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Deployment Details
Survey: - KAPALA [details]
Deployment Type: - Catch
Station: 950510
Operation No.: 3498
When: 1995-05-09 12:00 to 1995-05-09 12:30 UTC
Where: 32° 51.0' S 151° 56.0' E
Maximum Depth (m): 35
Gear used
Net | Sample | Start | End | Start depth | End depth | Method | Effort |
Triple-rig Florida Flyers | 1995-05-09 12:00 | 1995-05-09 12:30 | 31 | 35 | ? | 30 Minutes |
Catch Composition
CAAB | Taxa | Count | Weight (kg) |
37019004 | Sphyrna zygaena | 1 | |
37467050 | Reicheltia halsteadi | 75 | |
37027009 | Aptychotrema rostrata | 1 | |
37038018 | Urolophus kapalensis | 1 | |
37039001 | Myliobatis tenuicaudata | 2 | |
37067002 | Gnathophis longicauda | 15 | |
37255007 | Optivus agastos | 15 | |
37258003 | Centroberyx affinis | 75 | |
37278002 | Fistularia petimba | 2 | |
37287048 | Centropogon australis | 15 | |
37287058 | Notesthes robusta | 5 | |
37288002 | Lepidotrigla papilio | 2 | |
37296007 | Platycephalus caeruleopunctatus | 1 | |
37296036 | Platycephalus grandispinis | 500 | |
37296038 | Platycephalus marmoratus | 1 | |
37321005 | Pelates sexlineatus | 500 | |
37327002 | Dinolestes lewini | 15 | |
37330005 | Sillago robusta | 100 | |
37330014 | Sillago flindersi | 500 | |
37337003 | Trachurus novaezelandiae | 15 | |
37349015 | Gerres ovatus | 2 | |
37353001 | Chrysophrys auratus | 5 | |
37355001 | Upeneichthys lineatus | 6 | |
37357006 | Pempheris analis | 35 | |
37361010 | Atypichthys strigatus | 1 | |
37427015 | Repomucenus calcaratus | 35 | |
37460001 | Lophonectes gallus | 35 | |
37460009 | Pseudorhombus arsius | 1 | |
37460031 | Pseudorhombus tenuirastrum | 15 | |
37462010 | Zebrias scalaris | 15 | |
37462018 | Synclidopus macleayanus | 100 | |
37463001 | Paraplagusia bilineata | 35 | |
37466002 | Anoplocapros inermis | 2 | |
37466008 | Tetrosomus reipublicae | 5 | |
37027006 | Trygonorrhina fasciata | 2 |