Data Trawler - Deployment Details

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Deployment Details

Survey: - AU199101 [details]

Deployment Type: - CTD Cast / Hydrology

Cast: 9

When: 1991-10-09 04:45 to 1991-10-09 07:14 UTC

Where: 45° 49.8' S    145° 25.7' E
to 45° 49.3' S    145° 26.3' E

Maximum Depth (m): 2872

CTD profile - view full size

View two CTD profiles of Salinity versus Fluorescence and Temperature versus Oxygen.

Bottle Data

Pressure Oxygen
(deg C)
22 2.1 275.70 34.726 12.60 9.52 1.09 3.70
24 2.1 276.80 34.727 12.50 1.09 3.80
23 2.1 276.20 34.728 12.60 1.09 3.80
21 197.2 276.20 34.728 12.60 1.09 3.80
20 295.9 273.90 34.738 12.70 1.09 3.80
19 394.3 263.90 34.717 14.00 1.18 4.40
18 496.8 249.20 34.582 18.30 1.45 6.80
17 596.7 236.00 34.495 21.60 1.66 9.90
16 696.7 217.30 34.459 24.80 1.86 15.00
15 796.2 209.30 34.425 27.30 2.03 21.40
14 896.6 201.80 34.407 29.30 2.18 29.20
13 997.2 202.90 34.388 30.90 2.30 36.20
12 1096 208.70 34.355 32.00 2.39 41.20
11 1197 198.90 34.388 33.40 2.48 49.70
10 1297.3 191.40 34.423 34.10 2.53 57.80
9 1395.1 186.30 34.459 34.40 2.57 62.70
8 1595 177.60 34.557 34.30 2.56 72.30
7 1798.7 178.50 34.637 33.50 2.49 77.40
6 1995.1 180.80 34.690 32.70 2.44 81.40
5 2197.1 183.40 34.724 32.20 2.41 86.40
4 2397.3 182.20 34.740 32.40 2.43 98.40
3 2596.1 184.80 34.742 32.50 2.44 105.70
2 2799.5 188.00 34.743 32.30 2.42 107.00
1 2871.5 190.90 34.740 32.30 2.43 109.40
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