 109.00
3 3399 204.30 34.728 32.50 2.39 116.10
2 3697 206.90 34.736 32.60 2.40 121.10
1 4421.2 208.30 34.739 32.70 2.40 123.40
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